Trying to understand how a man can be a ruthless dictator but a also a nice person at the same time. For instance, I'll take the extreme example of modern dictatorship: Stalin. He was actually a nice guy, he used to talk, dance and drink with local people in pubs unlike most pretentious leftist intellectuals. He was also charming with women but not a womanizer. He read thousands of books from Pushkin to Shakespeare. He used to send money and write letters to old friends even when he was so busy with his work. There are many surviving letters that shows his affection towards his wife Nadezhda and his respect to his mother. He even cried when his wife died in front of his subordinates. Molotov said this was the only time I saw him crying. His daughter admitted that he really loved her. How can be a one person all that?
Trying to understand how a man can be a ruthless dictator but a also a nice person at the same time. For instance...
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It's called keeping your job and private life separate.
That's because Stalin was not a ruthless dictator.
I think being detached from the consequences of actions helps a lot.
Stalin was still a human being. He did things other humans did, and felt things that other humans did. His job - a highly stressful and demanding one, arguably the most so in the entire world - just required him to be harsh, uncompromising and unemotional to get it done properly. That's the same with a lot of jobs around now, just to differing degrees. Being able to seperate your private life and work life is one of the most important things a man must do.
>He was also charming with women but not a womanizer
>gets 13 year old siberian village girl pregnant, escapes and abandons her
People have not evolved to relate to those they don't know personally.
having sex with/or marrying 13 yo girls was nothing unnatural 100 years ago.
t.Ahmad al-Muhammad proud NAMBLA member
>be census worker in the employ of stalin
>population numbers don't hit what stalin wants
>get shot
>wait 80 years
>tankies throw official soviet statistics at you like they mean anything
> When the data was first processed, it soon became obvious that the final enumeration would be little more than 162 million people. The worst disagreement between the expected and the obtained data were in Kazakhstan, Ukraine, North Caucasus and the Volga region, the areas that were the strongest hit by the Soviet famine of 1932-1934. Also, despite the expected number of living prisoners of the Gulag to be 4 million, only 2.6 million were accounted for.
> The preliminary result of the census, reported to Stalin in the middle of March 1937, was 162,039,470 people, much lower than the "criminally decreased" registered numbers of 170-172 million or Stalin's expectation of 180 million people.
> The four main statistical professionals working on the Census in TsUNKhU – Mikhail Kurman, Olimpy Kvitkin, Lazar Brand, and Ivan Oblomov, were arrested and imprisoned.
> On 25 September 1937 there was a special Sovnarkom decision proclaiming the census invalid and setting a new one for January 1939. A Pravda editorial stated that the "enemies of the people gave the census counters invalid instructions that led to the gross under-counting of the population, but the brave NKVD under the leadership of Nikolai Yezhov destroyed the snake's nest in the statistical bodies".
> The new Soviet Census (1939) showed a population figure of 170.6 million people, manipulated so as to match exactly the numbers stated by Stalin in his report to the 18th Congress of the All-Union Communist Party.
He was a homo sapiens sfar s i know
your guess is correct. But this wasn't limited to arabs, almost the entire world was like that until 90 or 100 years ago
No sweetie,you're just a perv. Also,Stalin is accountable for only half the deaths of the ussr via war,famine,and purging. Of which there were at least 40 million.
> No sweetie,you're just a perv
am I?
and how do you know about that?
because Soviet archives were opened
no one used 1939 census in any serious historical work
He was what a dictator should be: impersonal and emotionally detached while in job
Are there pictures of Stalin dancing in a pub? I REALLY want to see this.
that was when he was in exile before the revolution
>Trying to understand how a man can be a ruthless dictator but a also a nice person at the same time.
The problem is that you put too much importance on what people are.
But identities and categories are just interpretations of what people do.
Can a ruthless dicatator be a nice person ? it's a contradiction in the terms.
But can someone feel good from ruling over millions and also feel good from bringing a smile on a friend's face ? yes, of course.
>nice person
>cause the deaths of millions of people
this is the price of industrialization, nothing personal senpai
Right? Famines, executions,sending families into exile and high attrition "colonies", not to mention the vast delay in all progress originally set by Russia and the death of it's culture. Sad!
>Stalin. He was actually a nice guy, he used to talk, dance and drink with local people in pubs unlike most pretentious leftist intellectuals.
Stalin was a nice guy? He let his own son die in a Nazi POW camp. He cheated on his wife and she eventually killed herself. He liked to cuck his fellow party members by fucking their wives with his BGC (big gruzin cock).
butthurt kulaks detected
>gets fucking obliterated
>m-muh kulaks!
Every human being has the capacity to be cruel, its what people respect, the "capacity" to be cruel. You don't respect someone that cannot possibly hurt you. Doesn't mean you should though.
Though sometimes the "cruel" solution is a whole lot more efficient and safe.