Is it just me or has western philosophy always been far superior to it's eastern competitors?
Socrates, Aristotle, Plato, Seneca, Kant, Luther, etc... have brought far superior developments to the philosophy game than Confucius or Lao Tzu
Is it just me or has western philosophy always been far superior to it's eastern competitors?
Socrates, Aristotle, Plato, Seneca, Kant, Luther, etc... have brought far superior developments to the philosophy game than Confucius or Lao Tzu
Eastern philosophy never really divorced itself from religion and is then like medieval religious philosophy.
Yeah modern western philosophy is not going to see eastern philosophers very highly but you are biaised if you respect people like Aquinas but not Nāgārjuna.
But yeah modern eastern philosophers are generally pretty new-agey, you must look at historical philosophers to see the decent stuff.
I never understood the deal with Confucius. He speaks in broken short phrases, never a complete developed thought in prose.
Plato kicks his ass.
Do you know de wey
As someone that's Chinese, admittedly Confucius doesn't seem very special if your society doesn't have ancestor worship and filial piety.
>He speaks in broken short phrases, never a complete developed thought in prose.
That's because he basically spoke in soundbites, little tidbits of knowledge.
>Daoism is so vague!
Those greek philosophers had more in common with the egyptians and levantine semites than with your barbaric german-celt ancestors you wewuzzing shit.
Not to be that guy, but this meme image doesn't make sense considering Peter gains 20/20 perfect vision in that scene.
Eastern philosophy is more free-flowing while Western philosophy is more structured.
Dumb meme. Eastern philosophy is way more rigorous than Western.
"does a tree falling with no one to hear it make a sound" versus kant and descartes? nah
Dumb westerners just don't understand the complexity behind ancient traditional eastern philosophies and practices
Now pay us $800 for this raw fish on rice
>“Govern big countries / Like you cook little fish” - Lao Tzu
This is why asian philosophy is a joke
just random psudeophiosophical semi deep crap
Eastern metaphysics is very sophisticated. Just because you aren't familiar with their technical terminlogy doesn't mean they don't have any.
> tfw the first, and only true philosopher king of rome was doomed from the start due to constant war interrupting progress, and the dream of a stoic empire based on marcus' ideals was ultimately quashed by his son, commodus' incompetence after Marcus Arelius's death
feels sad man.
Yeah nah that's bullshit.
You've never looked into it, when you get to treatises classifying the 27 different types each of 13 different sorts of mental suffering, you won't call buddhism "free-flowing".
>Yeah modern western philosophy is not going to see eastern philosophers very highly but you are biaised if you respect people like Aquinas but not Nāgārjuna.
Hint, when people think of Eastern philosophy they're usually not talking about India.
It is important in the sense of China, since he developed a sort of political theory out of already existing doctrines of filial piety.
>Hint, when people think of Eastern philosophy they're usually not talking about India.
Uh, what?
That's not well thoughtout. When everyone speaks about the division in philosophy between the east and the west, the east includes China and India.
I mean when I (and most people) think of Eastern philosophy I think of Confucius or Lao Tzu which is where the main criticism goes towards i.e being too vague. I don't know how enough about Indian philosophy to say the same.
>I mean when I (and most people) think of Eastern philosophy I think of Confucius or Lao Tzu
Fairly sure they include buddhism too.
Mainstream Buddhism is Chinese Buddhism nowadays
Ah yes how could I forget the famous eastern pop writer Deepak Chingchong
If you're Chinese, in the west, Buddhism = Zen/Tibetan/Theravada
Chinese Buddhism is only seen in the forms of scams you hear in news