I have an idea in mind and want to create an app that makes /soc/ useless, but its going to take a lot of time and effort and I'm going to have to research neural networks. Is there a good chance of making money just based on word of mouth alone? Or should I stick to daytrading shitcoins?
Is it worth developing mobile applications anymore?
Other urls found in this thread:
>soc useless
The appeal is that its on Veeky Forums.
All these types of groups are dependant on environment and you cant just create a new environment.
Machine learning, AI, data science
are the new trends for any dev platform be it mobile or not. Just think of an unique idea that no one has
done, sell your idea to major companies and enjoy your profits, user.
Unless you are willing to
take some risks and know a little bit of business
I think its better to sell your idea then to make it your own.
How do I just sell an idea? I have no networking experience and don't know people in the industry.
>Machine learning, AI, data science
considerable higher barriers to entry compared to average web or mobile project
Youre going to have to first demonstrate your idea/app to a general audience without giving too much away on the details. When I say "concrete" idea, I don't mean just a paper of fluff.
You should copyright it as your own property, that way people have to talk to you or else they face consequences. There's a lot of resources out there you could use to spread awareness and as long as you get a lot of views, I'm sure some investors/companies will contact you given the idea/app is very promising. Or could you find network around people involved in Tech. I'm sure googling could help you more than myself, but I know a couple guys who have sold their ideas for some scooter designs during a career fair at my university (they're in the engineering field) and was contacted by a small to mid-tier company shortly after.
This is just a small example and by no means does it imply you have to approach it like this. But I hope it does encourage you to understand that not every business starts out with their own concepts or ideas. It's little rarer for the case of big companies, but it's still possible.
eh it's not that hard it's mostly statistics n junk
you have better odds at winning the powerball
Do you know how obscure of an idea you could get away with as copyright/patent? I have a pretty good idea as well but coding is actually hard as fuck for me. (learning Swift atm) Honestly just considering asking a friend to help me or just try and push the idea onto some other company.
I'm kind of interested in coding as well. Anyone know where to start for programing in and around blockchains, maybe start off with web to maybe try and make a little cash in the mean time?
You can't copyright an idea, but you can an implementation of that idea. Your work is also copyrighted by default, no need to do anything special.
HTML is pretty easy if you wanna do web pages. Just use CodeAcademy. Wouldn't recommend for any other languages as they have a very annoying approach where you are literally told what to do and are rewarding for copy pasting what is written. For HTML it isn't too bad as (so far) it really does just seem to be copy paste. I imagine it would be a bit harder for more complex pages.
As for blockchain, no clue. Seems very confusing.
Thanks for the response.
It's still worth developing PC games or even websites. Why in fuck's name would you think apps are done?
Blockchain is definitely confusing indeed.
If you are up for developing dApps
I am willing to share a course on learning Solidity (it was actually offered for $299) but I got it for discount price of $0 because I attended ETHWaterloo. I think the discount code still works. Imo, I think everyone one should get the chance to at least understand the huge potential dApps bring to the future of our virtual economy.
Link to course: courses.blockgeeks.com
Discount Code: blockgeekswaterloo
I'm giving back to the community. Veeky Forums has helped me out before, so why not.
for web, start with html. then css and javascript. learn jquery, angular and bootstrap after that.
so if you make an app and then you see someone made a similar app that becomes successful, you can sue them for copyright infringement as long as your app was started before theirs?
Hey! Just saw this, thanks a lot man! Really appreciate it.
You can sue only if their implementation is similar to yours, for example if the layout of the app is the same, or they use similar animations, etc. Basically anything where you can point out strong similarities that are suspiciously infringing on your app. If their app does the same thing as yours but looks unique, you don't have a case.