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>implying this isnt what the big man wanted him self
i rest comfortable in the idea that all the roasties there will be raped at least once in their lives by a muslim.
>destroying the very religion which is the foundation of a society of toleration that stopped people stoning you to death
This is not going to end well
This is the end times, surely.
considering how broad their definition of rape is, that's hardly a satisfying consolation
Oh on the contrary it makes it even better
Well that actually made me angry
Antitheism is the biggest problem in the LGBTQ+ community. Can't even associate with the idiots because they're too obsessed with divisive insiderist politics.
>Technically he never said anything was wrong about being gay either.
What, yes he did. Paul was very explicit about that in Romans.
9/10 bait
I'm not offended by their appropriation of Christ for their gay stuff. They have the freedom to do that, and I partially agree with their right to be homos and such.
I just don't like how narcissistic they are, that everything has to be an opportunity for grandstanding. Their eyes aren't on the scene itself or on the crucifix, they aren't on each other, they're all aiming into a camera while they pose and contort their stupid faces so they can be "part of the moment," so they can be the celebrity of a pointless little scene and whore it out on social media. They're self-obsessed, narcissistic whores.
I also don't like the lack of reverence for a crucifix, because it's a sign of a culture that doesn't know how to revere things anymore.
Something something Eliade something something the sacred and the profane. The only sense of the sacred occurring in that photo is each participant's reverence of his own situation at the centre of everything. The scene is made sacred by their participation, or rather by their participation being viewed implicitly by others who look at their selfie.
Also take into account the fact that it's a picture of people taking a picture of themselves. Why take a picture of them already taking a fucking picture?
Chaff people.
i've heard the "lbgtdaqud...etc community" is highly organized and vindictive against any perceived threat, and that they wield a lot of influence and power politically due to how tight nit and organized they are. they're basically the new jews, and i say that as a jew. feels bad that we're gonna be replaced in our historic role as conniving nepotists by a bunch of carpet munchers.
I didn't miss the "joke", I disagreed with its suggestion
They're fucking Uncle Toms who cannot stand anybody question their authority. It's disgusting and I can't even identify as what I am because I don't want to be associated with a bunch of dogmatic liberal asswipes who share an almost identical ideology with colonists, neo-Nazis, and 19th century imperialists, except they have a different reductive villain. Not only that, but they are hilariously ignorant and misinformed, especially of anything remotely radical.
They're like TERFs on a lot of fucking meth and I hope they burn out soon.
I'm not gonna lie... but did Paul understand Jesus well enough to trust?
Some of Jesus's students didn't learn anything, like Judas who betrayed him for money and then killed himself. Or Peter, who "sunk like a stone" (lol get it?) because he was "of little faith." Or the student that cut that guy's ear off and Jesus had to yell at him? That was after about 3 years of Jesus's teachings about peace and love, one of his students almost killed somebody...
Do you think that Christians should believe the students or just the teacher? If three of them didn't learn much... then how could we trust Paul? What if he is the fourth one? He doesn't seem like a very nice guy even though he says he used to be violent but now he's nice.
Eventually unlike Jews who have a tight ethnic bond they'll realize they have no actual common interest in each other once they are "tolerated".
They'll have to face that all the evil in the world didn't come from old ideas and why religions had to exist as a force to control morality in the first place.
Its going to be a dark time dawning
reporting this thread. Post this shit on /pol/ or don't post it at all.
God help them, as you help us.
>He doesn't seem like a very nice guy
That's the fucking point. No one is.
Paul understood just how dark and empty the human soul is without Christ, if you read Corinthians 13 closely you'll realize he had a practically Kierkegaardian sense of despair and nihilism on the background of Christianity. About how desolate and easy to kill it is without understanding the light and love of the savior
No one understood Christ like him. He was extroadinary
So why exactly does Paul say that it's bad to have gay sex? He never really gives an explanation to Timothy... he just gives Timothy a weird and strict set of rules for governing the people while he's gone.
Cause its fucking gay
uggghhhh god fucking dammit I'm eating here
I don't understand.
Homosexuality is self love, its a man making love to a being he sees himself most in rather than the sublime mystery of the Other through which one sees the beauty of God made manifest in Eve.
What is perfect in Eve was God, what is perfect in Adam is God, where they differ and are only the same unto themselves is the carnal and the impure. The self consumption of the self, a growthless meaningless loop as a serpent eating its own tail.
This is philosophy related kid
Before Zeus, our great Sky Father, split us in two, we were all androgyne's. Some were male-female, others female-female, and others male-male. Each seeks out the half which he has lost. It's confirmed by all our divinely inspired poets.
is that in French?
yeah, the audio
>giving a shit
Anyone else remember the Catholic Marxism meme ideology that floated around on Veeky Forums for a while?
that was an actual historical movement with a significant following, even to this day it has a following. disturbing? yeah. but it's true and far from only a meme.
You're almost correct but no one was male-male or female-female. Otherwise how can they be said to be split if they're seeking the same thing as themselves?
No only a heterosexual couple can find completeness through their reconciling difference
Scruton please go
This is wisdom that existed for millennia that can heard from Hegel to Aquinas. Scruton simply picked it up
is she, dare i say, /ourgirl/?
if you split an apple in half you get two half apples not a half apple and a half pear
You all mean to say that humans are biological animals formed by evolution, and they love based on the makeup of their brain, right? It is a physical part of a person, not within their "soul," in fact, you can tell somebody's orientation just by looking at them if you are well trained. But, the soul is still responsible for things that cannot be learned from physical aspects like looking at someone. There is still free will but not in the sense you are thinking. You must have no idea what you are talking about. Just know that you are wrong, and don't try to understand it further you will get nowhere.
Not if the two half's are symmetrically opposed, not identical. Otherwise they wouldnt fit together.
Alike yet different, like man and woman.
>You all mean to say that humans are biological animals formed by evolution
That's actually exactly what they are not trying to say. In fact, one of those posters uses the argument Plato gives in the Symposium to determine why we seek the other sex.
It's not completely wrong to assert God created woman from man, and we seek what came from ourselves. Lets be honest though, Darwin was a fucking dogmatist. And people give far too much credence to a theory that cannot be proven.
Lesbian here.
Just a reminder that we are taking over. The fact is women have NEVER been attracted to men: we needed them for protection, economic support and procreation, and sex is what we traded for those things (or they just raped us).
But now? First-world men have been totally domesticated, so no need to worry about violence. We're taking over the work force too, so we can provide for ourselves. And medical science has made procreative sex totally unnecessary; we can just buy the sperm (with our superior earnings) and have it cleanly injected without getting within ten feet of a penis.
Women are naturally more attracted to other women. Who wouldn't be? We're beautiful, soft and smooth and curvy, basically the opposite of hairy oafish ape-like men. And we know how to please each other like no man ever could. Lesbian sex can last for hours.
Every day more and more "straight" girls are being turned. The world of the future is where a small number of strong men act as our designated studs and the rest of you losers are eunuchs designated for manual labor exclusively. Deal with it.
Before anyone gets triggered: this is a copypasta
This is a myth, twin studies have proven there is extremely little correlation between genes and sexual orientation. Its a choice
Why would people be triggered by the truth?
an apple, in theory, is perfectly capable of having symmetry with respect to a line
also any given pair of men or pair of women will also be alike yet different. men aren't a bunch of clones of one another. they are alike...yet different
You are not a lesbian, you are a man who likes yuri
On a spiritual level, not really
the spoiler tag really sold it
did the holy ghost tell you that
Heavy shit.
>Evolution can't be proven
If anything it can't be taught. They ban it in several countries and it's a bad idea.
Do you know what happens when people migrate from one place to another? Over about 1,000 years their skin color changes based on the amount of sunlight. Darker skin colors protect against damage caused by the sun, and lighter skin colors allow to get more vitamin D when the sun is not harmful.
Do you know what DNA is and how it works? In ancient times, studying the human body was forbidden and that's why they were so delayed on understanding these things. Some "scientists" had to study animals and assume that humans were similar because they couldn't study humans at all.
I heard at Uni that every single large population of humans ever studied has had some type of religion or left behind some evidence that they believed in the paranormal. Usually different every time, but think about how many religions there are. The idea is that religious beliefs are part of genetics because every large group of people has a large religious majority, and all the forgotten religions become myths just like every religion today that will be forgotten will one day be called "myth" while people debate over their new religions.
If men fit together right they wouldn't have to fuck each other up the ass
You say that men are not alike spiritually?
This is kind of correct/incorrect. I would say that our souls can be about as different as our bodies are, that is admitting of slight variations, but on the whole retaining the same characteristics.
>You say that men are not alike spiritually?
Other way around. Men are all much the same on a spiritual level. The pathos of a woman is something very different
Men and women are very much the same.
i mean, im not a homo and i find butt sex gross so i really dont have a response to that. good point i guess
A tense-looking but really very loose type of argument.
>brainlet snowflakes literally getting upset by a dumbass ig post that they also believe represents the entirety of the outside world because they've memed themselves into retarded reactionaries
wew lads
i conceded his point so he said checkmate
Its a work in progress. Hard to get the discourse just right analytically
Hah, has it ever occurred to you that different people believe in religions that are extremely similar, and bare striking resemblances to each other because of their closeness with God? Perhaps they can perceive something that is clouded in your soul.
Here is a quote from Rousseau's Emile for you
"Cast your eyes over every nation of the world; peruse every volume of its history; in the midst of all these strange and cruel forms of worship, among this amazing variety of manners and customs, you will everywhere find the same ideas of right and justice; everywhere the same principles of morality, the same ideas of good and evil. The old paganism gave birth to abominable gods who would have been punished as soundrels here below, gods who merely offered, as a picture of supreme happiness, crimes to be committed and lust to be gratified. But in vain did vice descend from the abode of the gods armed with their sacred authority; the moral instinct refused to admit it into the heart of man. While the debaucheries of Jupiter were celebrated, the continence of Xenocrates was revered; the chaste Lucrece adored the shameless Venus; the bold Roman offfered sacrifices to Fear; he invoked the god who mutilated his father, and he died without a murmur at the hand of his own father. The most unworthy gods were worshipped by the nobles men. the sacred voice of nature was stronger than the voice of the gods, and won reverence upon earth; it seemed to relegate guilt and the guilty alike to heaven.
There is therefore at the bottom of our hearts an innate principle of justice and virtue, by which, in spite of our maxims, we judge our own actions or those of others to be good or evil; and it is this principle that I call conscience...
...Conscience! Conscience! Divine instinct, immortal voice from heaven; sure guide for a creature ignorant and finite indeed, yet intelligent and free; infallible judge of good and evil, making man like to God! In thee consists the excellence of man's nature and the morality of his actions; apart from thee, I find nothing in myself to raise me above the beasts -- nothing but the sad privilege of wandering from one error to another, by the help of an unbridled understanding and a reason which knows no principle. "
I appreciate your taking the time to write this.
>Darwin was a fucking dogmatist. And people give far too much credence to a theory that cannot be proven.
Less of a dogmatist than any other person/position, though. Also, darwinism/neodarwinism haven't been up to the standards of science for a long time. They're irrelevant. Evolution isn't actually a theory either, but a branch of biology comprised of many fields, theories, and methods, some of which are questionable/soft (as they speak on the macro, population scale). It's obvious that inheritance occurs and organisms change, literally everything in biology implicitly and oftentimes directly proves this. It's essentially axiomatic at this point, there is quite literally no other possibilities that account for what is a wealth of empirical evidence on dozens of layers of biology. It's a matter of how this actually works, which is very different.
>It's essentially axiomatic at this point, there is quite literally no other possibilities that account for what is a wealth of empirical evidence on dozens of layers of biology. It's a matter of how this actually works, which is very different.
You, or even the entirety of academia saying so, does not make this so.
Yes inherited traits exist, but this does not in any way prove evolution. Do some research before you speak, artificial selection =/= natural selection.
>Yes inherited traits exist, but this does not in any way prove evolution.
Over the timescales that life has existed, yes it does
What book is that again?
Thanks for the argument.
that's retarded
C'est ne pas un argument
>Philosophical discussion can go on either Veeky Forums or Veeky Forums, but ideally those discussions of philosophy that take place on Veeky Forums should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.
*Ideally,* meaning it's not a rule
Hey look I have no horse in this race. Whatever maybe it is all bullshit
These people will in front of a statue displaying a man in a state of tremendous suffering , and then they will go on the internet and lecture people about the importance of empathy. Disgusting.
>even the disciples sinned
>the disciples of christ are human
Shock horror.
Tell that to the mod when he nukes this to oblivion.
>Western modernity
>implying jesus' only real value wasn't to represent the struggle of the everyman against deceitful institutions
oh but i forgot he's a magical virgin-birth baby who we clearly understand very well historically.
so what if gays want to stand in front of a suffering statue? gays suffer hardcore existence-wise and need heroes like jesus just as much as anyone else.
they probably shouldn't have put the tie on his neck but at the same time there is probably some symbolic truth in that too.
This is what happens when mommy tells you being a good boy will get you places lol
>gays suffer hardcore existence-wise
Lmao no they don't. Vast majority of gays I met were borderline p-Zombies
It's their very trivial existence which is why they disgust me so much to begin with
My God you are a fag
being a p-zombie is a sort of cyclical pain.
you only think this way because some whore rejected you as a kid when you were really to egotistical an vain to see that her homelife was shit.
In hindsight, this was the least terrifying thing ever. Weird how everyone blew it out of prop oaf tree on.
it was billed as a happening before it even happened. So everyone turned up expecting to see a dramatic happening rather than not much happening, which is what happened.
Not an argument
>This is what passes for philosophy in England
Why should religious people be respected? They obviously aren't capable of rational thought if they reached the conclusion of believing in a magic sky fairy after any deliberation. If they aren't capable of rational thought then they are by definition subhuman.
>inb4 fedora
Why is that a bad thing? Are you a fedora for not respecting flat-earthers?
>i know what will look intimidating, tiki torches from walmart!
Heheh good one John Oliver
Haha I watch Trevor Noah too!!
This picture really triggers conservative snowflakes.
I'm going to fucking throw you on a tire fire
The people who talk shit about religion generally know very little about it. Nothing new.