How do I fix my brother?

Sup Veeky Forums

My 11 year old brother is a scrawny little autist who spends all day hunched over playing vidya, sometimes he'll go to school without washing himself, his hair is scruffy and greasy and he never combs it even when he does wash it. He's skinny as fuck, short for his age and very timid, also a cringy little edgelord, exactly like the "it's a meme you dip" kid only not fat, perhaps his only saving grace is that he's very smart.

How do I turn him into a gainzlord turbochad?

I'm not sure if compound exercises like deadlift/squat/bench are suitable for kids because I heard it can cause growth stunting or other shit or am I being lied to? I'm not so worried about his height because I was short too at that age but now I'm 6'4".

He also did boxing for a year when he was 9/10 and wasn't half bad at it, he hit very hard and fast for someone with so little experience, however he stopped going out of laziness so I plan to bring him back to that plus runs and padwork at home.

He's already at the stage in school where the social hierarchy is forming and he is most definitely at the bottom of the ladder, And he has to spend another 5 years or so with these boys and girls, need to nip this in the bud before I need to get my dad to melt him back into jizz and start again

Also anyone know what weights I can reasonably expect a kid of that age to be able to lift at maximum, on the bicep curl for example?

appreciate the help fellas

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take his computer away, or he will discover /b/, and become a complete degenerate.
get him to do calisthenics. kids judge eachothers strenght, by the amount of pullups/push ups then can do.

Discovering /b/ is how I discovered Veeky Forums and went from obese to fit.

OP, I have never seen someone that was forced to go to the gym start going on their own volition afterwards. Forcing him to lift won't do shit; you need to make him want to lift.

wait til he's 13

hes 11 dude
let the kid be a kid
when he turns like 13 or 14 then mold him into a pussy slaying beast

he is 11. probably doesnt care about girls (or guys) yet. if he is still like this in a few years then you can try to help him. that's just my opinion tho. wait on the fit stuff but i guess encouraging him in other ways is good


>OP, I have never seen someone that was forced to go to the gym start going on their own volition afterwards. Forcing him to lift won't do shit; you need to make him want to lift.

No arguments here, I just don't know how to convince an 11 year old to want to be physically fit

I can't use the Chad argument because he doesn't care about girls at that age, It's just I wish somebody had kicked my ass into gear at that age because I went through the same nonsense, all I wanted to do was play video games, not trying to take his childhood away or anything, just want to give him the best chances at life later on

He has great potential to be alpha, just needs that spark

haha americans

there was social higherarchy here from like 4-12 yrs old, then in highschool it collapsed kek

bong here

anyway yeah I was a slightly overweight shit at 11, I started doing pushups that age and curling basic weights like 10kg (I had a precocious puberty at 7 though so you can argue it was weak for my physical capability) and I started lifting when I was 13, I'm 6'4" now

He's fucking 11. None of us had our shit together at 11. Fuck off and let him be a kid before projecting your own insecurities and living vicariously through him

>I can't use the Chad argument because he doesn't care about girls at that age
desu lad what the fuck are you talking about

I cared about girls when I was 6, kids obv do care about girls early they are just less open about talking about them

hell I used to daydream about the weirdest fetish sex when I was like 5, fucking hell you're naive

jfc please be satire

if you've spent any time on this board you'd know that just lifting will not turn someone into a (((turbochad)))

and don't force him to do shit he doesn't want to do; you're not his dad and it'll just make him resent you

Well don't do what I did and try and convince him he needs to change because it just makes it worse. Now he's still an autist but with no confidence who constantly puts himself down.

You should probably take him under the wing and start inviting him out to stuff. Let him hang around you and your buddies like one of the guys. Include him in stuff. Set a good example. The desire to change has to come from within, its not something you can force on him.

how much does he weigh?

Being a big brother is kinda like being a father. Your little brother most likely looks up to you.You need to spend time with him and influense him by example. Do some physical stuff and maybe math or something with him. Show that the real world is much more interesting than vidya.

I remember when my little brother was young and our parents separated. Little brah ballooned up like no other while struggling in school. I mostly blame my mother micromanaging him so he grew up thinking that things will come granted to him. I have always known that hard work is the way to go if you want to get anything. Our parents put most of their attention to my brother so I got to figure shit on my own. Good thing he started complaining that why he is fat so I could give him some rough love. First I told him that it is his own fault and then I gave him some tools to fix it. I taught him to lift, run and how to eat. Nowadays he has lost a lot of weight and has a whole different attitude on life.

My little bro is 13, is this too early to start lifting? I've seen some shit about how it can be bad to lift before like age 16 but i dont know how true that is.

it's not
get him to lift


Show him Zyzz and Jeff seid and how wet they make girls, if he doesn't start liftan then I hate to break it to you brah but he's gay.

Make sure he does not ever discover this awful website

Do not push him so hard or he will resent you

Just be there for him try taking him out to have fun, maybe play some games with him?

You cant just make this a one sided thing, If he likes you he will respond more to you plain and simple

My little brother was on the same path but we bonded and now he is much more well rounded.

Clearly someone that has not made it yet.

Lifting can, and will turn you into a Chad, but you have to actually lift.

the "it's a meme you dip" kid was bad, but the epic troll kids making fun of him were way more cringe inducing edgelords.

I mean my uncle ran a gym and my mom forced me to go when i was like 14, he taught me everything i neeved to know but i didnt want to do it because i was a shitlord. 3 years later i just randomly wanted to go and i made gainz. It might just be best to give him the knowledge now and let him love it later

I agree but not fully

Most of the shitty betas on this board whining about not having gfs do not actually lift. With lifting comes confidence but you need to grasp that yourself. Lifting gives you the tools to succeed you just need to use them.

It's tough, my dad first introduced me to liftting at like 15 but I never really took to it or cared that much.

I got into it heavily at the age of 22 and still to it at 25.

At that age, i'd just try to encourage daily physical activity, what ever it may be and not eating too much sugar/junk.

my older brother tried to keep me physically active through sports and martial arts. i kept at it half-assed till i was around 12 and stopped completely. i picked up vidya even more than i had previously and didn't look back for 5-6 years.

i remember him asking me to go to the garage and workout (we had a small home gym from random pieces of equipment we were gifted from family friends) every few days and i would decline, insisting that i needed to spend more time on runescape. admirably, he kept at it for a few months before completely giving up on me.

the usual way he got me into the home gym was "hey, i need a spot. help me out. it'll be fast." i'd reluctantly walk out, dragging my feet, and spot him on a few exercises. during rests he would tell me to jump on and i would do it just to get him to stop nagging me. i would get bad DOMs from even light lifting and it would take me a long time to recover from it since i had a shitty diet and bad sleeping habits. if i weren't such a bitch about the DOMs then maybe i would have been more consistent, assuming he would continually nag me.

he left for the military as i entered high school and i didn't go back to the gym till senior year. i hated how i looked all four years. never garnered any attention from girls. stayed lazy and accomplished little, riding my intelligence till it carried me into mediocrity.

hardly see or hear from him now but i've become much more active and fit. he was a big part of that.

>ask him which girl he likes and which boy he hates the most
>get 3d scans of their faces
>pay a CGI studio to digitally insert them into cuck porn - obvs the bull is the bully, the cuck is your brother etc.
>force him to watch it and tell him this is what will happen if he can't pull at least 2XBW by summer break

>4 months ago
This dude brings his son into the gym. he's talking about how he needs to be stronger and how he is lazy. The kid clearly did not want to be there, but his dad forced him to go and do the lifts. Watching them was kind of hard because the kid hated it.

The kid put on muscle, and looks a lot better. he is pretty athletic, doing muscle ups and pull ups with strict form. He looks angry all the time now and he talks back to his dad. He made gains, but at the cost of a healthy relationship. it is sad to see honestly.

Do not force your brother, try building a good relationship with him. I know youre trying to help but he needs to want to do this himself.

if he stayed a flabby shit he would be hating his dad for letting it happen, he may be angry now but will be thankful to his dad later.
dads are not moms, they're there to make something of their kids, not baby them into becoming losers.

I see where you're coming from, I am not saying to baby the kid, but you gotta meet them midway at some point, I am just saying for X amount spent doing something that dad wants maybe Y should be spent on what the kid wants. You can produce the same results with less consequence is what I'm getting at.

Make sure he breaths with his nose, tongue to the roof of the mouth

Go to him user, try and reconnect, become swole bros

"I sometimes wonder why I pushed myself so relentlessly in weight lifting. My motive, I think, was not an uncommon one; I was not the ninety-eight-pound weakling of bodybuilding advertisements, but I was timid, diffident, insecure, submissive. I became strong—very strong—with all my weight lifting but found that this did nothing for my character, which remained exactly the same. "

t. oliver sacks, 600lb squatter