What the fuck did they hate each other so much for?
What the fuck did they hate each other so much for?
the sassanids were too tolerant of other religions. In a fascist state like rome it was "christ or gtfo"
Armenia was a two timing slut
>the sassanids were too tolerant of other religions
That depended on the King of kings' preference. One king would be tolerant of Christians and Manichaeist, the other king would be massacring them.
Why didn't one of them just annex Armenia then?
I know during the campaign, that resulted in the Battle of Carhae, Armenia played a fairly large role. But why not just annex them after that?
Armenia was a Sassanid vassal for a long time though. Things changed when H*raclius came.
armenia was often split between a byzantine vassal in the west and sasanian vassal in the east
>Roman Empire
t. G*rmanic
Byzantines were NOT Roman.
Rome had a hardon for Alexander, Sassanids for the Achaemenids. They controlled the missing half of each other's LARPing ground.
There is no such thing as a "Byzantine." They were just Romans.
They often did, but it never worked out.
Here's a letter from Emperor Maurice to Persian King Chosroes II, after the conclusion of the penultimate Roman-Persian War, which, like many wars in the history of these two countries, was caused by Armenia
>>"There is a crooked and disobedient people which dwells between us and causes trouble. Come now, I shall assemble mine and send them to Thrace. Assemble yours and have them taken East. Should they die, [our] enemies will be the ones dying; should they kill others it will be our enemies who perish, and we shall live in peace. But should they remain in their own country, we shall have no rest"
> implying even the Romans were really Roman
>we don't live in a world were Khosrau II and Heraclius joined forces against the mohammedans
rome and the sassanid dynasty did form a coalition against the rashidun caliphate. they got crushed.
They would attack the caliphate, but it's highly unlikely that they would ally with themselves.
They'll just fight them to protect their non-Muslim Arab subjects.
Byzantine is a term given to the empire after it had fallen. It was the Roman Empire and your shitty German HRE won't change that
They did join forces for one battle and they lost. Though both sides had already lost several battles before that and the alliance broke down after that. If it happened earlier it could have worked
they got BTFO by the based Arabs
Too late
They sent generations of men into the meat grinders before arabia was a problem and that came back to bite them
It'd be like expecting france to beat germany in world war 2
please select not roman empire areas
everything west of dalmatia is pleb-tier
I wish we could resemble the climate back then. I'm pretty sure we can relate to that cuz there was no oil like today . And Armenia has a lot of mountains so there must have been something fancy about it.
Thucydides Trap.