Did the Nazis know they were the baddies?
The leaders and the perpetrators obviously yes, but many soldiers and civilians were deluded by propaganda
How could they not? They are literally like comic book villains.
Did Anglos? Honestly all Hitler was doing was copying the British empire.
Nazis don't resemble comic book villains, comic book villains resemble the nazis, since they were created by the Jews explicitly to lampoon/villainize the nazis.
Magneto is Jewish though
Some did. There were definitely German generals who objected to the killing of civilians and I'm reminded of a quote "we cannot be allowed to win this war." Paulus, the General at Stalingrad was a huge Nazi and Hitler critic after the fact.
The troops on the ground probably didn't think they were good or bad guys by the end, just people trying to survive. Gunter Koschorrek claimed that no German soldiers were fighting for the "Nazi ideal" by the end of the war.
>Gunter Koschorrek
Take the words of Wehrmacht veterans with a grain of salt. After they were all trying to absolve themselves of guilt and to blame the Waffen SS for all of Germany's war crimes.
After the war*
>There were definitely German generals who objected to the killing of civilians and I'm reminded of a quote "we cannot be allowed to win this war."
You're thinking of this guy
>Lex Luthor
Created by Jerry Siegel (Jewish) and Joe Shuster (Jewish)
>Red Skull
Created by Joe Simon (Jewish) and Jack Kirby (Jewish)
Created by Stan Lee (Jewish)
Created by Stan Lee (Jewish), Larry Lieber (brother of Stan Lee, Jewish) and Jack Kirby (Jewish)
Created by Bob Kane (Jewish) and Bill Finger (Jewish)
You get the idea.
Please specify who you you mean with "the Nazis". "The Nazis" are used on this board for
- German soldiers of the Wehrmacht
- members of the NSDAP
- Germans in general
- Germans in general between 1933 and 1945
Some probably did. Most of them believed they were doing a righteous thing by killing Jews and Russians
Yes thank you.
Only one of those characters is a Nazi
History is written by the winners.
They lost.
Therefore they must be the bad guys.
>The absolute state of Veeky Forums
I think it's a little different because Gunter was writing at the time, not post-war.
Funny how the comic book villain who most resembles a Nazi ideologically (aggressive belief in a master race) is a Holocaust survivor
They are the bad guys because they started a war of aggression all across an otherwise peaceful Europe and then genocided millions of native Eastern Europeans
Yeah and the nazis are once again to blame since he became a psychopath because of the Holocaust. He was once again created by Lee and Kirby.
Lex Luthor was supposedly based on Goebbels. Also it's not a coincidence that most of these supervillains got created in the late 1930s and early 1940s.
Why is his hand so small and baby-like? Is this the power of the Irish male?
>Paulus, the General at Stalingrad was a huge Nazi and Hitler critic after the fact.
Paulus reportedly had an extremely poor relationship with his superior, Walther von Reichenau, who was an extreme pro-Hitler zealot (there were probably SS officers more level-headed than him). Combine that with the scores of mass murders von Reichenau ordered of his own accord (knowledge of which, Paulus would've been privy to), it's no surprise that Paulus decided to defect to the Soviets and save himself rather than die for a Fuhrer he had no confidence in.
>I have no intention of killing myself for this Bohemian corporal.
>Dead men no longer have interest in military history.
fuck Paulus was based
Every single person living in Nazi Germany had what we call the "Evil Gene".
Some must have on account that they deliberately tried to hide organized policy of massacre. Instead counting on a propaganda regime with a narrative of just heroes that completely witewashed what they were actually doing. Especially if all had gone according to plan and they would have won.
You don't hide and deny actions you aren't ashamed of.
>Also it's not a coincidence that most of these supervillains got created in the late 1930s and early 1940s.
Of course it's not a coincidence. Hitler and the Nazis were running rampant in Europe and there was tons of anti-nazi propaganda by the allies. Of course villains made in that time period would have some inspiration from the Nazis.
They were the current bad guys in world politics at the time.
>to villainize the nazis
Isn't it villify? And nobody does a better job at villifying nazis than nazis.
What Nazi do you think Joker is based upon?
I fucking hate Peterson's historical videos.
They had to know they were cucks
iirc I once saw a video where he even told some false mainstream myths about some historical topic. Made me chuckle
But did they actually think they were the bad guys for those massacres? or they had motivations that made them they were the good guys
It's a bit hard to generalize that.
-some were certainly hardcore racists/antisemites that did it with glee
-some thought it was simply a neccesity, that Germans had the duty to do (an uns wird die Welt genesen)
-some simply thought it their duty to follow orders (even if they weren't neccesarily in threat of the death penalty, it's just that a German soldier doesn't misobey orders)
-many were disgusted, especially after Babi Yar, which is why they started doing it in secret and more impersonal
-some thought it was beneath them to do the dirty work, they were honourable soldiers after all
-few actually resisted, like the Weiße Rose.
As far as uniforms go, like in OP's pic, the death's head symbol is quite old, and like the style of the uniform it was simply a continuation of older Prussian/German styles. Only afterwards do we associate these things with ultimate evil.
Some thought what they were doing was kinda fucked up, but thought they were gonna win so it didn't matter anyway.
Some didn't agree with it but thought it was for the better of Germany so they went with it out of some sense of duty.
Some were worried about being punished for insubordination and just followed orders, even though that's not really an excuse.
And then there were a handful who were as outspoken as they could safely be about the massacres, and/or actively worked against the war effort.
Probably this honestly.
Right because the Nazis didn't do that themselves, y'know by genociding people, killing civilians, invading neutral countries, starting a World War, and being oppressive to their own people.
>39 replies
>23 posters
Why do you stormfags always reply to yourselves? ya, we get it, you idolize race and want to be white even though ur probably mexican (like most of /pol/) and the jews are the reason why you don't have a GF, so that justifies you replacing religion in the west with white paganism :-)
They thought they were just being edgy.
Comic book villains resemble nazis ftfy
I read this in his voice
>stormfags actually think like this
>he thinks life imitates art and not the other way around
goddamn Veeky Forums get it together
>Germans were the aggressors
BWAAAHHHAAHA. You realize the reason why Germany had to invade Poland is because they were throwing all the ethnic Germans in concentration camps right?
wtf kind of question is this do you think they just said haha we will plunge the world in war because we are EVILLLLLL no they didn't they thought they were right
There was one concentration camp in Poland before the war. Most of its prisoners were Ukrainian nationalists, Polish nationalists and communists.
So the 50,000 Germans who were mudered during the German invasion just killed themselves right?
>Nazi propaganda
Unreliable source
He's also implied that all communist countries followed a path similar to that of Stalin's Russia.
50,000 Germans were never killed during the invasion. 58,000 Germans is the number made up by the Nazi propaganda. In fact, after the war a document was found claiming that 5800 ethnic Germans were killed by Poles in September 1939 (this number is also questioned by most Polish historians, they say it was closer to 2000, other Germans were victims of Nazi bombardments).
Is that why they had to annex Czechoslovakia and Austria?
>No evidence
Austria wanted to be annexed because Germany was prospering and the government in Austria was hated. Czech was invaded because some Germans were being abused although no to the extent in Poland but mostly because the Sudetenland was German clay.
You really ought to change your filenames so people don't recognize what an obsessive spastic you are.
How many Germans were being abused in France, Ukraine, the USSR, and North Africa?
Caesar did something very similar in Gaul yet I don't see anyone saying he wuz da bad guy, rather he is kinda treated as a hero. The winners write history no doubt
Sudetenland literally never belonged to Germany before 1938.
Damn, I sure am glad those evil Nazis lost the war! Can you imagine what the world would look like if they won? How awful it would be! Thank god we live in a modern tolerant multicultural utopia!
Stop being naive, it had nothing to do with fear of being called racist, clearly these government agents protected some powerful people who were members of a ped ring.
>Nazis murder thousands of children in extermination camps on a daily basis
>*cricket sounds from stormfags*
They saw themselves as victims. remember this is just after WWI. They thought their Jewish politicians sold them out - the stab in the back. Then the Treaty of Versailles sold them out. Then Deutchland was broken up, and demiliterized, and there was a huge financial crash. Then you have the rise of Marxism, which they see as a Jewish plot, and the USSR. They felt it was a fight for survival. The Jews were what tied everything together. In their mind, it had to be done.
>thousands of children daily
And without a single corpse or pile of ashes to prove it! Amazing!
This is your brain on Jewish propaganda masquerading as entertainment.
This. Being the baddies is kinda secondary to what they were feeling at the time, let alone the implications of being the bad guys.
This. Being the baddies was kinda secondary to what they were feeling at the time, let alone the implications of being the bad guys.
The Anglo race deserves to be exterminated to the last child.
Did the Romans feel like baddies iat Carthage?
Did the Jews feel like baddies during the Kitos War?
Did the Turks feel like baddies in Assyria?
Did the Han people feel like baddies in the Jie areas?
Or rather is the complete extermination of your enemies in order to prevent future reprisals from their descendents a logical step in war?
I hate this stupid colourisation meme
>Or rather is the complete extermination of your enemies in order to prevent future reprisals from their descendents a logical step in war?
>implying Jews were actually the enemies of Germany
How about you not make most of the world your enemy so that you don't have to take in the impossible task of killing everyone that won't now down to your autism?
Answer the question
>you're either a deluded stormfag or a multicultist
>genociding people, killing civilians, invading neutral countries, starting a World War, and being oppressive to their own people.
and this doesn't describe the USSR, the UK or any other empire?
You are a brainwashed idiot
they didn't, just like how Stalin didn't think he was the bad, nor did Mao, Djhengis Khan, Muhammed etc. You are putting a hypocritical and morally empty standard onto the Third Reich.
>Answer the question
Not him, but France declared war on Germany. So did Britain, who owned North Africa.
>implying Jews were actually the enemies of Germany
they were since they used WW1 as an opportunity to attempt to start a communist revolution in Germany, in the cities they seized they started to engage in mass human trafficking of children
Your position will have merit once it backs down and removes the absurd left-wing virtue signaling from these kind of discussions. You are not doing anything, you cave to the left and pretend to be an objective person.
>the USSR
the USSR set up killing camps for German soldiers and civilians
there is no reason to care about jews or communists
you can't fly an air plane unless you dislodge memhets cock from your ass
This thread is in need of some bombing
>it's no surprise that Paulus decided to defect to the Soviets and save himself rather than die for a Fuhrer he had no confidence in.
#1 on our Top Ten Historical Roasts of All Time is General Paulus
>I have no intention of shooting myself for this Bohemian corporal.
>implying Jews were actually the enemies of Germany
More like enemies of the entirety of Europe. Do the names Bela Kun, Leon Trotsky, or Rosa Luxemburg ring a bell?
Just because you got bullied by brown people as a kid doesn't mean that everyone was
Centrist: I want to kill niggers, jew AND white people, don't you get that mom!!!
>Just because you got bullied by brown people as a kid doesn't mean that everyone was
that's an odd excuse for letting a sand nigger rape you daughter
Agenda driven people like the Tyrannical Left never once consider that they are the bad people. They will do anything for their Agenda, and rationalize that the ends justify the means.
The ends have never justified the means, not once, not ever.
And Agenda driven people are the most evil people on earth.
You just mentioned people who were enemies of krauts why wouldn't I be good with that?
I'm sorry the imam touched you when you were small
Reminder that for the entire time that Veeky Forums has existed nothing productive has ever come out of arguments surrounding the NSDAP
>I'm sorry the imam touched you when you were small
this is weak, you are weak and the sand coons grooming your daughter sees this
> in the cities they seized they started to engage in mass human trafficking of children
That's new. You mixed anti-communist propaganda from 1919 with anti-capitalist propaganda from 1923.
feels good to know that holocauster tycoon is real because you like to pretend to BTFO some pollack
>And without a single corpse or pile of ashes to prove it
But that's fucking wrong you retard.
>there is no reason to care about German children
See? I can be a callous racist piece of shit too.
You're just saying the same shit post, but exchanging yourself being raped for the other user's daughter. Be self aware, my dude
weak like your granny's anus when ivan ivanovich was done with her right
That is a shit post
>Hans, please exterminate these 12 year old, violent communist partisans
Germans were literally enemies of the entirety of Europe. Do the names Wilhelm II, Franz Joseph, or Adolf Hitler ring a bell?
>That's new. You mixed anti-communist propaganda from 1919 with anti-capitalist propaganda from 1923.
the jews are a versatile people, he accuses you of what he does, like all the endless youtube clips where people complain about jews controlling Wall Street only to be meet by a jew shrieking that the WASPs are the ones in power
The Soviets were right about Weimar Germany in someways, a lot of them didn't disapprove but saw its utility in galvanizing Russian Christians.