>cashing out
I seriously hope none of you guys fell for this meme
this is the worst meme
>cashing out
I seriously hope none of you guys fell for this meme
this is the worst meme
How else are you supposed to pay your bills
mommy pays for them
feels good when your parents dont hate you and kick you out at 18
> pay your bills
see below
unironically this
rent and bills are for complete financially retarded normies
>parents don't support you
>financially retarded
Oh man, I wish you got the boot at 18
I got the boot when i was 16, by the time i was 18 i was already doing better than them and had a creditscore 300 points higher.
>he thinks he isnt financially retarded for paying rent and bills
nigga just go homeless
I would rather live in a tent in the woods than pay rent and bills like a cuck
There are no words to describe this level of autism; you should look into becoming some sort of case study.
I'm moving to Singapore in a year, and then I'm cashing out to fiat.
>rentcuck who pays taxes for asylum seekers calls me an autist
what a surprise
don't be jealous of my superior character and intellect, cuck
Ever consider van dwelling? It was a dream of mine to live in a van for a couple years to save an assload of money, but than i got married and she got prego so dream dead. Although... Im still trying to convince her to do it for a year :P
top kek m8 hope this was bait
no idiot I'm 100% serious
paying rent and bills before you are rich(1m$) makes you financially retarded by definition
Why do you people literally want to live like hobos? What is so romantic about it? Get a nice RV if you want to travel and see the continent or whatever.
this guy gets it
its not romantic its about saving money
why would I care where I shitpost from or where I'm sleeping
Can someone honestly answer me why dumbasses who go live "alone" think they are financially responsible now?
One friend of mine told me "omg lol you still live with your parents? You have to become independent dude"
He said it right after I told him I didn't want to be his roomie, he spends most of this wage paying bills and rent, when he could be still living with his parents saving up money, unless your parents kick you out I see no reason to go live alone if you are not rich
Then why is it a dream of yours? Is your dream really to save money?
I'm not the guy who said it was his dream
Can someone honestly answer me why dumbasses who go live "alone" think they are financially responsible now?
because they are retarded normies, that's why
Your friend said independent not financially responsible you retard. He's right, you're a loser who lives with his parents.
This, live with you parents as long as you can, it's like living in a hotel for free.
You act like people have parents that care about them, and that's okay, you're admittedly sheltered. Let me break it to you now. Most people don't have someone willing to work for them and give them neetbux, and most people would be to ashamed to anyways. I hope you clean your own room at least.
Yep. This is why the best entrepreneurs sleep in their office instead of pay for shitty expensive apartments. You're literally retarded if you waste money on rent.
Also, living with your parents is the best financial decision one could make in their 20s. I literally have over 400K saved at 28 and have a Music degree, meanwhile my a lot of my friends who studied CS and Electrical Engineering got jobs in Silicon Valley and have blown almost everything.
>You act like people have parents that care about them
no, I advised you to go homeless to avoid rent and bills but you are too pussy and too financially retarded to take it seriously
> Most people don't have someone willing to work for them and give them neetbux
that's why you are willing to work for someone else and pay them "rentbux"?
you are a cuck to your renter and government
>and most people would be to ashamed to anyways. I hope you clean your own room at least.
you are trying to make me feel bad for not paying rent like an absolute cuck
because you are too much of a pussy to go homeless like a real alpha who refuses to pay for renters and gibsmedats
just imagine how your renter feels every month after collecting your hard earned money
yep, I don't believe that rent cucks are even browsing Veeky Forums, absolutely disgusting
> willing to work for someone else and pay them "rentbux"?
Sounds like you just don't like capitalism. That I can get behind. But letting capitalism make me literally homeless is the definition of cucked.
I tried this once...
Office management caught on and told me to GTFO
my parents charge me rent if i stayed with them dumbass you arent saving shit
>be homeless 1 year
>invest the money saved on rent in crypto
>buy multiple houses
>keep paying rent
>die paying rent
your choise normie
I would lose my job if I was homeless and make far less money than I do now. If you can't save and invest serious money with a well paying job it's not because of rent, you're just bad with money. Rent is like
>my job
I don't work so my mind is 100% clear and focused on my investments, making sure I make the best decisions and stay updated to the latest crypto news
basically I research shitcoins while you are at work
i'm 25 y/o, If my calculations are correct, I'll be retired by the time I'm 30
get on my level