Alright you cryptofags.... Do you want to stay poor for the rest of your lives? Didn't think so... Then get on board... This shit is headed for the moon. Get in while you can!
Alright you cryptofags.... Do you want to stay poor for the rest of your lives? Didn't think so... Then get on board...
When tho? This piece of shit hasn't moved at all
>hurr durr it's not mooning in 2 days it's shit
it has moved downwards
0 movement = whales = profit = 10000000000x
Ethereum is proof. 13 dollar to 300
believe me you fags are gonna kill yourselves when you see what ODN is capable of.
Actually I do, waves is waaay undervalued and is easily a $100 coin.
*undiscovered by many
*eth 2.0
*limite support
*continues updates and progress for over 1 yr now
*really active community
this shitcoin is going nowhere. Screencap this
You still don't know shit, truely mark my words you don't know whats going on behind the scenes. They might even kill Ethereum, but as I don't see this space as a competition I like to not resort to those statements.
dude stfu about your gay ass waves. ODN > Waves
>*eth 2.0
Get both and get rich
too all the bag holders that still shill this shitcoin stop embarrassing yourselves and just sell it wont even pump 10% it will only go down from hare so just stop
most of us are ICO buyers who are still green. kys
then sell while you are still green and move on with your lives this is a dead project and it is embarrassing seeing all those restarted posts everyday
>hurr durr dead project
>hurr durr restarted posts
Unlike this shitcoin, VERTCOIN is just starting to ACTUALLY moon. Jump in asap!
I like the idea but it's already like what, 300% since ico?
I will buy in at .15-.25 because it's not worth anything more than that atm.
I hope these shilling posts don't actually convince people to buy your bags
vertcoin has been pumped. it is going to be dumped.
it's holding quite firm at its current price. you're not getting ODN that cheap.
It's been going down for far more than 2 days you faggot
its ATH was a litte over a dollar
current price is a bargain
also the marketcap is barely 7.5 million dollars, whilst shit like pic related is over half a billion and has no product or anything at all
meanwhile obsidian has an app release ready for december and roadmap release soon
you are waiting for a dip that never will happen
What's the name of this shitcoin again?
your mother
dose your mother know that you are using your lunch money on shit coins
I'll dose your fucking mother, with my johnson. Buy ODN, faggort.
ODN is Harambes vision!
It's about time that this gem hits a real exchange.
pssssttt the messaging feature is not even decentralized
pssssstt yes it is. nice FUD tho
IOC boys.