Did anything interesting ever happen here?
Did anything interesting ever happen here?
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No, everything is shit down here you should never ever visit. Every meme about my country only down plays how bad it really is. Don't trust Google we're basically a third world country and there's no reason you should ever come here. New Zealand is the same only smaller and with earthquakes.
A Japanese cult set off a homemade nuke
Nature is deadly and the natives are worse than Africans. I would never go back
They’re 1/0 against the emus
The natives are constantly drinking gasoline
And the internet is non existent
I just read an article from a couple years back about the literal witch hunts that still go on in Papua New Guinea. I know, I know, Huffington Post is trash but the article is pretty good.
As an Australian.....
really? pls tell me more
It's a pretty uninteresting area I think, can be good to look at if you're interested in the British Empire. Maori's are kinda cool I suppose.
Native aboriginal oral traditions accurately recorded sea level changes over the past 10,000 years. Also "Other studies suggest the volcanic eruptions that formed the Eacham, Euramo and Barrine crater lakes in northern Queensland more than 10,000 years ago are recorded in oral tradition."
...that's not really interesting
lmfao that would get you legit excommunicated in Australia for saying that. We're forced to pretend we like and respect it, or else.
Or else what you winner of both Great wars?
It's maybe not super relevant on the world stage, but I actually think Australian history is kind of comfy. you have the penal colonies and the wild early years, gold rushes and cattle magnates expanding into the interior, and daring expeditions into literal terra incognita. Then in a surprisingly short time you have the developmemt of an urban coastal society, labor strife, and radical elements pushing for huge democratic reforms and really being on the leading edge of democracy (secret ballots, etc.) in what was previously a fucking penal colony. The common national identity is forming as a combination of this and the pioneering spirit into the outback and the rural culture. The coastal colonial cities are still separated by hundreds of miles of inhospitable terrain and under separate governments but by 1900 Federation comes along and you have great political leaders blending British parliamentary traditions with American-style federalism under a written Constitution. Continue on to a national tragedy in WW1, bonding further through depression and the threat of WW2. Australia really comes into its own post-WW2, shifting strategic alliance from Britain to the USA, and having it's people really see themselves as distinctly Australian, and not just "British" colonists, and taking it's place as an independent regional powet. The Aussies get involved in Korea and Vietnam, and the massive demographic shift begins with the end of the "White Australia" immigration policy. There's also a constitutional crisis, as the Governor-General, the Queens representative, actually dismisses the PM, which he constitutionally had the power to do, but which was never actually done under the British model.
Move towards and into the 21st century and Australia has many of the same political issues and divides facing the rest of the Western world, but has a very high standard of living, largely based on mining and ag and a trade relationship with China (to some extent creating a geopolitical dilemma for a key member of the "Western alliance"). They also had their own somewhat successful intervention and nation-building exercise in East Timor. All in all, interesting enough, I think.
Are there any good reads about the history of Australia? I'll even take one about New Zealand if I have to.
Remember when Australians had guns?
>killed cops
>protected tenant farmers from their corrupt parasitic landlords
>violently disrespected property rights
>lives forever as a folk hero in the minds of the australian people
Remember when lefties weren't coddled, effete pussies?
No, but it will. We’re soon to become the first addition to the Great Chinese Empire and I, for one, welcome our new chink overlords.
>Australia's national hero was a drunken Irish criminal
Really makes you think
The wars between the Maori and British are pretty cool. There were also some significant WWII battles in New Guinea.
Nothing really significant happened in mainland Australia. Australian history consists of a number of different people discovering parts of it, the British shipping a bunch of convicts there, a very minor convict rebellion, a fairly minor military coup, further exploration and colonization, a gold rush (just after the one in Californa), a fairly minor rebellion by the gold miners who didn't want to be taxed, the merging of the various colonies on Australia into one country and finally the world wars.
-The entire Colony was almost taken over by Irish prisoners during an uprising
-Irish convicts trying to escape to China *overland* using a piece of cloth with an arrow on it as a compass
-Having to have the whole colony evacuated to an island during a famine
-Battles between the Naval Governors and the soldiers guarding the prisoners culminating with the soldiers overthrowing the government and appropriating government supplies
-A desperate political battle between the forces who wanted to turn Australia into Brazil (but with the addition of noble houses) with convicts taking the role of a slave class and those who did not
-A massive goldrush which resulted in a revolt by american immigrants who tried to bring their American republicanism with them (Crushed)
-A mass panic and hasty militarisation after a rumor that the Russians were going to send a ship into Sydney and blackmail the government.
-An Australian colony requesting that the UK colonise PNG to stop the Germans, the UK refused to the colony took over PNG itself and the UK ran with it to save face on the world stage.
-That colony trying to introduce a form of slavery and then getting stopped by the other colonies because they feared becoming like Latin America.
-First social democratic party elected in world history
-A big political battle between squatters who were dominating the countryside and the urban classes.
-had a crazy bunch of socialists try and create an communist ethnosate in Latin America
-All kinds of shenanigans during WWI
-During the Peace Conference the Australian government blocked the racial equality clause put forward by the Japanese Government and ruined the Anglo Japanese Alliance.
-Also during that conference the then prime minister humiliated the US president with his banter skills.
-State Premier (think Governor) moving the entire state treasury into a union building to stop the federal government from increasing taxes.
>being a drongo
Some of the local history can be pretty neat, down the road from me is Gilfillan Farm where a white family got butchered by some Maori hoodlums basically sparking a region wide war.
But yeah, unless youre interested in colonial and naval stuff then there's not really anything here worth looking into.
Only in Australia
Dont forget cunt's being hacked to bit's by union thugs and asio shooting cunts in the outback
as an australian, fuck off.
They’ve got rabbits the size of people
If theyget too close you can fucking deck em and they fall over easy enough, just don’t let them swing first or they’ll be picking bits of rib out of your lungs
-the FBI equivalent being formed after local police wouldnt arrest people for egging the Prime Minister
-Having a gigantic coal strike where the government turned the army into a scab labour force.
-Testing nuclear weapons on soldiers as a favour to the UK
-Forcing a communist to give a dictation test in 12 languages to prevent him from getting into the country
-Having an episode where the Air Force attempted to obtain nuclear weapons without the Federal Governments knowledge
-The country getting taken over by a champagne socialist (who thawed relations with China prior to Nixion) who was eventually removed by royal prerogative.
-Said socialist also had the police raid the Australian version of the CIA
-Had a left wing version of Reagan and Thatcher who was able to destroy the union movement (despite being the former head of it) because people were enamored with his comical alcoholism.
-Almost starting a war with Indonesia over the Dutch Colony of West Papua
-Stealing big chunks of Antarctica
australian political history post 1910 is pretty interesting
Don’t forget the time our prime minister swam out to sea and never came back.
There was that time a space colony was dropped on it and destroyed Sydney.
How accurately are we talking here? The biblical flood is accurate to a degree but that doesn't make it incredible.
Australia caused ww1
>It's a Aussie PM gets deposed by his own party episode
/pol/itics shitposting aside, why is this so prevalent in Aussie politics?
And WW2. And they did it just to be dicks
It used to be common-ish in America too because it was seen as the leader no longer upholding the values of his party so he was kicked out. Admittedly that only happened twice with the presidency, but plenty of times with the speaker of the house.
Thought they raided ASIO, not ASIS.
Also the formation of the various intelligence orgs in this country had some funny moments. A whole bunch of them raided each other during ww2 when they were finding their place.
Never forget Sydney. Fuck Zeon.
My mistake I mixed up the two, and yeah there are a lot of embarssing stories with them
>-During the Peace Conference the Australian government blocked the racial equality clause put forward by the Japanese Government and ruined the Anglo Japanese Alliance.
This is a legit thing, the australian PM billy the madman hughes refused to let a racial equality act put forward by the japanese enter the treaty of versailles, which was a huge contributor to japanese isolation and would lead to ww2
he also was really fucking bitchy when dealing with the germans
>In 1919 Hughes, with former Prime Minister Joseph Cook, travelled to Paris to attend the Versailles Peace Conference. He remained away for 16 months, and signed the Treaty of Versailles on behalf of Australia – the first time Australia had signed an international treaty. At Versailles, Hughes claimed: "I speak for 60 000 [Australian] dead".[38] He asked of Woodrow Wilson; "How many do you speak for?" when the United States President failed to acknowledge his demands.[39] Hughes, unlike Wilson or South African Prime Minister Jan Smuts, demanded heavy reparations from Germany, suggesting a staggering sum of £24,000,000,000 of which Australia would claim many millions to off-set its own war debt.[40] Hughes frequently clashed with President Wilson, who described him as a "pestiferous varmint".[41]
>Hughes demanded that Australia have independent representation within the newly-formed League of Nations. Despite the rejection of his conscription policy, Hughes retained popularity with Australian voters, and in the Australian federal election of December 1919 his government was comfortably re-elected. At the Treaty negotiations, Hughes was the most prominent opponent of the inclusion of Japan's Racial Equality Proposal, which as a result of lobbying by him and others was not included in the final Treaty. His position on this issue reflected the general mindset of "racial categories" during this time. Japan was notably offended by Hughes's position on the issue.[19]
More australians died in ww1 then americans?
really makes u think
peter scully and kim dotcom tbqh
Just a bunch of alcoholics and racists
>implying that's a bad thing
No it doesn’t. Australia was in it for 5 years, America barely made one 1. If we lost more men in that time than Australia as a whole we probably wouldn’t have won the war
Sounds like every western country on earth
I want to slit that monster's throat so bad.
I hope that scum dies in the most horrible, and most excruciating manner possible.
I also hope he burns in damnation for all eternity, along with all the scum like him.
I am actually willing to go to jail just to get the chance at ending his wretched existence.
>-Had a left wing version of Reagan and Thatcher who was able to destroy the union movement (despite being the former head of it) because people were enamored with his comical alcoholism.
Is this the guy who drowned and ended up with a swimming pool as a memorial?
I'll savor every second as I slowly squeeze the life out of him, once I get my hands on his filthy degenerate neck.
no, he means bob hawke
Remember that Japanese cult that used chemical weapons in a subway, well they tested a nuke in the Australian outback.
>-Having an episode where the Air Force attempted to obtain nuclear weapons without the Federal Governments knowledge
that sounds like some metal gear solid type shit
fuck off nazi
Tamam Shud
>-Almost starting a war with Indonesia over the Dutch Colony of West Papua
righful aussie clay tbqh
Why didn't it happen that australia would try to take over west papua before indonesia did?
I’ve always been fascinated with the idea of the adventuring and pioneering spirit of the frontiersmen and settlers of oceana for some reason, even though I’m English and have never been there once
Just the idea of farmers and colonists, tilling these new soils, under a completely foreign sky, at the literal bottom of the world sounds really comfy to me
That was Holt.
Can't handle the banter
Sorry, I just hate his guts so much. I'd place him among the worst white people in history.
They're currently getting slowly absorbed into the PRC.
Come 'ave a look mate, highest standard of living in the world and it's your birthright.
Abo singing
shit taste
whats wrong with kim dotcom?
That's wrong though. US deaths in ww1 were almost 120k.
The maori wars were pretty cool. Musket armed stone age tribal warriors inventing ww1 style trench systems and beating much larger and better armed British forces is impressive
The exact number being 116,000 give or take a few hundred.
I'm also curious. Is it a bitcoin thing?
well done