what the fuck went wrong?
What the fuck went wrong?
Russians being complete retards.
Minor in nuclear engineering here (protip don't major in it unless you're going into medical radiation or something, your job prospects will fucking suck), this is how I understand it:
>russians are fucking stupid
>they are performing a test on their reactor
>a reactor works by using the heat generated by the fission of a radioactive element to turn water into steam
>steam is used to drive a turbine
>in this particular reactor, some of the power generated by the turbine is used to help cool the fuel rods
>fuel rods getting hot is dangerous, because the rate of nuclear fission (the rate at which radiation is shot out), increases with temperature
>fuel rods are placed next to each other and are giving off radioactive particles, which heats the fuel rods up, causing them to give off more particles, making them heat up more, etc etc
>a "meltdown" is when the fuel rods get so hot they melt, if this happens you're fucked because they'll shoot off a shit ton of radiation
>anyways, back to the reactor
>russians are doing a safety test
>they will temporarily cut off the flow of steam from the reactor to the turbine and allow the turbine to coast, continuing to produce power
>goal of the test is to simulate the flow of steam being interrupted
>no steam = no power being generated, no power = nothing cooling the fuel rods
>they want to make sure that the turbine continuing to spin like a flywheel is enough to power the cooling systems until backup generators come online
>sounds cool
>chief engineer that night decides to kill the turbine for some reason, I forget why
>zero power output to the turbine
>ruskies scrambling to get the thing up and running again because they want to continue the test and need the power so the core doesn't melt down
>but everything seems fine, sensors report normal heat levels in the reactors
its kind of like 3 mile island but if it was run by literal apes
quick sidenote, did I mention that the russians are fucking stupid?
>the head hancho at the plant had only completed a correspondance course in nuclear engineering, and had gotten his position through communist party politics
>needless to say, numerous safety systems and failsafes were not up to code, due to the party being corrupt and russians being, again, fucking stupid
>sensors are not properly installed at the bottom of the chamber where the fission is taking place
>therefore, nobody notices a pocket of superheated, high pressurized steam building up
>by the time some sensors pick it up its already too late
>heat production increases exponentially because of a feedback loop between the fissioning material and its medium
>eventually, pressure and heat build up to the point that there's a massive steam explosion
>superheated cores melt down
>shit gets absolutely fucked
Tl;DR Sensors weren't set up right cuz russians are stupid, the people operating it weren't following proper safety procuedure (cuz they're russians, and are therefore fucking stupid), and the reactor required steam to be flowing and the reactor itself to be running in order to cool itself (I think most reactors were designed this way at that point, so this was a case of everybody being stupid, but everybody who ran reactors fixed this real quick after chernobyl happened, and again, NONE OF THIS WOULD HAVE MATTERED IF RUSSIANS WEREN'T SO FUCKING STUPID).
Now, thirty years later, retards like jill stein who don't even know what a nucleus is use this as a reason for why nuclear power is bad. Thanks, russia, for killing my fucking job prospects.
and Russians think they're equal to the west
all of their tech in nuclear and rocket science was stolen from the germans and americaans
To be fair, our reactors had the same flaw (need to generate power to cool the reactor itself), but in our defense, our reactors weren't run by literal russians.
b-but m-muh sputnik
dont be too hard on them, communism fucked them over hard
>Jill stein
I'm all about saving the planet and shit but retards like her who consider themselves to be "environmentalists" while opposing nuclear power trigger me. I mean for fuck's sake, people talk about clean energy like it's some sort of futuristic thing when it's been around since the fucking 40's. In a better timeline the US would be running entirely on nuclear/wind/solar, climate change would be much less of a concern, and you would have a job.
Thanks for sharing this.
this. nuclear power can be deadly, but if used properly and respected, it could be great
>nuclear energy
What about nuclear waste?
They are the ones that ruined communism not the reverse. Much like Chernobyl.
Can continuously be recycled back into the reactor until there's almost nothing left, at which point its taken to a special facility in an extremely remote part of finland where they are placed under hundreds of meters of rock in sealed containers.
clean compared to the endless amounts of emissions pumped out by most other power sources. plus its easy to contain and store (and in some cases, re-purpose) where as most other power sources pump their waste into the air
Real communism hasn't been tried, right?
Just dig a big hole in the desert and bury it a mile underground, not a problem at all. If fucking Finland can create a permanent nuclear waste repository then any first world country can do it easily.
Also nuclear power is far, far less dangerous than alternatives like coal and gas and shit. Fuck it's even safer than hydroelectric which is saying something.
vodka lmao
You know it.
Nuclear power is theoretically great, but we are lumbered with shitty reactor designs from the 50s. In the UK not a single nuclear power plant has been successfully decommissioned. You never stop paying for these things and they never go away, decades after they stopped producing power. The containment tanks are still sitting there full of spent rods in casings that have degraded so nobody has the slightest clue how to extricate them, or what to do with them if they could. If nuclear power was going to save the world, it was ruined by autistic scientists who promised energy so cheap you wouldn't have to meter it, politicians trying to assuade fears of nuclear war by offering the 'peaceful atom' and profiteers, all of whom rolled this shit out way too early when it should have remained in the prototyping stage until we had advanced designs and decomissioning plans beyond 'we'll be so advanced by then that we'll figure it out'.
thats because we use archaic tech from the 70s. newer ones could be better and produce more power.
No joke.
You forgot:
>Honcho dude keeps telling operators to ignore the computer telling them repeatedly to stop
>Most control rods withdrawn to sustain reaction at abnormally low power
>Control rods initially displace water and don't slow reaction when inserted
>Water is also reaction moderator
Meaning that inserting the control rods, especially when most of them are pulled out, will cause a momentary power spike.
>Reactor starts acting funny
>o fug
>SCRAM reactor
>Power spike
>A few fuel channels rupture and displace even more water while reacting out of control
>Repeat last two steps but this time with entire reactor
>Reactor is no more
>Send three teams of dudes to newly created reactor bbq pit because you're in denial that you just pulled the worst single fuckup in the USSR and none of them tell you the reactor is still there
All of them except for the guy who held the door died a few months later
>Moscow calls
>"It's 4AM do you know where your reactor is?"
>Da comrade it's perfectly fine just a small fire on the roof please don't look
>Actively impede others since you're still in denial
>Cyka blyat
to be fair, 3 mile island happened because the engineers couldnt be bothered to check weather one valve was sealed or not
ive yet to see a single accident that comes close to the level of autism seen in the tenerife airport disaster
I've read shitloads about Chernobyl and Tenerife, and believe me that Chernobyl is much much worse.
If you count the USSR's nuclear submarines as a single disaster, it tops both.
why got these deleted? they were legit answers
The mods are Russian agents. They liquidated him for Russophobia and gay propaganda.
>bombers plan to bomb airport shop without casualties to prove a point
>fuck up and kill shop keeper
>all flights diverted to small one airstrip airport thats used to cessnas
>shit ton of wide bodied jets land, including 2 747s, airport completely backed up
>other airport reopens all flights ready to hop to main airport
>heavy fog rolls in, visibility is near none
>have to use runway as taxi way
>KLM 747 decides to refuel despite not needing it
>takes on enough fuel to go to Amsterdam rather than their immediate destination
>backs up other planes, including a pan-am 747
>Pan-am 747 told to use runway as taxi to get to the end of the line
>KLM 747 told to hold on the runway and wait to take off while pan-am 747 taxis back in line
>KLM 747 disregards first rule of air plane safety and TAKES OFF WITHOUT CLEARANCE
>fog makes it so planes only see each other until its far too late
>large fuel load on KLM 747 makes it so everyone on board that plane dies instantly
>fire team finds KLM 747 first, only find pan am 747 20 MINUTES LATER
to top the icing on the shit cake, the KLM pilot was their most senior airman
Not as radioactive as coal smoke. Look it up.
Goddamn your knowledge is so fucking shallow.Thank god you're not in charge
he's not wrong about nuclear, just look at France
It's hilarious how their main pilot fucked up so badly. Though to be fair, he was in a rush because the weather was getting worse and because KLM had a rule where pilots could only work a certain amount of hours at a time, and if he exceeded the limit there would be a massive delay. Also, this was a Dutch crew listening to native Spanish speaking ATCs, so there was miscommunication. To top it all off, the ATC and the flight crew sent messages to each other AT THE SAME TIME, so the crew of the plane heard something that could have been interpreted to be clearing them for takeoff.
Still, you have to make sure you get clearance especially in the situation the pilot was in. Critical error on his part, especially when his copilot literally warned him about the possibility of the Pan-Am being on the runway,
>could be
We're fucked anyway. Even if we would globally stop using fossil fules, we wont be able to stop global warning
love how well documented airplane crashes are
aircrash kino
They squandered the public goodwill. Successfully decomission all defunct reactors, deal with the fuel rod pools and waste. Deal with Fukushima. Then maybe public support for Nuclear can trickle back. The world needs to clean its room before it can have new toys.
Looks good. At the moment. Lets hope in status quo
This one is even better
Soviet jet fighters mistake a civilian Korean Air Lines plane that strayed from its route for a spy plane and shoot it down, killing US Representative Larry McDonald and more than a hundred or so other civilians.
Wrong link sorry
They didn't mistake it, the pilot flew so close he could not only read the markings but could see the passengers in the windows. Someone in the chain of command just decided to destroy it despite this and gave the order. Then they immediately rushed out ships to try and recover the black box first.
fun fact: the rudder for this plane was blown off when the RPB burst, this mother fucker flew for hours without a fucking rudder
then afterwards, the NTSB (who worked with japan) enlisted 22 pilots to fly in the same scenario and see if a landing was possible, not one of them got even remotely close to how long the JAL123 crew did
What the fuck you're implying mutt? Russians are superhumans comparing to american animals who never really invented anything. At least they're european.
Why the fuck is everything on this board always about race
>America didn't steal it rocket tech from the krauts
butthurt poltards from specific continent as usual
>what can you say regarding to such a retard remark
vodka+krokodil, that's the only thing that could explain that
I hope by specific continent you mean all of them
shit meant to reply to
andother please disregard this post
>make a comment about how butthurt americans are
heh, classic
I wish russians nuclear holocausted your shitty country
im suprised you can even afford a computer, ivan. what with all the AIDS treatments and all
Too bad the vodkaniggers holocausted themselves for us, eh?
I'm surprised you can say more than 2 words
but seriously
if american authorities could see your post you would be in jail for hate speech already
i think you have american police confused with Russian ones. figures though, your IQ must be room temperature.
In third worlder units or metric?
im supersized you know the difference, mr. krokadil addict
what's supersize of american if average is already big enough?
anyone looks big to someone who doesnt know what food is
you call that walmart trash food? Lmao
> tfw Russian-born slavic diasporafag in the states seeing this autistic shitflinging
Shut the fuck up, faggots, why trying to ruin a good thread? I doubt any of you are even really American or Russian.
>Fuck it's even safer than hydroelectric
Can you please explain?
If you discount the turbo slav autism that was Chernobyl, Nuclear Power has less fatalities/GWH generated than any other generation method.
How about potential fatalities?
Horrible ways after the explosion what can be seen as the first crack in fall of the Soviet Union.
What did they say
Even in the case of the turbo-autism at Chernobyl it was only like 50 or so deaths.
I have a /quick rundown/ on what happened (it boils down to the Russians being fucking autistic), but I got banned on another device for spamming an off-topic thread with timecube and my posts got deleted
My mom worked for Japan airlines at the time. They recieved information on all the dead passengers via telefax. It printed a whole page per passenger, all 500 of them. Took the telefax 2 hours to print them all.
>tfw Russian-born slavic diasporafag in the states
so amerimutt?
Why did they receive information on the dead passengers?
Dams can fuck up the ecosystem hard don't they?
>Comrade, the indicators are showing critical values what shall we do?
>They do it all the time, just ignore them, lol
True story
Also the design was retarded, it sacrificed safety so they can extract material for weapons.
>uh, should we stop?
>no, if we disobey orders the party will fuck us out of our jobs and we’ll have to give up our nice housing and go work in a coal mine
Also a true story
Yeah, 10x more people were displaced by the three gorges dam than by Chernobyl, and we probably saw a lot more extinctions from that than Chernobyl too.
>Aleksandr Fyodorovich Akimov (6 May 1953 – 11 May 1986) was the shift supervisor of the night crew that worked at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant Unit #4 on the night of the Chernobyl disaster, April 26, 1986.
>Akimov opposed conducting the test in such conditions of the reactor, but was ordered to continue by his superior. The reactor was in an unstable, unsafe state for a test to be run, but his superior, Anatoly Dyatlov threatened him with job termination. Akimov continued the test because of this.[1]
>Akimov died two weeks after the accident due to acute radiation syndrome, also known as radiation poisoning, at the age of 33. In the inquiry, he and his co-workers were blamed. Later the blame was put on the plant's director and manager. The crew and directors did not adhere to the plant's safety guidelines and ignored repeated warnings of the control system. [3][4]
communism, not even once
Daily reminder that the plant director had only ever taken a correspondence course in nuclear engineering and had only gotten his job through party politics
At least the Soviets realised that to avert even greater catastrophe, hundreds of professionals would have to be sacrificed to get the tunnels dug and a concrete bowl poured under the reactor before it went full china syndrome. You need a brutal totalitarian system to give that order and lots of brave men to carry it out.
In Fukushima the Japanese just stuck their thumbs up their asses till it was too late then rounded up homeless people to go tidy up with a broom.
That doesn’t really forgive their extreme autism in constructing and running the plant, tho. At least Fukushima only happened because their was a fucking cataclysmic tsunami, Chernobyl happened because the soviets were just dicking around.
Fukushima happened because:
>Plant design that was so obsolete when they built it that it wouldn't fly in America
>They built a nuclear power station atop the delta of an underground river
>The Japanese government and TEPCO shipped thousands of the wrong kind of battery needed to operate the venting valves
>The pressure-vessel's last ditch emergency venting valves were built INSIDE the pressure chamber meaning they could never open in an emergency
>sneaking in nuclear power next to solar and wind
Wind is OK, solar is (with current tech) shit.
Wasn't solar power the next "revolutionary" technology ?
>who is Robert Goddard
For green brainlets maybe.
Light is low-energy, even if ignore how difficult are the panels to manufacture, it doesn't have the potential.
to cross check with any passenger list on their end to see if any citizens were on board.
This was back in the 80's. This was shit they had to do manually.
According to my mother it was a sombering event watching the telefax spitting out name after name untill they had to reload the fax with more paper because it ran out.
God knows why they couldnt get a 10 page list, but they got all info the airline had on the passenger per page.
Russian incompetence
for another fun example, see en.wikipedia.org
>a single filter to prevent the release of weaponised anthrax
You forgot
>Emergency diesels were installed BELOW the max floodwater level, so in the event of a tsunami (which had occurred in the past) the machine room would get swamped with siltwater.
An identical plant upcoast (Dai-ini) had its emergency diesels installed above the max floodwater level and passed the earthquake+tsunami without incident.
Reminder that in Communism, a job isn;t something you do to get dat scrilla for to impress dem bitchez.
In Communism, work/labor is a religion. Not working is heresy, quitting one's job is apostasy, and getting fired is akin to being excommunicated. Work exists only for work's sake.
thorium reactors produce miniscule amounts of relatively safe waste.
They removed safety mechanisms to push the plant to its limits.
Over confidence.
Guess this was a case when overconfidence wasn't a slow but insidious killer.
>random name
apparently no one that mattered
thorium reactors are impractical for governments, because they take away your excuse of a "civil use" for having enriched uranium and plutonium
This is pretty much the reason all non-water-based reactors have failed acceptance.
Be they pebble, salt, spallator, gas-cooled, fluid fuel, what-have-you, all of them make production of weapons material much harder than your average light or heavy water design.
>Robert Goddard
>random name
Why are you on the history board again?