Breakfast is how you fuel your day. Post it

Breakfast is how you fuel your day. Post it.

Egg whites, oats with salt & maple syrup.
500 calories
54 grams protein

It's like I'm spooning pancakes.

>not intermittent fasting

>being dyel or a fatass

get the FUCK off my BOARD

1.5 cups rolled oats with peanut butter and almond milk
3 raw eggs
Bowl of Greek yogurt
48 oz coffee

I can't stop shitting

4 or 5 eggs, scrambled, on two slices of toast
pint of milk
piece of fruit

This is MY board you fuck. POST YOUR BREAKFAST

yur moms pussy is my breakfast

You cheeky cunt. I'll fuck your shit up.

>1/2 cup steel cut oats with peanut butter, whole milk and honey
>1/2 cup hazelnuts
>One litre coffee with whole milk
>Up to half a litre of plain yogurt
>Sometimes a banana

Sometimes add in a sausage breakfast sandwich with double sausage from Tim Horton's or four boiled eggs, if I'm still hungry like an hour later.

That's too much for a breakfast man

That's all I eat except for a salad sometimes at night. I figure it'll keep my body from raping my muscles for protein during the day. It's also pretty cheap, filling and tasty

Total calories per day is about 800. Psmf.

how do you prepare this?

Milk, oats, maple syrup and black chocolate powder
Greek yogurt with walnuts and some honey
A piece of fruit

>800 kcal a day
sounds like a bad idea, are you a midget?

Microwave half cup quick oats for two minutes with one cup water and a bit o salt.

Scramble entire small carton of egg whites in a nonstick pan with a bit o salt. (Half a big carton also works and is cheaper)

Combine egg whites and oatmeal and top with two table spoons of maple syrup. Mix. 500 calories, 504 max.

You don't have to be a midget to eat this little, it's just easier to go to extremes than be a normal balanced person.

I ate a whole can of refried beans. Served with a side of regret.


Isn't white bread bad for your gains?

> 3 eggs scrambled on coconut oil masterrace oil
> french muffin with cream cheese
> coffee, black
> proton shake w/ oats, banana, peanut butter if post workout

oats, protein powder, banana, splash of milk

Delicious as fuck

Well I use wholegrain brown bread but I don't think a bit of white bread is going to kill your gains.

ditch the greek yogurt. problem solved.

I wish I couldn't stop shitting tbqh. I shit only every 3-4 days.

It's probably the coffee. Coffee makes me have to instantly shit. Yoghurt helps reduce the protein farts.

> 1 cup of oats, not that instant shit
> 1 tablespoon of PB mixed in
>2 eggs scrambled with 1 tablespoon of coconut oil
Preworkout meal, keeps me fueld through my lifts.

I have the same meal minus the peanut butter. Gonna give that a try

>Egg whites, oats with salt & maple syrup.

Never tried this, but sounds good user.

How do you make it? Cook oats, egg whites separate, mix together and top with syrup + salt?

>1.5 cups rolled oats with peanut butter and almond milk

I can't even finish 1 cup rolled oats, damn son.

Canook spotted.

I have a similar breakfast leaf.

American + Canadian bros for lyfe.

(1) can of rockstar zero
(1) bronkaid tablet
(1) dip in the ol frozen pond

My gf likes cooking breakfast for me

My hand also cooks breakfast for me.

I had eggs and bacon for breakfast. I'm having some delicious steak for dinner, but I'm not sure what to eat with it. Some potatoes maybe?

I'm DYEL, but how am I doing for brekkie?

> 40g rolled oats
> 40g steel cut (toasted)
> 100g frozen berries
> 275ml almond milk
> 24g chia seeds (for those omega 3s)
> 30g peanut butter
> 30g proton powder
> 40g raisins

Then later I'll have coconut yogurt with chia seeds, peanut butter, and raisins. Maybe protons too?

>Eating breakfast
>Making it

You may only pick one.

ur gf cant cook eggs worth shit

>not using Ronald D. Coleman's breakfast recipe
>90g instant grits
>2 cups egg whites
>1 slice of american cheese
>cooked and mixed

6 whole eggs

20 grams real butter

3 slices of white bread

inb4 bros get triggered at white bread, its fine faggot

That bacon looks like foreskin

I hope she sucks cock better than she cooks.

oats on psmf??

2 poached eggs
1 cup instant oatmeal w/honey and cinnamon
1 banana
1 glass of water
1 first sip of the day

60g of sausage diced, 4 shrooms diced, fried in butter, 4 eggs scrambled into that and 4 pickles on the side

That looks fucking revolting.

Enjoy ur tapeworms

Was the plate on the other side of the kitchen when she was done and she just threw the food at it?
0/10 composition.

>not keto diet forever

>48 oz coffee


>what is insulin

>only white bread exists

coffee good


Who here /shaketimegoddammit/ ?

Keto breh

look bad man

four eggs
four turkey sausage patties
some peanut butter
protein shake with water
glass of keto friendly milk (some store shit pretty good 11g protein)

usually have the same breakfast ery morning.

What is some really good EASY breakfast?
I see many of you make 5 chicken breasts and 10 eggs.
But what is something i can make easily in under 5 minutes that will really help.

5 weetbix + apple

Rolled oats, milk, greek yogurt, honey, walnuts, bananas together =

Isn't Honey really unhealthy?

What are you supposed to mix with oats?

Certain peoples digestion is assisted by coffee consumption. Not the same for everyone.

Salt if you're feeling frisky.

It is essentially pure sugar.

Still insulin concerns, so don't go crazy.

But if you need/want a little sweetener it is goat.

So like 2-3 spoons in my diet is not gonna fuck me?

it probably will actually

Is bubble water healthy?

each bubble is a cancer cell cluster exploding in your mouth

stick with soda

Dont do that many table spoons.

Black Coffee.

Then how many should i do?

Oats w/ cranberries and chia seeds and a dollop of yogurt
2 hard boiled eggs
glass or two of water

not sure what kind of protein content im getting but it's bretty güd

> is more than one spoon too many?
> if I can't have more than one spoon how many spoons can I have?

are you me in Vermont?


>oats & maple syrup...

Works for me, sometimes oats can get bland.

I've been jonesin hard for coffee over the past few weeks despite getting ample caffeine. Why do I suddenly crave 14 cups a day, up from zero two weeks ago.

>being this into meme foods

2 cups oats with unsweetened cocoa for dat iron gain

4 tbsp peanut butter
4-6 cups of coffee

typical morning

A bowl of plain oatmeal
I want to kill myself sometimes


>mfw when i know that feel

Bowl of plain greek yog
Scoop in the yog
throw some steel cut oats in
glass of unflavored creatine

That's breakfast.

I drink a bottle of water as soon as I wake up. After that its

>3 whole eggs
>2-3 slices of turkey bacon
>An English muffin
>greek yogurt
>protein shake

do you guys really manage to eat the same thing every morning? I always have coffee and my whey shake, but the actual food is pretty variable...

The only problem i have with oats of any kind is they make me fart non stop. Why is this?


Boil eggs for the week and slam them along with some granola and fruit and you've got a pretty solid breakfast that takes a minute to prepare.

2 boiled eggs
Bowl of granola
2 cups coffee

I used to do oats, but they don't keep me full at all. Though I might start making them again and mixing with granola, since they're cheap as hell.

Nice razer© gamer mouse, faggot

3 eggs with tobasco sauce
2 slices wheat toast with butter
3 strips of bacon
2 cups of coffee
A pint of water

>eating anything substantial for breakfast

how? I can't eat anything worth eating for breakfast (or lunch, depending on the day) without feeling like shit for the rest of the day

Half cup of porridge ( basically just rolled oats) 1 tsp brown sugar for tastiness, proton injection shake

4X egg (egg-white)
2X egg (whole)
2X middle cut bacon
1Xcup of spinach
1X small Turkish bread

A bowl worth of oatmeal + banana

TOTAL: Around 5000 - 6000 KJ

I do alot of cardio by the way

200 ml Milk
300 ml yoghurt
2 bananas
Some red fruit
100g oats
All that in a blender
Around 700 kcal

enjoy ur low test

keto should not be used long term

50g rolled oats
25g protein powder (chocolate flavor)
1 Banana
150ml Milk


Scrambled eggs on rye toast with tea.

>Fruit Smoothie
>Carnation breakfast essential + chocolate whey + milk in my blender bottle
>Bacon or sausage
>Grits or Oats

>tfw oats make me constipated as fuck

my asshole still hasn't forgiven me for the last time i ate oats