What battle was this tactic used in?
What battle was this tactic used in?
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poo flinging
This is actually rare footage from the Pajeet theatre of the Finno-Korean Hyper-War
Pajeets are the unsung heroes of the hyperwar.
seriously tho, which bahubali movie is this?
full scene
Holy fuck that is a 200 IQ strategy
Like wtf bro, that takes some serious ingenuity to think of
What movie is this op?
>implying dirty poo in loo pajeets invented this
this was an ancient aryan battle tactic, we were the first to use the bendy tree shield rocket
religion prevented them from using a cow in the usual french fashion
>tfw boring medieval battles instead of chad human cannonballs
Why? Why didn't we think of this before?
Serious Question:
Did someone tried to utilize catapults or simmiliar weapons to launch men?
That's pretty funny, i might look this film up now
the anglos liked using cannons to launch men, but it was for an entirely different purpose than getting them to the target intact...
>tfw since it's an indian movie I legit can't tell if that was meant to be funny or not
Really dumb from the defending city to let all those catapult-palm trees unprotected right in front of their city walls, they were practically asking for it.
to be honest catapulting shield balls is far more preferable over levitating asians with 5 meter spears who can solo a hundred soldiers in a single swing
Chinese with some kites and powder rockets to launch men, but it never ammounted to anything more than creative executions of some prisoners.
I feel like I should start watching Bollywood.
During the Kurukshetra War of course
It's just the equivalent of Marvel
Looks like that WW3 wiki article a Pole sabotaged in 2009
unironically better than marvel
Bahubali is a fucking chad
Got a screencap, user?
I can't wait for some IRL Sanjeevs and Hanumans to try this. No doubt Pakistan will be blamed for the IRL results.
Throwing only the heads is more acurate i think
Lol thanks for this
I think it was repeated at the third battle of the Isonzo.
Poos are masters of the universe
The fucking faces on those defenders
What was the point of thise things hammered into the tree?
I think they were supposed to be stairs or seats, but the actors decided not to use them.
The Mongol siege of Kaffa.
>2015 in india: this absolute masterpiece
>2017 in the US: TLJ
How can hollycucks even compete?
what the actual fuck this is amazing
>superpower since the mughals
I thought Game of Thrones didn't start again until next year?
Probably mongols/chinese with dead bodies. Never really with live bodies.
lol this looks like something from an animu
indians are just the greatest fucking people on the planet
what the fuck is this, Dragon Ball Z?
FACT: Indians are the most powerful race in the world.
Mongols launched dead people over walls under Ghenghis Khan. So sort of.
If only the French Sultanate had joined the war like they promised the Muslims would have won!
these over the top sequences common in so much of non western media are always so retardedly endearing
it's a ten year old was given free reign with the budget of a major Hollywood production it's great
>literally flinging shit at the wall to see what sticks