Is it time to cut? Or continue bulking?

Is it time to cut? Or continue bulking?

100% time to cut you look like a bulky blob

Bulk. Need to work on delts and abs more.

Looking pretty good btw.

I eat 5000kcal + one cheat meal every two weeks.

In fact I ate a cheat meal yesterday. These pics are from today.


I'm not focusing on delts here.

I never train abs when I'm bulking.

you're the same guy from yesterday, aren't you

the one that claimed natty then when got called out said "ok fine i did a cycle or two but now im not injecting"

Chest needs some more work , but overall nice body . Cut btw

Bulking and cutting are myths invented by the supplement industry jews (unless you're a hungry skelly or a fat fuck, of which you're neither, just eat healthy at a maintenance level while training towards power/aesthetics/whatever the fuck you want

I'm the same guy but I never said that. It was some skinny guy who had a bad day.

I know. Thanks!

back shot please

This guy is Finnish who attention whores in Ylilauta.

You are right. I think it's quite funny because there is a thread which is all about body pics. I guess it's wrong to be a part of it.

Close, Bulking/Cutting is a necessity for 5+ year heavy strength or BB individuals whose bodies have reached their peak from traditional training methods and need a serious punishment and nutrients system to force increased growth

But honestly both cutting/bulking should be filtered on Veeky Forums, I doubt anyone here is even 1. Reached their peak 2. Trained long enough or 3. Actually needs to get that big. In fact no one needs to get that big or strong except for elite competitors.

He just have low self esteem so he needs time to time attention whore and get comments from anons.

Read the fucking sticky. You are not going to gain a ton of muscle without eating at a surplus

>delts bigger than his head


So everyone who post here or there have low self esteem?

I do have body dysmoprhia. I guess almost every bodybuilder has it.

I take this as a compliment.

i agree with you, except the last part

>no one needs to get that big or strong

no one needs to lift as well, it's just a hobby and a personal preference

Thats a straight up lie. You can even gain on a deficit let alone maintenance

You realize what fat is right? Its energy stored. If you hit your micro/macro but reduce calories to a deficit you can still gain muscle because your body still has everything it needs.

Also the sticky is outdated as fuck and not scientifically accurate.

nice broscience
i thought the "turn fat into muscle" meme died back in like 2008.

Youre not turning fat into muscle youre turning nutrients and energy into muscle

Gaining on a deficit has been proven a million times already shitposter.

post proof

Still waiting.

what the fuck is going on. dude your upper body is way too big making you look like a jack in the box.

do you even squat or deadlift? going to need to see a leg pic.

My lower body is much bigger. And I don't even squat or deadlift.

How the fuck do you get legs like that without squatting?

if you are a 6'0, 190 male and lift while eating at a maintenance, over time your body will use your body fat for fuel and use your daily kcals to build muscle. Genetics is a huge factor of how your body uses kcals too

You are retarded if you think said person would simply remain a dyel after several years of lifting on maintenance.


How is your waist so small

inverted angular & tangential hanging sit-presses

How can I get these genetics

Doing zero squats and deadlift. And having these genetics.

Doing hack squats two times a week.

First one 4x6x210kg, Second one 3x10x190kg.

Aika tappaa itsesi vitun huomiohuora.

I bet it's hard to be a skinny guy.

Voi vittu

>defined abs and obliques and bicep vascularity
cutting shouldn't be on your mind for a while boyo

Dude of course you can fucking lose fat and gain muscle at the same time. Of course it's going to be a lot easier for a skinnyfat beginner. What the fuck do you think a recomp is?

t. fat fuck retard

OP, cut. you're looking joocy right now, you'll look shredded by mid/end may

I'm going on a vacation in june. No need to be shredded then but in decent shape.

i like that bulky bearmode look, continue to bulk imo

You should train abs, you look like an action figure in a bad way lmao

Why should I train abs when the main thing for abs is bodyfat %?

word. again, looking great. just cut

Its not? You have the lower half of a 12 year old

yep, he looks like he might snap in half at the waist

>abs is bf%
>what are abdominal MUSCLES

Is this nigga retarded, he must be because his waist looks retarded.

Angling your cellphone camera down also helps. Just like a rectangular cellphone looks like a trapezium, your body is distorted the same way in the picture.

When there is a large amount of fat the abs won't be shown as good as when there is only a little fat.

No matter how big your abs are.

Here is me after 10 months of training (in a basement :D).

What is ab training? Twig.


mirin the waist

not op but how does one train abs efficiently?
I thought they grow while doing deadlifts and pullups

That is a meme. Why do curls, skull crushers, flies etc if compounds are enough? I like hanging leg raises, weighted decline situps, weighted legs raises, and cable crunches, but whatever works. Id recommend some weighted ab stuff, its a muscle like any other.

down to 190 from 240lbs

what should i bulk to?

>tfw a dyel has a bigger neck than you

Don't even worry about when to stop.
Lift and eat big for now and address that when the time comes.

you need to dead and squat more
your core looks disproportionate and weak