I don't understand why everyone seems to admire the japs.
They literally copied everything from the West.
Plus they have weird and annoying mannerisms such as bowing and speech based on social class which are both primitive things.
Plus they use insanely annoying interjections all the tge time in their speech.
Plus they are unoriginal robots who are uncreative and look and behave the same without original thought.
I hate them.
Weird and annoying asian cockaroaches.
Why is everyone onsessed with japanese culture in this day and age?
Other urls found in this thread:
You're posting on a site catering to Japanese culture created by a guy who likes Japanese culture and sold to a Japanese guy who created a site about Japanese culture. Furthermore, you're posting on a site filled with people who talk about japanese culture, watch japanese culture, learn and play japanese culture.
You're wondering why "everyone" is obsessed with Japanese? Maybe you should ask yourself that question.
OP is baka desu
First of all only the Anime part is dedicated to japan here.
But I see this obsession outside of here too.
But they're so attractive!
Only non-European culture that is seen as an equal in the eyes of western/European culture.
Honestly, they're kinda the harmless wacky uncle of the world.
Literally the only thing in Japanese culture that I will call shit is their overuse of puns in humor.
The site mascot is literally an anime girl, user.
Japan is enough like the west to be relate-able, but just foreign enough to be weird.
They make pretty good alt music
I confess to having shit humor.
Now fight me.
Because they're not self-hating like the West and they make great cartoons.
puns are great, sorry they grate on you
But that's all their humor ever is.
Because it's one of the most suckcesspul extant non western cultures, that alone is an amazing feat, in this day and age.
watch more shows, there's plenty of jap comedy that isn't either gay slapstick or dumb worplay.
This, it's literally just this.
Only nominally.
Actual equal stance requires dominant culture outpacing its best competitor by healthy 20-40% margin. This is what the numbers reflect in any natural selection due to our own biases and limited selection(ignorance).
When they are "equal"(nominally) even with this handicap, Japanese culture is actually ~40-80% better than the dominant American culture. That is because you have to take into account of the initial starting conditions and then work your way up.
It may be to your relief that most cultural exports to the West from Japan were in fashion in the 2000s. Anime was on mainstream television, broadcast on more than one channel in America, whereas now, it seems to just be Toonami and Adult Swim (same channel). Americans' fascination with Japanimation and other Japanese cultural exports has waned, a bit. Korea seems to be a bigger cultural deal, this decade, mainly due to K-Pop, and to some extent, Korean TV dramas that have made their way here.
what about america?
If the national language were some native American language then you might have had something.
they don't speak an indo-european language
>First of all only the Anime part is dedicated to japan here.
kek this delusion.
japan/japanese culture seemed way more popular 10-15 years ago.
The young/edgy/weird types are all into gook/korean shit now.
Dude, don't use numbers when they don't mean anything. It reeks of autism.
Japanese culture caters to pedophiles
pedophiles are attracted to this pedophile culture which is why deviants in society flock to it
it's a simple process
This. Korean culture is a little more trendy, now. The 2000s was the Japanese pop cultural decade of influence, whereas the 2010s belongs to the Koreans.
thing is, japan was niche and korea was niche. You only really see the fanbases for both online.
Most people in west consume primarily only western culture. However when you go east, it's much more mixed what they consume and listen to.
We dominate them.
The numbers are arbitrary. The real crux is the relational degree present in any form of comparison.
Also its not autism, just healthy understanding of relational paradigm.
Creoles and pidgins are probably more Indo-European than Uralic and Vasconic.
American spelling follows classical Latin spelling in some words where Britcucks will still follow the manners of their former Norman overlords.
They have a high-tech, rich society, but is still ethnically homogenous. As my own country (Sweden) falls further and further into "multiculturalism" I am extremely jealous of Japan. Everything is on the way down here, and you aren't even allowed to comment on it. The government takes 30% of my money and uses it to literally try to get me and my kids murdered and to maky all governmental services worse.
Also, they have a sense of poetry and aestethics, many beautiful natural and man-made scenes in Japan, if I contrast with Sweden well... it looks like shit here compared to there.
Haven't you learned anything from your country's history? At least attempt to change things and speak out
I don't really think it's comparable. At the height of the Japanese culture boom in the mid-00's US TV shows were putting Japanese pop songs into them, cartoons were looking to anime fro stylistic influence, you could buy manga at regular airport news stands and news stands in general, book stores and movie stores had giant sections dedicated to Japanese media, and so on. I've seen some Korean media influence here and there in the US, but it's not even a fraction of what was going on with Japanese media circa 2003-2006.
Cultural influence and exposure to Japanese culture as a result of how widespread anime is becoming.
Same as with America and Hollywood.
Same reason the U.S was so fascinating to people in the 80s and 90s. It's called globalization.