How did communists managed to starve millions of people while having the best arable land in all of Europe?
How did communists managed to starve millions of people while having the best arable land in all of Europe?
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1: populations generally grow to fit the resources available, so it is possible to starve in an agriculturally rich region that sees a slight drop in production
2: "red trains" removed grain from silos and took it elsewhere
3: it was intentionally orchestrated to suppress a potential Ukrainian rebellion
>3: it was intentionally orchestrated to suppress a potential Ukrainian rebellion
which is why also millions of russians and khazaks died right
fucking retard
famines were result of WW1
>famines were result of WW1
dont know why it autosend
result of WW1 and retarded kulaks burning their own crops just to rebel out of butthurt, they preffered to see their compatriots die out of starvation that to share
>famines were result of WW1
>retarded kulaks burning their own crops just to rebel out of butthurt
sure smells like /leftypol/ in here
commies dindu nuffin, they never killed or chased people of their lands to confiscaste them, central planing always worked perfectly and the Party always puted the most able person to the job regardless of ties or politicis
>be communist
>not understand basic economics
>constantly interfere with the free market with authoritarian measures
>be surprised when your entire population becomes poor and starving
however there is a diference between pure capitalism and Free Market Capitalism
in pure capitalist society the End State is Oligarchy, in Free Market Capitalism competition is expected to quell Capital from taking over politics
Because agricultural products were literally the only thing the Soviet Union was able to trade with the West, so they exported weed and other products to finance the build-up of their police state, as well as the first steps towards industrialisation. Lenin literally took food away from the farmers and sold it to the west, and he didn't feel bad about it, because he thought the farmers are standing on the side of the monarchs and the orthodox church, thus letting them die was actually useful for the communist revolution.
Also, as somebody already mentioned, it was also useful in the sense of "dempgraphic restructuring of the soviet union", e.g. for example destroying the ukranian nation, that was always seen as an obstacle to russian hegemony in eastern europe.
I remember reading about some commie official that quadruple seed concentration because "nature is socialist same species wont compete" the sprouts ended up consuming each others soil leading to massive crop failures
>which is why also millions of russians and khazaks died right
Wow, you're completely right
Guess the Holocaust didn't target Jews either since millions of gypsies and Slavs died also
There's considerable evidence that starvation was deliberately engineered in Ukraine by the Soviets for political ends.
>so they exported weed
I bet he believes commies ended Tzardom and industrialized Russia from nothing.
population of Russia 160m
population of USA 330m
why such anemic growth?
Why is it always the communist?
~30 M died due to starvation POLICY
~50 M died due to starvation POLICY
Currently in the middle of starvation with population on the brink of cannabalistic behavior
Americans have black and latino bulls to help raise birth rates, Russia does not have any of those.
Plenty of Cubans in Russia.
don't forget Venezuela has the BIGGEST OIL RESERVES IN THE WORLD
The Soviet and Chinese famines were pretty bad on themselves, no need to exaggarate them.
>Guess the Holocaust didn't target Jews either since millions of gypsies and Slavs died also
except it did
Why the FUCK would Stalin starve eastern ukraine, parts of russia and kazakhstan when majority of self aware hohols were in kiev (it didn't starve as hard as eastern provinces) and region under lwów (was under polish control)?
what you're saying is fucking retarded and there is zero (0) evidence for any deliberate efforts to wipe hohols through means of starvation
however the kulaks burning their own crops are fact
>however the kulaks burning their own crops are fact
This is retarded.
The USA offered the Soviet Union help to feed all of their people, their only condition was that they are allowed to give the food to anyone. The soviet union declined, and said they are only going to accept the help if they can choose who is getting the food. That alone shows that the communists obviously wanted to starve certain groups to death, for whatever reasons.
To western colleges, of course, all part of the marxist proselytist agenda.
SU 1989 : 286,730,819
US 1990 : 248,709,873
>SU lost 120 million inhabitants in 28 years
>Russia = SU
right after the break of SU Ukraine had one of the biggest armies
>famines were result of WW1
Famines in the mid 1930s a result of WW1? Are you retarded?
Because it balkanized ya idiot.
Communism is an antireality ideology.
See what I mean? Apparently a war that ended over a decade ago is responsible for famine immediately following collectivisation.
>communism wants a stateless classless society
>builds totalitarian state divided between the all-powerful political class and the powerless everyone else
1. WW2
2. It's only european Russia the one with people.
Wew, juat found out i am in the most fertile place of south america. Neat
Not him but can I get a source on that? Sounds iincredibly intriguing, I know the USA offered food and grain during the 1891 Famine to Russia, but haven't heard about that one.
Kennan, George Frost: Russia and the West under Lenin and Stalin (1961), Little Brown & Co (T), Boston, P. 141–185
People don't work very hard when you take away their lands and tell them to work on the now "people's land" from which the state will give them the minimum for their survival.
Intellectuals just don't know how to run a country. They know the world has the resources to create utopia but what they don't realize is that accessing those resources and using them to create utopia is much harder.
Basically humanities students are not good politicians.
People work as hard as they can if they need the food to not starve to death. That was not the problem. The communists basically had a two-step plan:
1. Take the food away from the farmers that they need to feed themselves and sell it to finance the build-up of the communist institutions and kick-start the industrialisation
2. Use the resulting famine to get rid of political opponents and other unlikeable groups of people. Basically, they took the food and the redistributed it to the people they like, and sold the rest.
if you are a westerner and not a vatnik or some shit than that's just sad.
Central planning. The Economic calculation problem. State mandated Ceilings and floors
How many must die untill marxism is finally discredited?