Historically speaking how did the KGB defeat the USA two decades after the USSR fell?
Historically speaking how did the KGB defeat the USA two decades after the USSR fell?
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the eternal slav, that's all you need to say
>waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah DRUMPF its not fair it was her time!!
Saying 'historically' does not make it history you fucking cuck
I was asking for the historical reasons the US has failed.
By infiltrating academia, the media, and federal government. Joe McCarthy was sadly correct.
>gets triggered by easy bait
>defends Trump unironically
>reddit spaces
Hello The_Donald
Bernie would have won
Free pornography
no lmao
KGB doesn't exist anymore, it's called the FSB. And if you unironically believe in the Russia rigged elections maymay you're a complete retard.
>implying reddit spaces are a thing
>implying they didnt only became an issue in 2016 when a bunch of kiddies swarmed in for babbies first election
Fuck off back to whatever scumpit you oozed out of.
We won the battle, they won the war
They haven't really. The Russians have taken some of the high ground in propaganda after the delegitimizing of US strategies in Iraq and Afghanistan, which is why a lot of people are praising their involvement in the Syrian war. But other than that, their propaganda isn't too powerful, and asides from a group of relatively politicized youth most of people don't care or are apathetic towards Russian foreign policy.
Russia is official the go to cop out of the d*mocrats
>Implying Reddit spaces are a thing
What did he mean by this?
They don't exist except in the minds of newfags who are so obsessed with proving they have nothing to do with Reddit, that they can't go 5 minutes without mentioning Reddit.
The KGB is still at it too, they brigaded into Russian Tomatoes to give The Last Jedi a bad audience score despite it being the greatest movie of the decade and stuffed the ballot to keep it from winning more oscars.
>Investigation still going
>It's a meme, nothing is real!!!
You should at least wait until the results are established
Trump is Reddit.