Should Paris embrace modern architecture?
Should Paris embrace modern architecture?
I would say no, I’m not a big fan of it.
No but it will by force the mayor is a cunt
Contemporary architecture. People often confuse modern and contemporary: the Modern period began after the Middle Age and ended up with the revolutions (american and french one), while Contemporary history began right after WWII.
Otherwise, Paris already embraced conteporary architecture, think about the Center Pompidou, one of the most horrific place in Paris if France.
All modern architecture needs to be destroyed. We need a return to beauty and culture.
>the Modern period began after the Middle Age and ended up with the revolutions (american and french one), while Contemporary history began right after WWII.
He's not talking about contemporary and modern history. He's talking about contemporary and modern architecture, which is to say, about modernism and postmodernism. The 60s and 70s are usually taken as the start of postmodernism.
Yes, absolutely. Modernism is the thinking man's fetish and Le Corbusier was based as hell. What you're posting is not modern architecture, though.
Yes. If all the great architects of the past would have thought like many fags here seem to we'd still only have huts like in Çatalhöyük or Göbekli Tepe to make sure we don't create anything too modern looking...
Yes and no. What you have pictured there is not "modern", in the sense of being new at least.
tbqh this meme building was pretty fresh and creative for its time. It does not stir me as much as late 19th century architecture when architecture was still an evolution dating back to the late roman era, regardless I can appreciate their eagerness to experiment with modern materials, to show architecture's liberation from masonic physical constraints.
However after nearly 100 years it has not spawned any new styles, it is no longer "daring" and "provocative", it doesn't shake me out of my shell. Any moustachio'd top hat'd toffs who might have been shocked are long gone and the champagne sipping architects overseeing billion dollar projects for real estate companies aren't 60s university rebels anymore. They are something far worse, they're boring.
What we need is art not figures from a geometry text book, we need to start seeing this "revolution" bear fruits.
That's not modern architecture. Please read what words mean before using them.
Ideally, no. Have the Eiffel Tower remain the one most notable exception, yet otherwise, Paris should embrace Baroque and Neo-Classical architecture for its new high class buildings, once more.
Paris isn't worth much desu, they should go for it
As long as it doesn't encroach into the pre-1900 parts of the city like they did in London, why not.
>contemporary and modern achitecture
I didn't have this knowledge. Thanks lad.
This. Germany too.
Paris embraced modern architecture long time ago you dumb fucks.
What is that square shit in the middle
Just look at the shitshow that London has become...
???? it already has
unless you believe that haussmann is the only individual to have worked in paris
Paris has been shit ever since Hausmann
London was never not ugly, glass dildos and postmodern trash amazingly don't even make it worse because the city was already fucking hideous to begin with.
>Implying there was a time when London wans't a shithole
t. jelly continentals
What do you think they're jelly of? It's objectively an ugly city from the asthetic standpoint.
I was in Paris a few weeks ago, I only saw creatures like pic related walk across the streets. Modern architecture wouldn't damage the city any further in my opinion.
Arc de Triumph II
Not in Paris though.
>I only saw creatures like pic related walk across the streets
Seem like you are so obsessed with blacks your brain can only register them now.
Yes, Paris has always been a modern city. Preserving the best of each epoch is fine but preserving huge swathes of architecturally uninteresting districts just because "they're old" is infantile and anti-French.
>terrible or nonexistent urban planning with a complete lack of stylistic unity
For the love of God, guys, bring modernism back already.
just build skyscrapers with classical exterior shells
there is coming something even better than modernism i tell u
Nothing beats modernist urban planning.
Not in Paris? Also, should Rome have skyscrapers?
People hated the Eiffel tower when it was first built
They lacked taste. Whereas these structures have no form.
Catalhoyuk had houses, not huts and they were much more confortable than what g*rmamics used well into 800 AD, gobekli tepe was a temple, a collection of menhirs, not huts
Go away Corbu’, I’m force fed your bullshit at uni enough. When I forcefully take power, I’ll bring down anything post Art Déco, with the Tour Montparnasse, the atrocious bullshit they built at the Halles, the Louvre Pyramid and the Centre Pompidou first on my hitlist. The métro will be redone in God-tier traditional blue and white tiles, with new technologies tastfully integrated.
That’s La Défense you mouth breathing retard, the whole point is that it’s not in Paris.
Some did. Now this fact gets overblown to delegitimize any and all distaste for something new.
It's not within the admistrative borders of the city, but it is certainly part of the urban area. It functions as a part of Paris.
It is true though that the idea was to create a bunch of designated streets for architects to shot in.
I know, I’m from Paris. Companies wanted muh skyscrappers to jerk off to, after the fiasco of la Tour Montparnasse it was a big no no, we gave them land beyond the périphérique to go wild. Shame it’s in the axis of the Arc de Triomphe, ruins the view when on top of it.
Not french, but currently living in Paris. I would say that there is no way this can be stopped. Old buildings are beautiful but they are getting some troubles at coping with our way of life right now. I would advocate, instead, that any building that creates contrasts from the city skyline should be forbidden. Like Tour Montparnasse. That place is uber SHIT. Is literally JUST a fucking building in the middle of one of the most beautiful cities in the world. So things like Tour Triangle and so on should be forbidden, imo. Little residences in the streets are no problem for me. They are out of context, of course, but the contrast is very little since almost every street in this city has in its majority, beautiful old buildings.
>look up Tour Montparnasse
my fucking sides, this is the most hideous thing I've ever seen in my entire life
Looks like something they'd put up in Africa in the middle of a shantytown.
It’s atrocious, considered the second most ugly building in the world and it only hasn’t been destroyed because it would cost too much to the city (indemnities to the various companies in it, etc). Construction was given the green light by a president obsessed with modern everything. Choke full of asbestos, too. They’re trying to freshen it up, give it a new coat of paint, but God knows how much worse it can get.
if all buildings looked like pic related, then sure. but most of them either look like metal tumors or commie blocs, so no.
Fuck me I actually looked up the plan that won the competition. Barely better, and they basically just try to make it invisible with mirrors.
You meant this?
wasnt that thing torn down?
>Any moustachio'd top hat'd toffs who might have been shocked are long gone
Modern architecture has long stopped being fresh and that's why they then started trying to be as outrageous and shocking as possible, trying to run away from the fact that they are as mainstream and oppressive asit gets
It's ugly as a sin though. Just a metal tower
And for a good reason, it looks like shit. Just because it has been memed as THE symbol of Paris doesn't change the fact.
i cant see why it shouldnt. its like a circular kowloon
There are several modern buildings in paris. As long as they follow the houssmann model they're not gonna be shunned.
Is it leaning ?
Because the same kind of people who inhabit it also run the country now.