I honestly miss wartime propaganda posters
Propaganda thread
I honestly miss wartime propaganda posters
Propaganda thread
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So they're insinuating that Lebron is a German sympathizer?
I want to fuck belgium
that's not how you spell Tel Aviv
This image has way too much to unpack.
I'm actually not sure now that I think of it.
Does it really?
It's essentially "Le Amerimutt" but drawn well.
Yeah but it has so many things on it that some of them contradict others.
>the virgin kraut
>the chad liberator
Second Italian Ethiopian War propaganda
Italian ww2 propaganda of its allies
More Italian ww2 propaganda
One of my fav
god i wish that were me
More proof that Italian fascism>>>>>>>>g*rman autism
You can't miss something you never experienced firsthand
Strikingly accurate.
Fascist Italy is pretty interesting
It was in a weird place trapped between it's own beliefs and German racial autism
If there ever was a good thing to come out of fascism it's prewar Italian cultural revival, they even had their own artstyle and IIRC Mussolini started the Italian film dubbing industry that is still going strong today
Italian ww2 propaganda, Your Friend?
>defend her! She could be your mother, your wife, your sister, your daughter!
Ugly desu
Why were the commies and nazi's so hung up on the kkk?
Because a cult with funny hats that burns crosses and molests people is an easy target.
I really love this short:
Fascist Italy poster encouraging migration to Libya which tells Italians to 'return', probably referencing Rome.
>Shota central powers getting raped by MILF Entente
Hentai when?
>Die FaBnen BooB!!
What did FaBnen BooB ever do to you?
It says "Die Fahnen hoch!"
He was clearly joking
How old are you
Well it's a shit joke
Hey, user, it's not his fault you were too autistic to get it.
>tfw no /ss/ with milf Great Britain and shota Germany
>not Milf France going "Ara, ara, so this is the Big Bertha that will barrage Paris!"
Did every woman back then had a fat face with downturned eyes and a crooked nose? I'm seeing this a lot
>China peeking over in the background
Genuinely made me laugh.
I love how the U.S. has been the low-key master of Japan since we forced them open. They had a spunky little run at independence during WW2, but after that we really got em under the boot.
See, this backfired. They drew Churchill and FDR looking sick as hell. Who do Italians love? Gangsters!
My god...Hetalia was real????
But why, every second thread here repeats the propaganda from a century ago
That's what women used to look like back in the day, user-kun.
This time it's in poster form.
Imperial Russian posters from 1917.
Soviet ones are under appreciated imo
Look out, Adolph, we got a beaver and he's determined as fuck.
Need stuff besides the world wars
That’s so cute
Jesus that's actually kind of terrifying
I was about to say the same thing, hardly exaggerated
Has canada aways been full of furrys?
a classic
Someone post the British one about the old lion needing the aid of its young sons
>tfw commies ruined the chance of a US/Russian alliance and ended our friendship
why must they ruin everything good?
>chance of a US/Russian alliance
US and Russia were almost always allies or at least friends before the commie revolution.
i was thinking more modern day but thats even worse.
Another Italian one
Best friends forever
That's not Britain and Portugal
Italians have the best ones IMO
surely that's after the February revolution?
>they even had their own artstyle
Razionalismo, it was actually pretty dope
anyway Italian Fascism was less extreme than Nazism in many ways, some say because Mussolini was kept in check by the two other great power figures italians had in their heads, the King and the Pope
he never reached the kind of absolute, superhuman power Hitler did
Mussolini wasn't a good hearted leader who got dragged in the mud by Hitler though, people who claim this are clueless
Girls with fat faces are high tier cute so long as they're not too fat elsewhere. They knew what was good.
Oh how the times have changed
Hey! Monopoly man is trademarked!
Believe it or not, they thought it was weird that Americans had blacks live with them yet had some much division in our society.
They considered it a failing of America to not take care of all it's citizens.
>pre-war europeans
>telling anyone they dont care about their people
>background lady
>imply the British aren’t more responsible for how japan turned out
unironically a good poster
You mean Germany right?