>Byzantine (Eastern Roman) Empire
Byzantine (Eastern Roman) Empire
Other urls found in this thread:
>if they called themselves Roman, they're Roman
byzantine kingdom* it wasn't good enough to be an empire
>Russian (Roman) Empire
actual worst meme of all time
I agree the Ottoman Empire was not Roman. Glad we could clear that up
Prove that they weren't you fucking memer
We will always be more Roman than you, Polykarpos. Even HRE is more Roman than you.
I'm Roman
Yet to have seen a single decent argument the Byzantines should not be considered Roman/an extension of Rome.
They're not from Rome nor do they ever occupy Rome.
>nor do they ever occupy Rome.
>Not from Rome
If you're going by this logic damn near the entirety of the Roman population living within the empire wasn't from Rome. Only a small minority could trace their lineage to the original Roman tribe in Latium. Would you even begin to argue that the majority of Italians weren't Roman because they came from Etruscan/Umbrian/Greek/Celtic/Sabine backgrounds?
>Occupy Rome
They actually did retake Rome briefly, you brainlet. Regardless by late antiquity the actual city of Rome was a devastated provincial backwater and for a long time had not even been the capital of the WRE itself. The fact that its garrison consisted of around a mere 400 men during Alaric's attack on the city says a lot.
>you have to have muh literal city of Rome to be the legit Roman empire
What is Ravenna?
The Ottoman empire was a shithouse that was only successful in its early quasi-islamic byzaboo years and under wh*Teboi Ata""""turk"""". Objectively the least innovative and nog tier of imperial powers
Byzies are pathetic
Its the Roman Empire, not the Empire of Rome
It's about Romans (Romanoi) not about Rome
actually, "BYZANTIVM" in latin originally meant "east rome," so they're not wrong
literally what?
>The etymology of Byzantion is unknown. It has been suggested that the name is of Thraco-Illyrian origin.[1] It may be derived from a Thracian or Illyrian personal name, Byzas.[2] Ancient Greek legend refers to a king Byzas, the leader of the Megarian colonists and founder of the city.[3] The form Byzantium is a Latinisation of the original name. Much later, the name Byzantium became common in the West to refer to the Eastern Roman Empire, the "Byzantine" Empire, whose capital Constantinople stood on the site of ancient Byzantium. This usage was introduced only in 1555 by the historian Hieronymus Wolf, a century after the empire had ceased to exist. During the time of the empire, the term Byzantium was restricted to just the city, rather than the empire it ruled.
Byzantium was the original name of the city where Constantinople was built as Rome's second capital, as to where the original name originates is unknown and only legends talk about a King Byzas who named the city after himself.
>he fell for it
Byzantine=Not Roman
>you can't put two and two together
>wikipedia can't either
so eazy I could do this in my sleep