You all have no idea do you. $6/end of yr. $10/end of Jan. This is a paradigm changing company you know that right???
You all have no idea do you. $6/end of yr. $10/end of Jan. This is a paradigm changing company you know that right???
>please buy my bags Veeky Forums
>only down 50%
Yeah, fuck off pajeet.
No shit, now start accumulating
>Comfy Link bros
Digits confirm, us nazis finna be rich
how can u be down on LINK... I'm still 50% in the green and this is LITERAL bottom of this coin
Right? Only people fudding LINK are the ones who bought at 45-50 cents, happens to every new coin.
I bought at $0.50. now it's $0.25, pretty simple math. It's going back to 3800 sats soon, right now people are just trying to bump it up a little so they can offload their bags.
Bought 20,000+ LINK @ $0.38 / 8666 / 131666; sad I was drunk and hopeful when it hit $0.52, because I would've sold half at $0.49 to accumulate more on the dip when it hit $0.28 again, but, eh, that's the choice for any given evening: booze & pussy or crypto & gains.
that was a dumb buy... u literally bought before SIBOS.... why wouldn't u listen user?
U gotta buy LOW and sell HIGH.... Well u gonna break even soon enough, even gonna earn a shitton if u hodl... basically even look back at ur 50cent buy and say "dayuuum glad I was ahead of all them normie fuckers", once this hits 1$ EOY.... but u could have done even more user....
$200 mid 2018, cap this
hahahahahahaha what a shitcoin
already priced in
Thanks Thoth
>only down 50%
What are you talking about lol. LINK is up 2.5x.
.0001 Link guise
For her??
What were those abos doing there actually?
where do you see it eoy 2018?
Links up 2.5x in a time where every other ICO released has tanked way below their fucking ICO price and alts are at lows they haven’t seen for months
You’re a fucking retard, link is doing amazing the alt market is just shit right now
Fucking based!
More like 2019. I don't see enterprise adopting the technology so quickly. You could be right, though, but they generally take a long time.