>your mbti
>historical figures you admire and why
>time periods you enjoy learning about/find interesting and why
Let's see the correlations.
>your mbti
>historical figures you admire and why
>time periods you enjoy learning about/find interesting and why
Let's see the correlations.
Fuck off with your social studies faggotry, please.
Contribute to my thread or fuck off faggot.
>Frederick the Great (cause I find his personality incredibly interesting)
>I really enjoy European history, especially High Middle Ages, but also the age of Enlightenment. Don't care much for ancient history.
>especially High Middle Ages
>historical figures I admire
I think I've outgrown the kind of fawning admiration I used to have (and perhaps that's something sad, rather than an improvement in my character), but there are lots of figures I find interesting. I've always been interested in the lives of philosophers such as those written by diogenes laertius. I like the little bio porphory wrote about his teacher, plotinus. You can really feel porphory's tremendous reverence for his teacher. I used to love reading Plutarch's lives, especially of the Romans, and Emil Ludwig's biography of Napoleon is one of my favorite books. I also find Julian "the Apostate" to be a fascinating and tragic figure.
>time periods
the ancient world appeals to me the most
>Bismarck for the undisputed master of politics during his time
>Modern, because there's more detail to be found
>Haile Selassie
>Cold War
Excelent blogs my fellow redditors! I will keep an eye on this thread.
Don't be afraid to express yourself user
>george washington
>early roman, napoleonic, mainly age of exploration
>Historical figures I admire
I wouldn't really say "admire" but I do find Napoleon to be very fascinating.
>Time periods I enjoy reading about
early/mid 19th-early 20th century, so much happened in such a short amount of time and I just find that incredible.
>Alexander the Great
>Antiquity or the migration period/dark ages
>not sure about admire but I find napoleon, Stalin and hitler interesting
>30 Years war, ww1/2
Hello my ENTP brotha.
why is everyone on here iNtuitive
>Julius Caesar
Brilliant and brutal politician and general, every account about him brims with personality
Legit surprised to see this many non xNTxs here,
>I don't know about "admiring", but I've enjoy researching Thatcher, LBJ, Stokely Carmichael, and Pol Pot
>Contemporary History all of the way, I exclusively took classes pertaining to post-18th century topics while studying my undergrad, I find most material (with exceptions) before then to largely be a bore.
because S doesn't belong here
Kys anytime, faggot
why not
>historical figures you admire and why
Not admire really but I am interested in Napoleon, Genghis Khan, Rasputin, and Theodora.
>time periods you enjoy learning about/find interesting and why
Bronze age due to it seeming more mysterious and fantasy like as well as epic. The wars with the Sea Peoples, Hittites, Troy etc. Also Minoan and Sardinian titties.
There's also Mesoamerica since it has a lot of the same appeal I find in the Bronze age, but from a cultural region completely independent from Africa and Eurasia. The development of those civilizations are fascinating. Also the aesthetics and art of Mesoamerica is cool. As are their religions and philosophies.
alexander the great
Typical S
Never really been drawn towards any historical figures in particular.
Prehistoric Europe (mainly Bronze and Iron Age non-Mediterranean Europe) and the Middle Ages. My interest in these periods is mainly because I like their "aesthetic" and because I can actually feel a connection to them given my ancestry.
>feeling a connection to prehistoric Europe from 'ancestry'
I'm European so naturally I find European history more interesting. I find it hard be interested in, say, Chinese history when I have no connection to China and don't give a shit about China.
So you don't love history so much as you're self involved.
>I enjoy the real villains of history, and/or at least people with personality.
I really find Julius Caesar interesting, and his ability to bend the system. Classic villains such as Genghis Khan are always interesting, someone to be that evil
>Roman history especially, but I find the ancient world in general to be the most interesting
Cao Cao and Napoopan, because they had a dream and they are tragic figure that couldn't achieve it.
>I enjoy the real villains of history, and/or at least people with personality.
Yes, I have literally no interest in history outside of regions and peoples that I can place myself into.
not admire, find interesting: Nero, Muhammad Ali
ancient history (mostly as a kid). always found early christianity fascinating. now i lean towards the 19th century with an emphasis on the Middle East and its relations with European countries
>Historical Figures you admire:
I Admire Baldwin IV for being a Leper and yet a level headed and good king, Joan of Arch for obvious reasons, Alexios Komnenos for just being a fantastic leader during a crisis period in the ERE's history and Corneliu Zelea Codreanu for his Piety and traditionalist take on the far right.
>Periods of history
Eastern Roman Empire because of its own importance to Western History and my religious ties to it, Italian Wars between France and the Habsburgs+Italian cites because of pic related. Also the economic and logistical systems of armies in the Middle Ages, I find the systems of raising troops via land grants, retinues, Professional soldiers, levies from different types of soldiers and the Muslim Mamluk/Ghulam armies very interesting.
>Schelling, Hegel, Plato, Parmenides and Aristotle
These are people I truly feel to be masters of the absolute and I feel they have their abode in the high and frozen peaks of humanity.
>Ancient History
Researching and thinking about something truly in the mists of time causes a powerful feeling to well up within me.
There is this sense of Gods, deserts, storms and mystery causes my heart to overflow.
Hard to tell whether this is sarcasm or not
fuggg, time period are renaissance to revolution and ww2.
It isn't, sorry.
>Nobody stands out in particular
>Ancient times- Greece/Rome, Egypt, Mesopotamia
>historical figures you admire
Goethe, Frederick Douglass, Cyrus the Great
>time periods you enjoy learning about/find interesting and why
Ancient Greece, Feudal Japan, Imperial Russia, WWI, and modernism + postmodernism as movements.
>Julius Caesar, Scipio Africanus, Alexander the great, Marcus Aurelius, Aurelian, Audie Murhpy, Hector Cafferata, John Basilone, Eugene Sledge
>obviously as you can tell, Early Republic to late Empire Rome and World War 2
>your mbti
>historical figures you admire
Genghis Khan
>time periods you enjoy learning about/find interesting and why
Mongol and Ottoman Empires in terms of functionality and structure of the Empires and the relations with the West.
Ancient Egypt (from early dynasties to the Roman conquest)
The history and facts of Japan
The history, spread and teachings of Buddhism and Early Christianity
The Spanish colonization of the Americas or Spanish history in general. I find the mixed Celtiberian, Roman, Germanic and Arabic heritage interesting.
George Washington, Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson, and Cato the Younger. Sir Galahad is also an important role model of mine, but of course he is (probably) fictional.
All basically because muh VIRTUE.
My favorite historical periods are America 1776-1861, the Roman Republic, and the Middle Ages in general.
>Yukio Mishima because he both saw through the evils of modernity that the Americans had imported to Japan and wrote about it. He also managed to marry art and action for one brief moment within his life.
>Mostly Japan in the twentieth century and Germany during the witch hunts.
ENTP mah nigga, also agree with Bismarck and the modern period.
Like to add Napoleon as well.
Hello fellow ENTP traditionalist
>Nietzsche, virtue ethicists in general, psychologists
>Current international society, ancient societies etc
>Teutonic knights, prussia, Imperial germany
>INTP/INTJ/ISTP (depending on my given day)
>historical figures you admire
Possibly Buddha.
Because of his autistic approach to reality that is outside norm. His outlook on life, death, morality, emotions, conventions, etc
My construction of the world is similar in nature due to my exposure to his outlook and my own personal "stoic" like emotional behavior in intaking/judging what is/isn't.
>time periods you enjoy
~16-19th century. The spark of scientific revolution and the industrial revolution is my interest.
>19th/20th/21st century European/American history, Ancient Greece, Rome, Medieval, Tudor
harald hardrada
early middle ages
> Sharing pointless stuff about themselves on a thread that will soon 404
You wish
>Napoleon, for what he did for France organization (and not for his conquests); Seneca, for his philosophy and how he teached to the first and greatest emperor of Rome.
>Anitquity for the quality of philosophers these times, most became boring then, introduce too much of religion in their developments.
>your mbti
>historical figures you admire and why
marcus tullius cicero
he was basically a badass in court, a hell of a consul and a grade a shitposter
>time periods you enjoy learning about/find interesting and why
antiquity, renaissance, reformation
>1200-1600s, especially Japan and Europe
>Marcus Aurelius, Constantine, Charlemagne
>Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages
>your mbti
>historical figures you admire and why
Al-Razi, Marcus Aurelius, Gustavus Adolphus, the people who wrote beowulf, charlemagne, Haraldr Harðraði,
>time periods you enjoy learning about/find interesting and why
I'm a linguist so anything that has to do with historical dialects, mother tongues, and mutual intelligibility.
My favorite things are old norse, old english, the norman invasion, gaul, mesopotamia esp. sumerian language and anything to do with finland
Caesar, Churchill, Isembard Kingdom Brunel, Henry V (all give no fucks legends)
Late dark ages, middle ages up to 1450s
>Historical figures
Alexander the Great, most ancient philosophers, and George Washington would be the ones in my top list
>Favorite time period
Probably classical period or age of discovery no real reason I just like them
I haven’t taken it in a few years so it may have changed
>jfk, Ernest Hemingway, Ernest rohm, Napoleon, Robert lee , stonewall Jackson, belasarius
>ww1, the lost generation, and the roaring 20s
>Bismarck due to how well he was able to manage the empire
>enjoy basically anything between 1850 until the fall of the soviet union for I am fascinated with the massive amounts of change that occurred in this time period
Fan of Urho Kekkonen, Henry Kissinger, Arthur Zimmermann, Lee Kuan Yew and pragmatists in general.
Most interested in contemporary history but avoid having opinions on people involved. (since living people can always change)
>Corneliu Codreanu,José Antonio Primo de Rivera because of obvious reasons, Nikola Tesla because he is an admirable and unique guy as reddit tier as it might sound
>Interwar period,Middle Eastern and East Asian history in general,Colonial wars
>Stilicho for his undying loyalty despite all the shit thrown at him, Teddy Roosevelt for his meme-tier foreign policy, Vyshnegradsky, Bunge and Witte for trying to modernize Russia's economy.
>Mainly focus on 19th-early 20th century Russian economic development and U.S diplomatic history 1865-1939, primarly North America like the Caribbean and Central America.
Very autistic, I know.
>Bismarck because he united Germany having no real power other than his brain
>Augustus because he was intelligent and well aware of his flaws and weaknesses and used his brain to rise from underdog to Princeps, and used that power for the good of the Empire
>Nietzsche because he was right about everything
>Early to mid 20th century, late Republican to early Imperial Rome, Late 19th century, not sure why i find them interesting
>Napoleon, due to his skill in many areas and his insane drive
>Ancient history, mainly the late Roman Republic and the Classical period
Meiji, Machiavelli, Samantha Smith, Jeanne D'Arc
Renaissance Italy, The Reformation, Shogunate Japan, Early Middle Ages, The Cold War
>Roman Republic to fall of Byzantine Empire.
Eisenhower, Caesar, Booker T. Washington
Vietnam War, 1960's, WWI, Ancient Egypt
>Lee Kuan Yew
>J. S. Mill
>Adam Smith
>William Brown
>Harry S. Truman
>Caesar, Alexander, Antiochus, Pompey, Scipio
>Early roman period and Ancient Greece and Hellenic empire.
I just want to command a hastati unit to victory against Gauls and capture Patavium.
Marcus Aurelius, George Washington, Vincent Van Gogh, Goethe, FDR, too many to list.
Pre-History, Scramble for Africa (Particular Orange Free State), Pre-Civil War US History, 20th Century History
>Oda Nobunaga
>Cao Cao
cont, my favourite periods are those of instability and power vacuums like the Sengoku Jidai, three kingdoms China and the fall of the Roman republic because because they offer a relatively level playing field and I can learn about how those people who came from nothing managed to use their intelligence, charisma and determination to rise to the top hoping I can use their example to better myself and reach my goals
Marcus Agrippa
Horatio Nelson
If you get anything other than ENTJ or INTJ youre confirmed to be a brainlet or a woman but I repeat myself.
I am quite new to history things however recently been interested in roman empire stuff, Augustus seems most interesting to me following Caesar, i also enjoy art so Vincent Van Gogh, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec seems most emotionally moving to me.
Pax Romana civilisation, architecture and good male statues, Italian Renaissance art and innovation wise, 60's and 80's for pop culture, romance/horror movies, comics, games, fashion, photography, lifestyle, pin up girls, etc.
Currently finishing watching Rome the recommended book on Augustus should be delivered tomorrow, hoping to make time for that.
Oh i meant INFP, my bad.
because only intuitives can have an interest in history obviously
watch out, kiddos sharp edges coming through. nothing personal.
When I was younger I consistently tested as INTJ, but now as INFJ. I'm not a particularly emotional person, but I suppose I am bretty good at reading others. Isn't Myers-Brigs a meme at least in the way the internet uses it? There are functions within each personality quadrant that are more important than the whole thing and those functions are supposed to impact your thought process more than the simple definitions. I also had a friend who was getting a Master's in some psych degree and she called it mostly bullshit.
>Karl the great for bringing back order and stability to western europe
>Migration period because based germans btfo meds
>If they don't descend from some horsefuckers that lived around Ukraine some centuries ago I am not interested in their history
I'm actually descended from proto-europeans tb h
t. I1