Daily reminder that bitcoin is tulip mania 2.0.
Daily reminder that bitcoin is tulip mania 2.0
daily reminder you are a fool not to make use of it while it lasts
Daily reminder OP got obliterated by another thread earlier today
Gib link
Daily reminder OP is a faggot
why do people keep posting this statement with pics of mudsharks burning coal?
It's one guy
Based white girl
you know what else was tulip mania OP?
>the internet
>indoor plumbing
>air conditioning
>the turnstile
>the cotton gin
>every invention ever
one guy that missed out on his only chance of ever getting rich, and some monkey probably stole his waifu too
Literally a cuck spamming this
Cuck to his boss
Cuck to his wife
Cuck to himself for not buying the dip
do you think he's black?
If he is, then I'd pay him to dick my wife's daughter.
ok, likely so...that explains the tulip mania reference, but whats the connection with the blacks on blondes?
I would pay him to fuck your wifes daughter too. She has jungle fever I take it?
Tulip mania occurred during the Dutch Golden Age, and the original Dutch were Africans.
Daily reminder that niggers are a different species.
No, but I want my wife's grandsons to be diverse. Part of our duty in living in a multicultural society is recognizing the harmful propagation of whiteness.
That's not right.
Tulip mania literally never happened and everything you've ever seen or read about it is a total fabrication being pushed as a 5 Eyes PsyOp to take money from normies.
>Tulip mania occurred during the Dutch Golden Age, and the original Dutch were Africans
I see, pretty sure tulip mania happened in holland and not south africa though.
I know this is bait but, "harmful propagation of whiteness". Meanwhile every place on Earth this is majority black is a shit hole with out of control violence, prevalent STDs and low socioeconomic standards.
Really makes you think!
Indeed, I made my contribution to the cause today by jacking off all over my black bus drivers maxi pads. I've been counting the days since she used one so she should be fertile.
Um??? Yes that's what I said. The original Dutch Europeans were Africans before their culture was stolen and re-written by savage cave dwelling people who live in the Netherlands today. The real Dutch were never white.
Thank colonialism and slavery for that.
Maybe you'll "think" more after learning some history.
Of course! It all makes sense now. The original africans had a perfect economic system that no one ever abused, then the netherpeople came and corrupted their system with tulip mania!
bait and all but this kind of bait along with the jewish media machine will only lead to white men and military killing alot of brownies. tone it down or die pretty simple
I'm starting to think this guy isn't trolling
You mock it, but if the orignal Africans didn't have a perfect economic system, then how did they build the pyramids?
kek. yeah that's working well in europe huh?
who sees the hidden shadow of a creepy jew?
Blacks were the originators of slavery before whites caught on, you fucking idiot. Whites owning slaves was a blip in history compared to everyone else.
Black slavery in Africa existed long before whites doing it. And guess what, there's STILL slavery in Africa.
The only reason some parts of Africa aren't still 5000 years behind is because of western technology.
You're entire worldview is no more real than santa
Reminder that cryptocurrency is an inherently globalist scheme and you are helping to further it by participating in it. You are helping the free flow of capital to undermine economic nationalism. Thanks, goyim!
bitcoin has nothing in commons with tulip bulbs you utter nonce
im sorry you went all in on some shit coin that failed
with white slaves from the north pulling giant ropes and levers and shiiiieeet?
>victim fetish cuckold can't make good investments
who could've saw this coming
you'll probably get off on missing out though, you fucking degenerate
I see the merchant hiding behind the courtain
The whole point of these threads is to draw people in if you post without at leasing saging you are a low IQ idiot