/plg/ Panzer Lifting General

>bodyoreo doesn't like us anymore edition


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A suh dud

How the fuck is bombing real hahahaha nigga just touch your chest like nigga open raw hahahah

what did she mean by this



Ben Rice is MY GOD

Hello my pretties. Retoasting from the last bread

Not sure really. I felt really weak on the platform. I think going to rpe 10 on the skills test was a mistake. Time for pro coaching.
I have failed you

This was fun tho


ill do your peak for free pal

do it

>I have failed you
You failed yourself.

He's not allowed halo tho

>tfw just watched manchester by the sea

I want to be ipf legal pls

Do. You recommend?

check the video on his insta right before this
>327kgx2 beltless raw at like RPE8
TSA sure know their shit it seems

I saw it too and while it was a good movie feel like Moonlight was a better Oscar-bait feels movie.

I need help.

I need more volume in my training because working on bracing technique with deadlifts and building up my squat. I need a proper programme to do it with appropriate percentages.

I'm a bit stuck.

Na he just finally moved up a weightclass. He has #105 in his hashtags and he was trying to compete @ 93 for like the last year or two
That said, he is wayyy stronger now @ 105 that he was last time he was this weight. That 760 was fucking smoked and his 645 squat looked like an opener

>blueberry protein pancakes
>protein bagel w/ zero cal blackberry jam
>sunny side up eggs
>huge ass cup of coffee

wew lads, sometimes life is alright

sounds nice as fuc pls gib


my source has cheque drops why would i waste time with halo?

in all seriousness though i think ill stick to oxy and var

i just meant the programming

>zero cal blackberry jam


>my source has cheque drops why would i waste time with halo?
cause you cant run cheq at 40mg ED for weeks for longer lasting effect on strength

well not in a sound mind anyway

havent slept well my shitposting game is weak, i deeply apologize

I thought this was like, impossible to actually get and they just give you winny instead
have u had it lab tested?

>Using orals when you have access to whatever injectables you want
>Using multiple orals concurrently

Just fuck your liver up senpai

>not crushing up your adrol and suspending it for pinning
>making it
choose one

im only going to use orals for a few weeks pre comp from now on, if i was ever to do cheque it would be comp day

>fuck up your liver

considering the medical dose for oxy is 2-3mg PER KILO of bw i think ill be fine on 50mg instead of the 200-300 a dr would give me

most of us know the seller personally, he runs one lab and its all tested, 97% var, he makes very small margins but his customer base is huge now, hes got pro strongmen running his stuff

Is it normal to have one retarded leg when doing bulgarian split squats? My right leg is fine but my left makes me feel like I have muscular dystrophy.

local grocery store has a health food section. Most of it is trash, but there's some seriously awesome gems hidden there in.

>Halo top: pint of ice cream with ~300 kcals and 20-30 grams of protein (whole pint)
>protein bagels, protein bread and protein flatbread: bagels are 260kcal/28 g protein, bread is same, flatbread is 300/28
>drinkable greek yogurt (the swedish stuff)
>literally any flavor of sweetener, emulsion, jam or anything as zero or near zero cal, including mayo, honey mustard, honey, jams&jellies etc
>peanut butter thats like 200 kcals / 16 g protein per 32 grams and actually tastes good

its pretty fucking great tbqh. wish i could utilize it to the full potential

inb4 you brutally tear something mid comp cause no brakes on the cheq train lel

all kidding aside, hows the 50mg? never bothered much with it but that does indeed seem hella low

I have this exact same thing when i do single leg deadlifts or curtsy squats. Right leg is a champ and it feels like it's getting worked correctly, left leg feels like Walter Jr.

Yeah, my left leg doesn't give me many issues but my right side is kinda fucked, my knee tracking on that side doesn't work properly. I think I have a super tight quad on that side and its fucking me up.

Well my current programme is as follows:

>Squat 5*5 (at whatever I can manage without hip aids)
>Bench 3*5 @80%
>Deadlift 5*5 @70% of 5rm

>Squat 5*5
>Bench 5*4 paused @60%
>RDLs 8*3 at 80%
>DB rows 8*5
>Curls 12*3
>Kettle bell swings 8*3
>LPD 8*3

>Squats 5*5
>Bench 8*3 @ 60%
>Deads AMAP @ 90%
>Monday's accessories agen


I mean Wednesday's

i have british dragon Androlics, some of the most potent you can get so 50 is enough

>5x5 squat
>5x5 dead

are you still a novice?

I'm intermediate but I need help with my programming pls

What resources did you use to write your conjugate cycle and how did you modify it for raw?

fair enough then, makes sense

looks pretty solid to me? then again, i have little experience programming for women, which, all sexism aside, does make a difference.


Well I know I need to work with more volume but I'm struggling to identify when I should be deloading and restarting cycle. I struggle with anxiety which means that my strength on some days is variable so I could be stalling like fuck one session and then smashing it the next.

whatever you do, don't listen to the sheiko shills
do hepburn

Why Hepburn?

cuz it's really good for practicing form like you said you want
good weight (80%)+, lots of sets and not too many reps per set so it's more specific for letting you practice your 1RM form

So set volume > rep volume

Hmmm seems about right I'll have a fiddle with it and come back with my week.

stoppani shortcut to strength lol

fun day today

don't forget to do your accessories :)

Who needs accessories when you're busy





doesnt really need too much modification, but it says in one of the above the dynamic days for lower you use 70-85% instead of 50-60%

im not even using bands or chains, the conjugate system was originally designed for weightlifters, so bands chains and gear wasnt even thought of, its literally just rotating lifts to work on weak points and somewhat stave off fatigue cause you cant go as heavy on variations as you would on the comp lifts

but isn't that shit like 90% accessories lmao

Did isley learn?

Push press, lunges, rows,and wider than comp grip bench each once a week are hardly very many accessories.

Sounds like some back alley meme programme to me
>Hey buddy you wanna buy some memes
I'm even doing some cable crunches every now and then

>Mfw someone recommends sheiko to me

o ok I was misinformed

Yo Mystery user, you good to answer a quick question I have about the 28 meme programs?

Can do, what's up?

So I'm running 3x bench intermediate medium volume, 2x squat intermediate and deadlift 2x intermediate. For squat and deadlift I'm running old maxes (2-3 months old) so I'm wondering if it's safe to slightly inflate them to make the working sets actually challenging?

Also is it safe to add accessories like flyes and direct tricep work in, and where would be a good place to add them in?

Are you progressing currently

You can slightly increase the working weight or add a set if you find the work sets for anything you find too easy.

As far as accessories that's depending more on how your week looks. How is your workout week currently set up?

I have been on my previous routine, I'm switching to the 28 free ones as of tomorrow (idk why I said currently running them, my mistake)

Day 1 is squat 1 and bench 1, day 2 is deadlift 1 and bench 2, day 3 is squat 2 and bench 3, day 4 is deadlift 2 and some OHP work

There is literally no way I will hit 107.5 for 9 if I just barely hit 102.5 for 9 last week.

Must have done something wrong here.


youre switching to new programming which has been well thought out by someone with knowledge and experience.

You havent even started yet and you already want to change it? Run it as is, see if it actually works before you think youre an expert and make your tweaks

That's pretty much exactly how my week was. As far as extra tricep work or flys, I would add extra tricep work on bench day 1, and flys on day 4. I personally also added good mornings on squat days, and ab work on deadlift days.

It's not me thinking I'm an expert (cos God knows I'm not). It's just that, as an example, week 1 day 1 of my squat routine wants me doing 80% of my max for a 5x5, and that comes out to about 150. But prior to this, I was hitting 175 for 4x4 at maybe an RPE 8. So wouldn't 150 be too low for a 5x5?

pls be bench

If you think your maxes are that much higher now you should test them before starting a new program.

Ye it's bench

Ive seen both and thought both were great in their own way but I feel so much more with Manchester By the Sea.

Serious feels.

I loved it when that you know wat got a chair to the back of the head though.

>look into Hepburn


Different meme please.

Candy toe or Sheiko (just a single prep cycle)

If memory serves his programmes have you adding weight each week? I wouldnt worry, or add the normal 5kg to the max the %ages are based off, id have thought that would be pretty common knowledge by now? If you havent done a comp or your programming doesnt have a day to test a new max just add a bit to your max

Yeah I probably should have re-tested squat and deadlift maxes before I switched, would have been a lot smarter of me. I guess I can afford to take the start of next week to test my squat and deadlift while training bench as normal

It gets brutal, it got me a 300kg deadlift and my hepburn sets were only 225

But its not sustainable long term imo

Squat x1 @8 followed by a 4x5
Bench x1 @8 followed by 4x4

and like a million sets of push press.

If I did add to my maxes, would 5-10kg be too much?

circuits and dynamics homework x f
knee hurts again
taco johns and probably some chicken pasta later
assorted 80s rock stuff. listened to some Motley Crue, Poison, Twisted Sister, among other stuff so far


Im not you

True, I guess I'll go with the smarter option (and what I should have already) and test my maxes before actually switching over. Thanks for all the help Gbro, and same for MA

No sheiko
But it says to do it for a year. That's a fucking load of twos and threes. I'm gunna read the book and see what's what and then decide. It does appeal desu it's just gunna be a long fucking time in the rack kek

It's such pure autism. I mean look at that nice pattern

>be me
>life is going well
>fuck it up in the space of 1 day
Every teim

it works though

>tfw my deadlift is only 130 kilos but power clean is 80 kilos.

Should I just stop powerlifting and start oly lifting before it gets out of hand?

kek it does work but yeah, based on the premise that picking up heavy stuff repeatedly is bound to work eventually, PhD or not. i have to admit his meme programs work well for normies not caring about wilks tho ;)

GPP session, so 10 minutes each of rowing and ab work, some vertical pulls and curls, some (cardiovascular) rowing and yoga


see above

some old sam harris podcast

Nah you take like 2 minutes rest between sets and you get it done in 20 mins

In the sense that the gains aren't sustainable and I'll have to run something with more rep volume to secure it like after running Bulgarian?

Greg nuckols 28 free programs?

He did not

what do you need to learn anyway

How to squat.

How to bench.

How to peak.

Hmm sounding better.

Plus desu it's a pretty easy programme to follow

Hmm... What's this set? A 2.... Or

...a 3

I'll pay for you to attend a seminar of a coach of my choice
The deal is you have to attend the seminar no matter who I choose.

I'm not going to an ed coan seminar.

I'm. Just going to get real coaching desu

>>I'm. Just going to get real coaching desu
Mickey Momentum?