Is this achievable natty?

Is this achievable natty?

Other urls found in this thread: suicide risk&btnG=&lr=

yah just cruise on some test for a while

Why hasn't someone done this with tennis yet?


Yes OP, cut off your penis


Underage b&.Reported :)

>be girl on wrestling team
>work really hard
>get to state level
>one of the best in the country
>loses 56-0 to a girl on roids
>its legal

That must fucking suck, i'm even pro-trans rights and think this is retarded as fuck

one of the first transgender people was like a pro tennis player. he became a she and beat the dog shit out of all the women in competition. there was also a guy that became a girl and fought mma. she/he almost killed a few girls

>i'm even pro-trans rights

so how does it feel to not only be gay, but enabling people with actual dissociative disorders instead of treating them

so is mack XX or XY?

>pro-trans rights
you're half of the problem

Serena and Venus



>I'm even pro-trans rights and think this is retarded as fuck.

i don't understand. you prop up this mental illness as some sort of "identity issue" but you're confused at the outcome.

what the fuck did you think would happen if we allow biological men to "be women" simply because they "feel like it."

He felt it was the right thing to do. That's why you don't substitute emotion for logic. It leads to retarded shit.

I will explain it to /fit why this is retarded

>Repubs deathly scared of trannies, pass bill saying athletes MUST compete according to birth certificate
>Protect muh wimmenz from the pervert cross-dressing men
>Fast forward to real life, a girl who identifies as a boy, takes testosterone, tries to move into a men's sports league literally cannot due to the law
>So instead he just destroys all the women and drops out before winning as a way to showcase how stupid this rule is
>Meanwhile forcing traps on estrogen and test blockers to either play on the men's team or not at all

If conservatives hate big government so much why do they try so hard to micromanage people?

Holy shit, just realized women can no longer complain about the wage-gap since they are actively choosing to be women by not having identified as a man and having surgery/hormone therapy.

You can let people be transgender but the moment they have an advantage over the cisscum of their gender cut that shit back. A physiological man should not be wrestling women

So the best course of action is to keep the mentally ill out of sports. Hell, let's go out all the way and actually try and treat their brain damage. Seriously, why is no one attempting to cure this shit?

But hormone therapy is treating them you dimwit.

Its more of a moral/social issue to conservatives usually based on religion. It is not a big government issue. Like you can't fuck your sister or your dog. Conservatives are not libertarians.

holy fuck

wait i'm confused
is it a boy changing into a girl or the other way

Much like you treat anorexia with liposuction.

Treatments are supposed to help people. Considering that suicide rates stay steady across trannies with/without the hormones they can't really be said to be treated. Trannies should be treated just like schizos.

If a girl is taking testosterone she'll be banned for taking steroids. The steroid rules apply to the mentally ill too.

>what are PED screenings?
A girl on test would be disqualified for doping.

It's a girl on roids.
Tbh I'm surprised fewer guys have "identified" as girls just so they can set every record in their sport.

>go to a liberal doctor
>claim you're a girl but want to transition to a boy with the help of steroids
It's the perfect plan.

Don't ask questions you transphobic piece of shit

>i'm a ftm living in a cis man's body


so it's a biological female, saying she's a boy, on roids?

>Considering that suicide rates stay steady across trannies with/without the hormones they can't really be said to be treated.

This is a meme, they don't. And you know why suicide rates are increased, just like for gay people? Because both of them keep getting bullied by dicks such as yourself.

Apparently didn't happen. I just took a look at the news article. The girlboy wants to wrestle men.
Also it listed it as "testosterone treatments"

Yes. She got steroids sponsored by the government

Even if there is an advantage, who cares. I am short as fuck and I will NEVER get into professional sports where it is unacceptable to be a manlet based on my genetics, but that's just life. No matter how hard I try or how much I practice I will never be able to play basketball in league because of my height.

I just don't get how people think sports are purely "skill and practice." It's really not. It's 60% genetics, 20% luck, and 20% practicing. If you aren't born with the right genetics you will never play professional sports, period. If a born male has an advantage over a woman even using estrogen and test blockers I don't understand why it's a big deal. People have genetic advantage over each other all the time with height, frame, size, etc, it's just funny how people pretend to care when the 1% of the population who's a transgender wants to play sports too.

>Doctors earning money surgically removing the genitals of confused teens

Whether you think homosexuality is a "mental illness" is up to you. I do wonder why people get so triggered by it though. Gay people are just like anyone else and they dont make a difference in my life at all. I dont hate gay people, I dont think of them at all. Can someone explain to me why people get so triggered or gay stuff when it doesnt affect them in any way?

I mean I can understand being racist towards blacks for example. Blacks commit the most crimes per capita in america so I can see how some people come to the conclusion that all blacks are bad people.

treating trans with the hormones they want access is like treating the suicidal with giving them guns

>planned parenthood earning money surgically killing and removing the corpses of dead babies from mentally ill women

>man believes he is a pirate
>cutting a leg and an eye off is treating him

Suicide rates go DOWN when they get treatment. This meme propagated by the Republicans is based on comparison between trans people who got treatment and with a control group of NON-TRANS people to make it look like there's no difference when trans people get treatment.

Being trans is a mental illness and the cure is transitioning to the opposite gender. This has been accepted for hundreds of years now, literally the 1800's. Primitive cultures even had their ladyboys chewing soybean leafs and shit for the estrogen.

Some people in this thread compared homosexuality to a mental illness, like schizophrenia, and thus should be cured. But if a person has a mental illness but is not a harm to themselves or others, what is the benefit of being cured? Im not being an sjw, just wondering why some people are so concerned about an aspect of someone elses life. Because right now, whether someone is gay or straight to me is like someone liking football over baseball to me, I just dont care.

Nice straw pirate you got there.

Both are memes. No studies have shown one or the other.

>prohibit him vitamin C for them scurvy gains
>sew a parrot onto his shoulder
totally cured

Aaayy fit sooo like if I can ask my female friend to pretend to be transgender and she feels like she's in a a mans body I could get some free test is that what Veeky Forums is trying to say because I am damn well tempted

Brain scans, blood tests, test trials with cross-sex hormone treatment, and over 50 years of case data with therapists and their transgender patients shows transgenderism is real.

Cross-sex hormone treatment works. Possibly transgender kids don't get hormones or sex surgery. They take a minimum of a year of therapy with lot of assignments given by the therapists to make sure they're going through gender dysphoria rather than emotional problems. Then they're not even given hormones, they're given puberty blockers which just delays puberty by a few years, which has absolutely no negative effects on the child. So when they grow up, they can know for sure they're transgender or not and either just stop the puberty blockers and go through puberty or start hormone treatments.

I learned all this through Googling. Can you lazy fuckers do some reading?

They also accepted phrenology in the 1800s.

Also, no cultures did that. because ingesting plant-hormones is not the same as producing or injecting hormones you retard.

The only scientific fact we have about trans is "We don't fucking know why some people want to be other kinds of people."

Because faggots are generally weaklings and weak men are useless. Their existence also perpetuates the idea that being a weak ass bitch is something acceptable. We can't have that.

You don't say "google it" if you are a doctor on a surgical table or prescribing drugs. You don't put "google it" on the bottom of a paper.

Cite your sources or shut up.

you didn't because there aren't any actual studies, just some small ones (which are nothing more than anecdotal at points) and opinion blogs or internet surveys.

go back to whereever you came from cucklord

Nobody gives a shit about some dude fucking another dude. Its when a dude starts acting like he is actuall a woman, starts getting horomone treatments to alter their body chemistry, and demands the rest of the world accept them as a woman. The bottom line is that transexualism is definitely a mental illness on par with all other disassociative disorders, and should be treated as such, intead of pandering to their fucked up feelings.

There are plenty of studies showing that bullying leads to increased risk for suicide, and that kids who are transgender or gender-nonconforming get bullied more.

Anyone with half a brain can draw the conclusion from that.

These are studies published in medical journals. Read the abstracts and conclusions to get the gists.

it does affect us though. "us" being people in general. that girl is on testosterone and is beating all the females because of it. to fix this she wants to be on the mens team, no problem right? so what happens after that, she has to use the mens locker room, and possibly face harassment, or no harassment and maybe discomfort of being around so many males, but wait she is a male so she won't face any problems, so on and so on. it causes too much change that is not necessary. change costs money and time. a lot of money and time, waste of legislative time, tax payer money, to change rules, change locker room signs, create extra rooms, change education systems, change the way we teach our children, teach them that it's ok for them to see grown men in the womens bathroom. its too MUCH mess for "muh identity"

Yeah not the same. The man can actually become a pirate. A male who thinks he's a woman will never stop being a male, no matter how many drugs he takes or how much he mutilates his dick

That's not what I asked, and you know it.

genetic advantages can not be prescribed by a doctor
steroids enhance almost every physical aspect of lifting regardless of what your genetics are

Why are you so triggered? Did you think that only alt-right conservicucks use Veeky Forums? Am I disturbing your safe zone? So sorry, kek.

Work on your reading comprehension mate

>There are plenty of studies showing that bullying leads to increased risk for suicide
Can you link some?

>reading abstracts is science
oh lord
typical trans

That's because the person has penis and balls but the brain identifies as a female. Scientists and doctors don't know what causes this but they do have a treatment for it and all transpeople identify as what their brain is.

Read the full articles then. Reading the abstracts from these articles is way better than reading some articles from Breitbart or Infowars.

i don't think someone who used zero punctuation could be interpreted to be triggered or hostile when giving an extremely simple and factual statement. you can go back to your safe zone you little faggot.

Ok, first one:

>There is a LIKELY genetic component to transsexualism

This doesn't mean anything yet. There is LIKELY a gene to liking chocolate. The same as liking to be a woman instead of a man.

I'm also not arguing that it's not natural. If it happens, it's natural. scizophrenia and bi-polar disorder also have genes that make people prone to those disorders.

Second one doesn't show that shifts in grey matter size occur across many types of, including elderly, pedophiles, and the like. it also has too small of a sample size to be taken seriously at this point.

3rd one says:

>the change in adult circulating testosterone levels does not seem to explain the intermediate values in the MtF group.

All it does is show hormones aren't involved in transgenderism, which I agree with. hormones don't change your opinions.

4th one is useless. it studied speaking behaviors, and dictated certain words are "feminine" which is absurd and makes no sense. All that shows is MAYBE people who want to be women might talk like women more.

last one i have to read more, as it's actually showing data and studies instead of just numbers and results. suicide risk&btnG=&lr=

>go back to whereever you came from cucklord


>spams whole thread full of random identity politics memes about "trans-rights"

>That's because the person has penis and balls but the brain identifies as a female.

then the problem is identity. It's meaningless. if that person lived in a culture where man were pampered like women are in the west, he wouldn't want to be a woman, right?

and doctors don't know the treatment. They just think hormone therapy is the best that we have at this moment. They're also massive hypocrites because if a man was depressed for not feeling manly enough, they wouldn't dare prescribe him testosterone.

Wow you seem upset. How come you guys are so triggered by transgender people? There was a trans woman who posted here until some guy started stalking her and doxxed her.

If the main reason trans people transition is to make their lives easier aka being a woman is easier and more desirable, then how come transgender female-to-males exist like what is showed in the OP? Why would anyone want to make their life harder for no reason? Maybe because being trans isn't influenced so much by our culture and society and more a internal / personal problem.

Brain structure is created. If a kid who thinks he's a girl was given testosterone he'd be quickly cured, but doctors decide to try to make him what he'll never be just to not hurt feelings

Hormone therapy might be outdated in the future, but it definitely works in significantly reducing dysphoria (feeling that the body doesn't belong to them) and depression.

Not sure why you're bringing up testosterone replacement treatment for men.

Also, gender identity is not meaningless. It's one thing for a man to want to dress up and act as a woman. That's just crossdressing, having a personality. But it's completely different thing for a person who despite acting masculine, identifies as a woman.

>They're also massive hypocrites because if a man was depressed for not feeling manly enough, they wouldn't dare prescribe him testosterone.

Low t is THE cause of depressrion in men.

>be me
>weak, flabby bitch
>full of estrogen cos fat fuck
>want to die all the time
>lift, do cardio, get big and stronk and healthy
>not depressed anymore
>not doctors, they put me on fucking Effexor

It's important if transgenderism is based on a biological mechanism since it will prove without a doubt that transgenderism is not a wishy-washy feelings of insecure emotional people. It'll still take more time to figure what exactly causes it but it definitely supports the idea that transgenderism is not a personality problem and based on real biology.

The third study found that MtF people had intermediate values of galanin neurons between the men and women. MtF are "in-between" in regards to these neurons, whereas castrated men are not. Castrated men are identical in volume with not-castrated men.

The fourth study looked at brain activity with trans teenagers during a verbal fluency assignment. They did similarly with other teenagers of the gender they identifies as rather than their assigned gender.

The last study just shows that if one sibling of an identical twins is transgender, there's a 1/3 chance the its twin also is transgender. With fraternal twins (ie. DNAs are different), if one sibling is transgender, there is a 2.6% chance the other sibling is transgender. This shows a link between genetics and transgenderism.

You're right, but in america being low-t isn't a endocrine disorder so much as being a disorder of being a fatass. People can't stop eating cheeseburgers and become whales then get depressed when all the overabundant aromatase in their fat tissues obliterates their testosterone levels. You encourage these men to get better by diet and exercise not by giving them testosterone which will quickly be converted back into estrogen in their ham bodies.

Endocrine disorders and trans people are treated with hormones because there's no way for them for them to just consciously change their hormone levels.

You can thank fat-apologist america and HAES for doctors not giving you a good lecture about being an unhealthy lazy fuck. Most doctors do that for the few first years out of med school and stop bothering when they realize most fat people don't care and just want a band-aid for their problem.

>>Fast forward to real life, a girl who identifies as a boy, takes testosterone,
This is where your whole retarded idea falls apart
SHE is taking steroids (steroids are literally just testosterone t. roider), that has nothing to do with "identifying as a boy" or whatever retarded shit you think

If you had done some reading, you'd realise that 90% of "trans" kids end up deciding to not be trans after puberty. Giving them drugs beforehand is pants on head retarded.

why the fuck is she still in girls's sports then


Transgender people are 0.3% of the population. Of course most kids who think they are trans will realize they aren't.

And again, there's nothing wrong with puberty blockers. All it does is delay puberty. They are given so that the kids who are transgender won't have their bodies be significantly changed by puberty. MtFs have extremely hard time being accepted by society because of their masculine features such as strong jaws, broad shoulders, facial hair, deep voice, and big hands.

The kids who are on puberty blockers but realize they're not trans simply stop taking them and being puberty.

>A transgender boy is about to cuck the supposedly "manliest" state in the US.

What did America mean by this?


get a load of this guy.jpg

I don't have an issue with this.

It's my leg and my dick, if I want to cut off my leg or my dick what's the issue, it's mine to do with what I please. I can get a tattoo on my face, why can't I turn my outie into an innie or go leg shopping at IKEA?

>vastly more likely to be sex offenders
>vastly more likely to be pedophiles
>vastly more likely to have STIs
>vastly more likely to be mentally ill
>vastly more likely to commit suicide
The stats don't like. As an aggregate, homos are fucked up people

>40% of tea spells attempt suicide
Not even Jews in Nazi Germany had a suicide rate that high. Are you trying to tell me that trannies in the US are per cured harder than the Jews in Auchwitz.

no, it is enabling them. most of them kill themselves anyway because they will never feel at home in their own bodies

the issue is that cutting off your leg/dick is not normal behavior and you should be treated like any other insane person


So if your schizophrenic grandpa starts telling you the weather man on television is speaking directly to him - you think it's ethical to tell him he's right and the news crew communicates with him personally through the television?

Fucking KYS

I was just at the 6A state championships and saw Beggs wrestle a few times.

Homosexuality is a combination of society normalising homo-erotic behaviour and the upbrining, its 100% nurture and is a mental disorder just like autism ; no one is born with autism they develop it, same as homosexuality

>I'm even pro-trans rights

Top fucking kek! My sides!
Seriously though, nigger genetics ftw.

>the treatment is transitioning
Except that transitioning is correlated with increased suicide, violent crime, drug use, depression, and thats why johns hopkins doesnt do the surgery anymore. Data for this shit came out of fucking sweden of all places. The treatment should be injections of the hormones for the gender you are or a heaping helping of lead to the back of the skull

I don't think this "thing" should be allowed to compete on either the male or female side of sports.

If a man, who identifies as a man, is found taking steroids, not only does he get kicked out of the league, he has NO OTHER ALTERNATIVE to go back into sports at a professional level, and most of his accolades will be retroactively taken. If a female, identifying as a female, does the same shit, she is also taken out of the league, because using steroids constitutes cheating.

There should be no special rules for people who want to play this transgender shit at everything. If you take steroids, you do not belong in the competitive scene of sports, regardless if you're an ugly looking man(girl) ying-yang dragonkin elf xhim/xher/thex/they or a normal human being.

So you presented an argument based upon incomplete information? Nice.

What incomplete information? I don't expect everyone here to read the full articles so they can read the summary. Do you expect me to copy paste the entire studies into a post? Do you expect people here to go into the chemical reactions that occur when you workout that causes muscle and strength gain?

There's an Olympic competitor who was born a hermaphrodite with fully functioning testes competing in the female division and annihilating his/her competition.