Why was he so despondent?
Why was he so despondent?
imagine yourself lying to millions of people for years
while a talented politician and propagandist he was not cut out to run a nation, furthermore the entire world hated him except his tiny clique in the nazi party and that ship was sinking
I'm not jewish though.
well yeah it's a well known fact that Goebbels was Jewish but still
He was despondent before the Reich. It was his work with the Reich that pulled him out of it.
>tiny clique
yeah ok.
He wasnt made for life in surroundings liek post ww1 germany and in special, weimar.
Severe clinical depression made worse by the post war state of Weimar
That doesn’t help your point as Hitler was jewish
social anxiety mixed with depression
>tfw finding out that that quote was from 1923 and not like 1944 or something unironically helped pull me out of depression because I realized things can always get better
Interwar Germany was a fallen people barely getting by in a destroyed state.
he was a crippled manlet. how do you not get extremely depressed under those circumstances?
>that quote
Really puts thing into perspective. He would make a good tragic villain.
I recall reading Goebbels thought the war was lost by 1941 when they failed to knock out Russia, I'll try and find the source
>tfw the master of lies was also the most realistic
Found it
>The losses in men and materiel suffered by the Wehrmacht effectively spelled doom for the German army in Russia. Even Joseph Goebbels, Hitler’s Propaganda Minister, shared this belief in September 1941. In his diary he wrote: ‘In my opinion the nation now has the right to know what is and what will be, above all that the progress of the eastern operation is not what we had actually wished for and what the people had imagined it would be’.
To tell a good lie, you need a good grasp of truth.
You will find out soon.
name one (1) lie he told
Sounds like something a Jew would say.
Brilliant guy whose life's work was a giant COPE for being a hideous troll. Basically the Sartre of politics, the main difference being that Goebbels's work has aged better.
Because of what he knew
He lived under the weimer republic
He said gas chambers existed