>people criticize Mao for deaths that happened while he was chairman
>meanwhile people worship George Washington who killed 90,000 people
What are some more examples of hypocrisy?
>people criticize Mao for deaths that happened while he was chairman
>meanwhile people worship George Washington who killed 90,000 people
What are some more examples of hypocrisy?
Other urls found in this thread:
stop being asian
The American Independence War was supposed to be about freedom and liberty, meanwhile it created a refugee crisis of 65,000 to 70,000 people who fled to Canada and other places.
>people blame Holodomor and the Great Leap Forward on atheism
>they don't blame the Taiping rebellion on christianity
>George Washington personally killed 90,000 people by taking part in a war he didn't even start and didn't want to be in originally
This is by far the stupidest post I have ever seen on this website.
congrats on gaining your gold medal in mental gymnastics, retard
Because westerners are afraid of introspection.
This is seriously the stupidest meme on this website
>implying george washington didn't LITERALLY rape and pillage 900,000 british men/women who dindu nuffin
I'm just waiting for someone to post a photo of pregnant Anne Frank saying she killed millions, then it will officially be the dumbest meme on this website. Literally worse than anything coming out of /r/The_Donald.
George Washington was the Genghis Khan of the new world.
have you meet an atheist, those cunts need something on their conscience
>the anti white shill is this obsessed
This thread really made me think, so I made a big think thing.
In this image, each pixel represents 1,000 lives, divided into bars 10,000 lives across and 100,000 lives high. Red represents the lowest estimate of the death toll attributed to Mao of 40 million, and blue represents the purported 90,000 death figure going off of OP.
These kinds of images really make me think.
No, this guy is the worst meme on this website. He really is one hell of a dedicated shitposter.
>T_D is pro-white
The crackers will pay for this slander when the yellow man liberates the black man to freely inseminate all white bitches without the cops to protect their asses.
General Washington didn't kill those 90,000. The war did.
Legend has it he personally tar and feathered six gorrilion tories every day.
>Be Mao
>Beat Nationalists, country yours
>Everything going great
>Korean War
>Dedicate military involvement
>People die in war like always, but fail devote proper organization nor resources to war effort
>Hundreds of thousands more of young men die unnecessarily or are attacked socially/politically wrongfully despite service
>Decide to kickstart industry and agriculture
>Great Leap Forward
>Millions starve, makeshift iron forges poison soil
>Ask intellectuals for criticism in Hundred Schools of Thought Movement
>Can't take criticism
>Purge them and consolidate party power with haphazard and unorganized Cultural Revolution Movement and Red Guard
>Thousands of years of culture and history obliterated, social networks irrecoverably shattered, country's collective IQ and social health deteriorates to hellish levels
>Deng Xiaoping takes over
>Literally all he does is add a little bit of Liberalism, capitalism, individuality, etc.
>Whole nation lurches forward eons beyond Mao's reign
>Be Washington
>Britain wants things
>Colonies say no
>War ensues
>Become general, win said war
>People die because war
>Powerful nation 200 years later exports freedom, democracy, and liberal ideas to shithole nations like China
>Deng introduces said liberal ideas
>China now powerhouse to overcome United States
The absolute autism of Veeky Forums.
George Washington didn't leave behind a shithole of a country upon dying.
Which is why the criticism evoked by the Hundred Flowers Campaign was so warmly received by Mao's government. Exactly like the effects of the First Amendment if I remember correctly.
Really? Have you seen America?
Have you seen China?
I live in America buddy. Looks pretty damn great to me.
Mao didn't personally slaughter people either. It was the sparrows.
Be white
>Dead sparrows killed 60 million Chinese
And now look at us, the damn torries ran away from the greatest country on earth
As much as you wanna yell and kick and say no everyone else knows this is true
The sparrows were anti-social and selfishly did not contribute to the greater good by protecting grain stores from insect pests and instead ate it themselves and let the insects eat it and in doing so caused famine that killed 60 million Chinese, much like kulaks burned their crops rather than give it to the state to feed the people. Rather than send the sparrows to the gulag like Stalin did to the kulaks, Mao deemed this unfeasible and the sparrows to anti-revolutionary to be allowed to live, so he labeled the sparrows enemy of the people, and organized the proletariat to kill every last one of them for good, thus ending their race and blight upon the Chinese people.
Yes i live here it’s amazing my house is the size of a block in Rome
Here's your (You).
The virgin sparrow
the chad mao
other way around
t. capitalist roader propaganda
t. millions of dead people are better then freedom
George Washington didn't start the war, George Washington didn't control crop harvests for the whole of America, George Washington gave up power willingly and was not enriched my his political service.