Speaking honestly compared to Veeky Forums is r/AskHistorians a good place to learn history?
Speaking honestly compared to Veeky Forums is r/AskHistorians a good place to learn history?
no you idiot. read a book.
Veeky Forums is for shitposting on topics your intetested in
r/askhistorians is for random stuff you wondered about
That and r/history will perma-ban you for the most trivial reasons.
None of those are good places to learn academic level history. As a place to discuss history? This place is probably leagues better.
I mean i think they're alright. Only flaw is that they usually delete too short answers, but i guess it serves for maintaining the quality of the posters at the top.
most history books are boring bloated subjective opinion pieces
r/askhistorians is decent but i absolutely agree with
Veeky Forums is trash and you know it.
What are you two? 14 years old and taking a World History 1 course? Anyone that's studied history on a collegiate level knows that it comes with an immense amount of reading on top of the study of historiography itself. This comes with fostering an ability to recognize bias, errors, and how the historical method has changed over time. You can't develop this by reading badassoftheweek.com or going on reddit.
Read books. There are plenty of reliable, source-substantiated books to choose from which also double as entertaining reads in their own right.
Compared to Veeky Forums any place is a good place.
Except for r/history of course
Veeky Forums is good when you just wanna act retarded and talk shit
r/askhistorians is good when you want serious discussion
that's not what im talking about. im referring to authors writing about the same topic and saying nothing new everytime they publish sometihng about it. it's a book about a european power in africa during the colonial age and it's so trite that there was absolutely no reason for all these publications and everything could have fit into 1 or 2 books.
> referring to authors writing about the same topic and saying nothing new everytime they publish sometihng about it.
For e.g?
>im referring to authors writing about the same topic and saying nothing new everytime they publish sometihng about it.
So if this is why books aren't worthy of your time why do you constantly visit a website where people shitpost about the same topic and say nothing new every time they do so.
im currently reading something regarding France in one of their overseas colonies in Africa. the author had a great book regarding one of the french states which i enjoyed reading very much because there wasn't much out there from any other author. however every publication regarding that specific topic after that was simply nothing but him rewording and 'fluffing' up his previous piece with subjective shit that i couldn't care less for, that's all really.
>books aren't worthy of my time
right, thats exactly what I said.
Huh no wonder this place is full of ctrl-leftists/neo-commies.
Why didn't you just give me the name of the author and the title of his books?
i love americans
That’s why Veeky Forums is best
>This comes with fostering an ability to recognize bias
Unless it's a pro-Jewish or pro-communist bias, of course.
How's the game of EU IV coming
Malynn Newitt is the author. But i mistakenly wrote France instead of Portugal as im also piecing somethings together about France's colonial rule.
>compared to Veeky Forums
Reading literature is generally the best method though
Someone post the UBERGROBESGERMANIUM pic
Read books, listen to podcasts, and take lectures.
Learning history is different from discussing it. AskAHistorian is for questions that bug you. Specific questions and not broad ones. Veeky Forums is about discussing history for fun and shitposting. Dont take everything here as a fact and dont learn history through here. Talk about it.
r/history is for when you want to shoot yourself in the head when you realize your entire life is a joke.
This. I wouldn't say Veeky Forums is a particularly good place to learn about history, but it's infinitely better than AskHistorians or r/history for discussing history. If you had a real question then AskHistorians would be an alright place to start, but they don't allow discussion and r/history is like every other large subreddit in that it's filled with the lowest common denominator. But, unlike /his, the lowest common denominator which adds nothing of value to the conversation gets uptoked to the top of leddit. Reading reddit comments is like watching a B movie for kids. Predictable, unsubstantial, boring, and more often than not just plain retarded.
Veeky Forums absolutely can be considered a shit fiesta and the topics that most people engage in here (rome, ww2 what if, anne frank, thinly veiled /pol/ threads) can be the same boring shit you see on every other history forum/board. But, it delivers often enough to keep you interested. So yeah, not the best place to learn history since 90% of the time it's a platform for /pol/ and /int/ shitposting bait, but it does provide a platform for people like (e.g. HYW user) to make dank history threads senpai.
Pretty much this.