Stop eating food.
Stop eating food
>Ukraine declares independence after Revolution
>reconquered by USSR
>after having their independence stripped away, they had their property and food seized for collectivization
>Stalin sold the grain while they starved
How is the Holodomor not Stalin’s fault?
Hillary's emails and Obama's birth certificate
Kulaks were hoarding grain
translates to:
>somebody we dont like
>somebody we don't like because we were told not to
>please no questions
oh, and this post is best post
how is the Irish Famine, or Dust Bowl not the fault of capitalism?
is Churchhill responsible for the Bengal Famine, or is Tojo?.
You sound like a kulak desu
>richfag farmers try to hoard grain and livestock
>during a famine
>in Stalin's USSR
Not sure if to admire their guts or give them a Darwin award for stupidity. Still, they got what they deserved; a shame millions of Ukrainians who didn't deserve it starved too.
>"An offensive against the kulaks is a serious matter" -Stalin declaring war on his own people
If Stalin took the advice of the successful farmers, collectively kulaks, then all of the USSR could've been successful. He didn't even want to hear them out and had them killed and their land stolen. Which is ironic, because when the USSR went to China to figure out how their form of socialism was more productive than theirs, the Chinese told them they were using personal incentives and giving it's farmers their own means of production, which helped cause the Sino-Soviet split. China took the advice of kulaks and succeeded.
>government offers half the black market price for grain because muh industrialisation (fuck you fucking peasantfags, we modern now)
>omg why aren't you selling your grain to the government, this is literally hoarding
I mean churchill did have many thousand tons of food shiped to the UK for storage...
>fucking with the head of (any) russian state like that.
lol, either they really drank the propaganda-cool-aid or they were retarded. Tsar wouldn't have put up with that shit for a second (in fact he regularly let the Coassacks ransack jewish towns for shits and giggles).
these fuckers lived through the Russian Civil War, where Lenin's secret police proved themselves as ruthless as that of the old-regime.
why on earth would they think pulling this shit wouldn't result in them getting fucked hard?
What the fuck are you talking about
China emulated the USSR and so did Yugoslavia. Infact Yugoslavia did it so rapidly after the war that the USSR was afraid it would put too much political strain on the regime and that was a contributing factor to their split.
The Sino-Soviet split didn't occur because the *Chinese* were emphasising the private sector, you nong.
>Heritage foundation
please leave
Whataboutism doesn't solve anything you tankie fuck.
>mad kulcuck
>imperially conquer an ethnic group who didn't want to be apart of you empire
>surprise when they resist the forced upon policies you impose on them
really activates my almonds
>Stalin committed genocide that is internationally recognized
>muh-muh Kulak, commies dindu nuffin
>they deserved it because a smart person would've just chosen to starve to death instead
How could you eat food if food doesn't exist ?? ;;;;))))) ;)
You sound like a fucking faggy American leftist who will be totally unprepared for the wrath of Commissar Cletus and Jamal if your sodom and Gomorra "Revolution" ever takes place.