why are albanians so hated again?
Why are albanians so hated again?
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they killed millions
Albanians are one of those people whose history is so pathetic and boring you just cant help but laugh.
Skanderbeg is THE exeption
Not muslim enough for some and too muslim for the rest. And not greek nor slav. They just don't belong.
do they really have nothing going for them? a couple good looking ones in my course at uni that i wouldnt mind smashing tbchwy
There's absolutely nothing to love. They're a bunch of mountain tribal niggers literally still split into clans, they have some of the lowest IQs in Europe, in the west their diaspora seems to deviate towards drug, weapons and human trafficking and they're muslims on top of all that.
It's mostly jealousy
>Albanian is now known to have been the first language of Europe, before Latin
>known for big swords back in the Roman Empire, friendly and attractive people get the job done (30% of British people have Albanian DNA)
>even christcucks have something for their liking - Skenderbeg knighted by Pope, awarded Christianias Ameritus or some shit for single handedly stopping Europe bell getting blacked & creating the modern Albania
>the fiercest fighters when it comes to pride
>if you are friends with them they will kill for you
>ask any woman in Europe which men have the most respect for women and they will all say Albanian
>can blend in almost any White country due to ability to learn foreign European languages 2x faster than any other race because Albanian was the first language of Europe (also explains why there are so many Worldwide Albanian professional translators and linguists comparative to the tiny amount of population vs other countries)
>bigger balls than every other race combined (see Shkreli, honour killings and blood feuds)
>Napoleon came from Albanian clan in Italy
>Albanian enclave run the Ottoman Empire
>Albanians were to enshrine independence in the Balkan and Greece
>Kemal Ataturk also came from an Albanian clan
>Albanians were the main source of elite Prussian cavalry
Fascinating nation desu
Post pics.
>Saves Islam
Nothing personnel, innovator.
My bredda
Albanians aren't Illyrians.
Why do all albanians have a weird obsession about their multi-ethnic diaspora and a little wewuz here and there? Other than that, the country it self is a tiny, excuse for a nation which benefited the most from Ottoman rule as grand viziers, and frankly, a little shithole. Not really much to be jealous of.
I know one too but she's short and fat and ugly
fucking based
>>Albanian is now known to have been the first language of Europe, before Latin
1)One of the dumbest things I've ever read, whatever language the first homo sapiens who settled Europe was, it wasn't Albanian
2)If you mean the oldest recorded Indoeuropean language spoken in Europe that's not true either, as the honor goes to ancient Greek, and Latin is also recorded way before Albanian
Learn to spot pasta, errm, might be unironic actually, but still treat it as pasta, regardless
All evidence to the contrary proves otherwise
Except genetics you mean.
to save billions
There is no evidence.
There isno substantial evidence that Albania exists
skanderbeg doesnt even count, he was christian while albanians are muslim, but they worship him because they dont have any other historic figures
O rly?
it's really shitty to share border with them, because of all the drug/arms trafficking, also their mafia tend to bully independent Albanian businessmen to cooperate with them, they are really weird
but they are excellent bakers for some reason,but it's kind of shameful for Croats to embrace them for being our enemies, I hear Albanian diaspora fug their women quite often
looks just like texas
So is this all just israeli meming for the sake of propoganda or is arab tv actually like this shit all the time?
>Napoleon came from Albanian clan in Italy
top kek
tell me more about this "anal jihad"
They are basically subhumans without a real history beside being raped by every major power, so they rely on "we wuz indipendent 'nd shit" and on stealing other country famous people. I've heard albanians believing that Napoleon was Albanian or more recently Robert De Niro
It's actually a psyop payed by Qatar to convert Veeky Forums NEETs to islam
Their women are ok, but the men are so ugly. Something seriously wrong happened there, like in Russia for the women to be pretty but the men to be so fugly.
Acording to this journalist, who is very shocked by it mind you, terrorists who are doing so called "jihad" have the permition from their """sheikh""" to fuck eachover when they don't have a wife.
I would assume this is merely a rumor that this journalist reported as a fact.
it's working desu
I feel like this is the case of every outgroup ever.
Everything is true as far as i know but they handpick all the most extreme statements, alot of it is from islamic tv-channels, not mainstream channels
>"can blend in almost any White country due to ability to learn foreign European languages 2x faster than any other race because Albanian was the first language of Europe"
>albanian lady that used to clean my grandma's shitter has been in greece for 30 years still can't speak greek without stuttering and miraculously disappeared after my grandma's golden bracelets were stolen
really gets the noggin jogging
It's a mix of both. Memri TV was started by an Israeli.
>serbian and greek parents
In that picture that guy is hating on Albanians because they are living a western style, very liberal Islam.
In general Albanians are actually pretty interesting, read up their history on wikipedia. Ignore the butthurt serbs who spew shit about them, albanians and croats are the least shitty of the balkanians.
King Zog was pretty cool
Albanians and greeks are like identical genetic-wise.
Not just any Israeli, he was a Mossad officer and got insanely buttblasted when he was called out by a Guardian journalist.
True, but they have also been caught playing around with their translations.
>Illyrians are Greeks
They're just shit people honestly, singularly and as a whole
Albanians are the most savage and criminal and backward. I don't see how they're in any way similar to Croats.
Well, I've never been there, but the croatian and albanian immigrants in my country are practically the same. They also get along really well, unlike most other immigrant groups. They also seem to have the same strengths and weaknesses. Both are not exactly intelligent or interested in education, but both are pretty good athletes. In school, croats and albanians would always form a soccer team and whip everybody's asses.
Serbs are different, they are darker and don't seem to get along with anyone. Even the Russians are rather friends with Croats and Albanians.
To build million bunkers.
As a western Slav I can confirm this, I grew up believing in muh Slavic brotherhood with Serbs, then I actually met them. Most of them look and act like middle easterners.
>serbs are darker than albanians
Like you said, you've never been there
My grandfather always said that no one should trust a serb. And he grew up in a Slavic slum in Budapest back when Austria Hungary was a thing
*lb*ni*ns are just the worst of russian, gypsies and muslims thrown together. Scum of the earth.
Do I need to though? Most balkan people seem to live here anyways.
On the upside though, balkan people in general seem to have a really low unemployment rate for immigrants. They are not exactly doctors and lawyers, but at least they work something, unlike the Arabs and Turks.
Albanian women are gorgeous
>judging people by diaspora
That's because he is a diaspora
>judging a people by people who belong to said people
But... Napoleon was Albanian??
Be quiet Rama
Filthy ex-communistic Muslims
You're an idiot. I know for a fact that diaspora especially in America tends to consist of the poorest and dumbest people of their original country. Most Italians in America are Sicilians, most Poles were from shitty Eastern Poland, most Germans were religious retards from backwards rural communities, you get the idea. Rich and middle class people had no reason to emigrate.
Ah yes, the high-quality intellectuals remained in the Balkans, which is why this region is known for its prosperity, countless scientists and artists, and its ability to settle a political conflict in a civilized and peaceful manner.
Diaspora need to hang
You're just in denial about the kind of people who tend to emigrate. If you're this guy whose grandfather grew up in a "slum" then you should know this first hand. You descend from trash.
butthurt serbs being what they are known for, a butthurt scum people that is hated by every neighbour they have.
If I had the choice to have a gypsie family with 20 children as neighbours or one single serb, I'd choose the gypsies any day of the week.
Calm down Armend, we Greeks hate you too, as a matter of fact, I don't think anyone in the Balkans likes you
I'm not a Serb, nor am I defending specifically Serbs. I'm just saying diaspora is almost universally complete dregs of society, which includes you.
>Th-i-s g-g-guy is certainly c-c-roat it cant be we are this unpopular right?
He called you an Albanian you idiot.
Does it matter though? He's just a butthurt 89IQ serbian monkey.
>we Greeks
It is cherrypicking, but at the same time Islam-focused tv channels really are that crazy.
Shut up Armend, also tell your 9 member family to pack up and swim back, nobody wants them here, especially when they get upiddy about their great albania
I can tell you that I'd prefer Albanians over scum-tier Serbians any day in Switzerland. Lets just say there are reasons all your neighbours hate you, popovic, or whatever is a typical gypsie name.
Romanians are sill ok with us, that's something, also tone down the cringe
You have to go back
Why are there so many Serbs on this board? Doesn't exactly speak in your favor that a large portion of your population seems to lurk on imageboards for social outcasts..
Well, you always treated Aromanians fairly since you've obtained a modern state. Plus we are related (plus Bulgarians) in our Thraco-Illyrian heritage.
Serb scum samefagging.
Te-n chizda mătii di sîrb coclit. Timocu îi pămînt romînesc, iar răsăritu Serbiei îi pămînt bulgăresc.
t. un român moldovean
Calling everyone who capls you out a Serb is weak damage control. Not the best reputation, especially because of what you do in Corfu, Ioannina, Skopje, Switzerland etc...
Wow, the serbian monkey has learned to operate google translate.
Fuck off nigger
t. Kyriakos
What's your problem, retard? I was making a pro-Albanian statement. And no, google translate doesn't contain Moldavian dialect. :^)
I think you should go back to eRepublik and join your millions of serbian socially outcasted brothers in building a virtual serbian empire.
Pathetic Albanians
>Calling everyone who capls you out an Albanian is weak damage control.
Learn how to construct a sentence. You should also work to expand your autistic nationalism beyond your insecurities
I quoted you, serbian monkey: It must be those 89 IQ striking again.
Not me retard
Of capls not, serbian monkey.
Talking about insecurities, go back to eRepublik where you and your serbian brothers are mouse-clicking their way to their virtual serbian empire.
Meanwhile in reality, everybody hates you and Serbia can't even hold on Kosovo.