Was this retarded Slavic flat-earther unironically trying to reach the "end of the world"?
Was this retarded Slavic flat-earther unironically trying to reach the "end of the world"?
No, that genius Greek globalist tried ironically tried to comquer the known world.
nice try FYROmite
He was an Indian trying to get back home
You're just mad because you'll never get a persian gf to C I V I L I Z E
He was tutored by Aristotle, who was well convinced the Earth was round, so probably not.
>Civilizing Persians
I get the meme but come on.
>wicker shield towel heads
The wicker shields were used against arrow fire. Persians used a cavalry shock force to flank their opponents while using skirmishers to fire projectiles from behind cover or behind spear lines
I'm greek and I just came here to remind you all that Alexander The Great was greek and Macedonia is part of Greece.
He was a slav from FYROM
gayreeks are turks
macedonians are tru sons of alexander
Hes a macedonian
I can already see her mustache.
He was an Illyrian from west FYROM (greater albania)
Probably because you're trying to
>trying to get to the end of the world
>moving closer and closer to the Middle Kingdom
wrong way homo
>In another universe Alexander succeeded and all eurasia is ruled by one united hapa master race
I don't want to live on this planet any more.
Vardaska is FAKE country
Alejandro Magmo (Alejandro el Grande) era un ibérico, con sangre ibérica fluyendo por sus venas
Alexander wasn't slav, he was native american you dumb negro.
He was Australian you dumb gook.
Can you imagined if he reached as far as East Asia?