what was the Levant like under Byzantine rule?
What was the Levant like under Byzantine rule?
I unironically laughed when I saw it labelled as Romania, good job user
Glorious. The Greatest thing ever, literally could not be beaten.
>Fucking Muslims
People were suffering under harsh Byzantine tyranny and Greeks were forcing local muslims to convert to Orthodox (meme version of christianity) Christianity.
>Islam outside of Arabia before the Arab conquests
This is a history board user.
Levant is part of Arabia
>Thuringian Kingdom in Poland
Why do g*rmanoid subhumans lie so much ?
The Levant was converted to Islam when the Muslims conquered it. The timeline doesn't match up.
Arabia means teh arabic peninsula. you know, where arabs live?
That simply is not true, though the repression did exist between Eastern Christians and the Orthodox authorities, they were not Muslims.
>wh*Te delusions
Islam has existed since Adam retard. Read the Quran.
>you know, where arabs live?
Germany, France etc
Rich. Lots of heresy and unrest. Also Levantines & Egyptians were supposedly very feminine for their era, funny how the tables turned.
Here's a (You) for you, fellow memester :)
before mohammed bro
poland belongs to samo
did eastern church and orthodox hate eachother
Shit - the local populations felt disenfranchised with Byzantine rule which is one of the reasons why the conquests of the Rashidun caliphates were so successful.
weren't there lots of greeks living there
Isn't Poland a Czech region already ?
It sucks. There's a reason why they lost levant so easily during the First muslims invasion.
poland are the biggest cucks out of all the slavs
it looked like this
Levantines were treated like second class citizens. Proof: not a single Byzantine emperor married a Levantine woman. Arabs freeing them from racist Byzantines was the best thing that happened to the Levant
make antioch greek again
Just throwing a possibility out there, but they may have been grecophones or otherwise have considered themselves culturally Greek but didn't have a strong connection to the state. That or they were just outnumbered by Aramaic peoples.
i mean considering how mega important antioch, acre, and jerusalem are in christianity, you'd think there would be large greek communities there
maybe sort of like south africa which is 80% black but cities like pretoria and durban identify sort of more "white"
>best thing that ever happened to the levant
think again, roach
why was ravenna the capital of the ostrogoths and not rome?
>Celtic christianity labeled as separate
>saxons labeled as arians when they weren’t even christian
What shittery is this
Because Ravenna was the capital of the WRE when it fell. Rome became less important once the military decided who an Emperor was, Milan (Mediolanum) became a better position for Emperors to live. It was further north so Emperors were closer to the Rhine and Danube and could respond faster to foreign invaders as well as usurpers from Gaul, Spain and Britain.
Once Gaul, Spain and Britain was lost Milan was more dangerous and open to attacks (as was Rome which was sacked in 410) which was sacked) and so they moved the Imperial court to Ravenna which is a superior military fortress, surrounded by marshland and access to resupply from the sea meant defenders could hold out for a long time.
how are either of those things wrong?
not all saxons were christians at the time but arian christianitywas present in this region
did the pope live in rome? did the ostrogoths give a shit about the pope?
The pope lived in Rome, as did the Roman senate. Popes were either appointed directly by the Ostrogoth Kings or the Papal elections were strongly influenced by them, the Byzantines also tried to influence elections initially but the Papacy was firmly under Ostrogothic control until Justinian captured Rome. The Ostrogoths despite technically being heretics were pretty tolerant of the Pope and their fellow Christians and let Popes do whatever he wanted as long as he didn't try to meddle with politics.
>Popes were either appointed directly by the Ostrogoth Kings or the Papal elections were strongly influenced by them
whoa damn, TIL. Never realised the ostrogoths had that much influence, their kingdom only lasted what less than 100 years?
The Byzantine empire was also named Romania ,retard american faggot
Can't you at least read a wikipedia first?
jest to samo
We’re on a board for the discussion and sharing of historical knowledge you stupid faggot, what do you have against an user asking questions?
I’m a Maronite Lebanese christian, dunno if im white, arab, or greek lol.
If i go back in history, popular names in my family are - Pier, Michael, Christiano, Joseph, etc.
The majority split from Greek Orthodoxy and became 'Monophysites' in/after the 400s.
Aramaic was growing in importance and reaching its greatest extent. Only 3 villages near Damascus remain speaking the Western form of Aramaic, 300 miles away from the closest area that speaks the language, near the Euphrates.
Jews apparently were not allowed in Jerusalem. Both the Armenians and the Church of the East were present there.
it wasnt you fucking gypsy scum
Let the real latins do roman things while you go steal some copper
You look Italian
romania means land of the romans
it was often used in documents
although it is an odd choice seeing as the byzantine, eastern roman, or roman empire are far more recognizable
lol that's the guy from grandma's boy
>Jews apparently were not allowed in Jerusalem. Both the Armenians and the Church of the East were present there.
what was byz reaction to the church of the east after all the council of chalcedon. did they think they were heretics or were they like "hey, at least not jew"
I think they took Eastern Orthodox side against Oriental Orthodox/Monophysites. Oriental Orthodox supposedly rejected it aas "too Nestorian" and the "Assyrian" Church of the East almost united with Eastern Orthodox under Benyamin Shimun if I'm not mistaken.
Monophysitism was declared a heresy.
Church of the East opposed Monophysitism. It was headquartered outside the Byzantine Empire.
You are correct, I apologize.
>Odd choice
>Literally the most commonly used name for the empire in history
dunno but they opened their own gate and welcomed the muslims when they came so the byzzies rule must be pretty shit
No it wasn't. The entire province of Egypt was monophysite and was also the bread basket of the empire. Thats why so many emperors attempted councils to reconcile monophysism
But he is right, the reason why Jerusalem was tekken is because r*mans persecuted their citizen who converted to islam
Jerusalem was taken because of the battle of yarmouk
>french family names
That's because you all try to pass off as European
You wish
>It is alone
t. Stanislaus Kowalski from Nashville population USA
There was also a latin speaking population in the Levant. Beirut was a Latin colony for example.
Image related: geographic distribution of latin inscription within the empire.
Ladino Spanish was also spoken in Thessalonica (I assume the black area in Greece) by Jews until recently. They were a third if the city's population at one point.
That's most likely related to the Ottoman period, however.
Why is Antioch part of Turkey again
frogs being inept as usual gettiing btfo against a fledging republic who is facing a three front war already
What is antioch? I don't know any place named antioch? do you mean Antakya? Obviously because it's a TÜRK city
i was talking about it being recognizable
When will the roaches go away and stop ruining every Greek/Byzantine/pre-Turk thread?
They did call themselves Romania. Just because some Balkan gypsies appropriated that name in 19th century it doesn't change that fact.
When you stop talking about us you bird shit skin filth