I'm tired of who I am

Hi Veeky Forums this is my first visit to your lovely board.
Due to my work as a lifeguard I get free gym at the sports centre I work at; and I'd like appreciate some advice on how to achieve aesthetic Nazi mode. Reason is:
>meet qt3.14 last summer
>go full oneitis autism mode
>end up with her
>she cheats on me 3 times over the past 6 months
>finally fed up
>say everything I'd been keeping pent up for half a year to her
>regret it immediately
>self hatred kicks in
>here I am
If this gets pruned or whatever I'll just stick around and lurk other threads. Just thought it'd be nice to have a conversation with someone. Thanks.

Other urls found in this thread:


>aesthetic Nazi mode. Reason is:
This does not explain nazi part.please elaborate

Hes tired of being weak and the far right admires the strong

>she cheated on you
>you say mean things
>you regret it
If you want maximum aesthetics you have to do 1 year strength training 5×5 putting as much weight as you can on your excercises.
After this you should have enough strength to begin high volume program 4×15 with 30 seconds rest between sets and slower reps, you will still make strength gains in this stage so you keep adding all the weight you can handle while still finishing your sets

Easy, just be more assertive. Be honest. Don't be an asshole, but lay down rules. Be strict. Don't fucking cry like a beta male. Fuck lots of women and don't be so damn easy for women. You got to make yourself hard to catch so being with you feels like an accomplishment. Be successful and have a good paying job.

Do all this and you'll achieve Nazi aesthetic.

>>she cheats on me 3 times over the past 6 months
the fact you stuck around after the 1st time means you are such a cuck its not even concievable how you could be such a cuck to peope like myself

Hello bruder

Powerlift until you turn 18 if you aren't already and then use steroids

It's definitely hard to say you're the master race when your a fat fuck next to a ripped black guy

Yeah I realise this now, gonna fucking nuke her on Wed

Sorry could you exacerbate I'm really new here

A Veeky Forums white guy is always hotter than a Veeky Forums black guy when put next to one another. That's one of the reason why black women tend to go with white men over black men. The fact that white men are less likely to abuse and leave the woman is also a big factor.

Haha whitey BTFO

There's only one solution OP - you must kill her and then yourself.

KEK this is completely wrong you should see the women at my gym when some of the better in shape black men are around compared to your average whitey it's like day and night. Stay mad white boys.

>She cheats on me 3 times
If she cheated on you the first time, she was never worth your while. You should have dumped the bitch and moved on.
>How to achieve Aesthetic Nazi Mode:
Do SS.
>W-Why should I lift?
You don't lift for women. You lift for yourself and to save Europa.
Become inspired by the Golden one.
Powerlifting is doing starting strength workouts, deadlifts, benchpress, squats, barbell workouts.
Watch your nutrition. Have fun.

Finally a reply I can work with. I understand now Bruder. It's just everytime she said she was sorry; and that she loved me. I fucking hate her because she could read me like a book. I'm done with self hatred now, the future of the white race rests on people like me getting my shit together. Danke Kamerad. 14SS

She was using you because she was nothing more than a materialistic whore.
> "I would never cheat on my BF he's my huggybear xd! *Sees ripped Negroid*
>"Oogabooga lemme hollachu."
>"N-No I have a boyfriend"
>1 hour later she's fucking him
I've seen it too many times. Don't hate women in general, hate women that act like that.
If you are the secure the existence of our race you must remain vigilant and believe in yourself. This is especially applied in the workout area. There is no room for cowardice.
Also protip, buy some whey and creatine. If you want to make significant gains buy creatine monohydrate and put 5 grams of it into your water or your protein shakes. Here's a Veeky Forums recommendation for protein powder and creatine. Eat it an hour before you go to the gym it's found in red meat.
Also buy B12 and Fishoil pills when you can I believe in you goodnight.

God bless Kamerad; sleep well.

Listen to this guy for advice watch his videos, he'll show you the way:

think he means this look


fill this out for us OP

more importantly than your body is your mindset you need to change OP

>go full oneitis autism mode
we all have a girl that makes us do that but you have to bounce back from the initial autism and take charge. if you kept being a sperg the whole relationship no wonder she cheated on you
>cheats 3 times
pray to god you found out about those three times all at once at the end of the six months. if a girl cheats on you even once you need to leave her
>regret it immediately
fucking faggot
>self hatred kicks in
use that as an initial motivation to change

it will take time but you can rebuild yourself OP

fuck no, spencer is a goy shill, alt right retards. True natsoc do not affiliate with such filth.


She cheated on you three times and you stayed with her? Kill yourself ASAP

simmer down there Hans, i was just talking about the haircut

In reference to the picture. In essence I need to be fir enough for Sandhurst. I think the requirements are as such:
>44 pushups 2 mins. I can do 20 if i'm really fucking angry
>50 sit ups 2 mins. I can do this
>3.2km in 10:44: I can do this in 12 mins
>5 muscle ups: I can do 3 chin ups.
Ikr I'm a useless piece of shit but I'm trying to change.
Extra Info:
>Height: 6'2
>Weight 88kg
>I reguarly wear a 12kg plate carrier around under my jacket.
I didn't find out about all of the times till like last week. She left her facebook signed in on my tablet after she used it at mine. i got super spergy paranoid and read through her messenger and some shit goes back a long time. Thanks for the advice through friend!

do you know your bodyfat %? those seem like achievable enough goals but if youre 6'2" 88kg and cant do that id suggest losing weight first

>faggy haircut
>shit clothing
>gets punched everywhere he goes

getting the haircut is pointless now because its been claimed by every ~20 year old fuck head anyways

You've got some work ahead of you matey. Get the fuck off here and get to training.

Don't run every day. Don't only distance, you need to run faster too, so wind sprints and intervals. There are heaps of get fit for military guides on YouTube check some, incorporate some tips into your training.

Stop carrying extra weight around. You are wasting your time. MAYBE go for a walk with a heavy backpack once a week. But don't worry, they don't expect anyone to be used to pack marches , and pack marches will get you used to park marching.

Change the order in which you perform different aspects of your training. Mostly run, then bodyweight stuff, as this is the likely order for testing. But sometimes switch it up.
Doing 50 sit-ups isn't hard. But doing them straight after 50 push-ups straight after the run is a lot harder.

Sleep well. Eat enough healthy food. Sleep some more.

And good luck Rupertlet-user

Eventually you will see her for what she was and be proud of your brief moments of honesty.

You will , and should, be ashamed you let that cunt cheat on you and bitched out.

Such is fucking life. Carry on.

I also started lifting because of /pol/, Nazi body ideals were ideals for a reason

You're a huge faggot OP.
Way more of a faggot than most people or even most OPs.

golden one is cringeworthy LARPer

GOOD, stick to it and don't quit. Theres a aryan qt out there waiting to be your wife but she's not going to wait forever. You'd better hurry before tyrone gets her first.

TWO things you need to change your body composition
putting your muscles under tensions/stress and stimulating them to grow i.e. weightlifting. Just find a routine to follow, I think SS is shit and a waste of time if your goal is to change body composition (gain muscle/lose fat) But its as good a place to start than any I suppose.

Do not neglect this aspect as it is just as important as the exercise itself. People make it out to be more complicated than it really is though. There are really only two important aspects you need to keep track of, calories and protein. Google and do some research on "calories in vs calories out"

Basically, your body will be doing one of three things and only one based on the amount of calories you eat each day. Losing weight, maintaining weight, or gaining weight.

Our bodies use calories as energy, its what keeps us running, think of it as fuel. When we eat MORE calories than our bodies need i.e. a caloric surplus we store the extra calories as fat in order to be used later. When we eat LESS calories than we need i.e. a caloric deficit, our bodies will burn the calories it's previously stored as fat to compensate. When we eat in the middle, just what our body needs thats called eating at maintenance or eating at your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) when we do that nothing happens, we simply maintain what we have.

In order for you to lose fat you MUST eat under your TDEE
in order to gain muscle you MUST eat above your TDEE, you cannot do both at the same time despite what the P90x commercials may tell you. Now, protein is important because if you don't eat adequate amounts while eating under you're TDEE the weight you lose won't just be fat, it will be muscle.

You people are delusional and turn to delusional ideologies when your delusions run afoul of reality.

Think about it. A bunch of losers embrace the alt right and nat soc practices of the late 1930s to cure their loser mentalities.

Muscles won't change your life.
Nat Soc will ruin your life.
Racism will limit your life.

The thing that must change is your perspective and ego. Master those and you will change not only yourself, but the world.

You can be great user, but you can also dwindle your strongest years on morally bankrupt ideology and empty rebellion.

B8/10 gud work.

you're muscles will atrophy

If you try eating above your TDEE without adequate protein you won't gain muscle, only fat.

so to some up the basics of what you need to know.

Assuming your exercise is on point and you are providing adequate stimulus to your muscles you will need to

>(if your goal is to lose fat)
eat under your TDEE by about 500 calories and ensure you are eating adequate amounts of protein so you don't lose muscle

>(if your goal is to gain muscle)
eat above your TDEE by about 500 calories and ensure you are eating adequate amounts of protein so that your muscles can grow

Its a bit of a simplified answer but Its the best your gonna get here. You need to do a bit of your own research if you're serious about this stuff. But what I told you is more than enough to get you started.

You did the right thing. Never look back user. Just lift on until someone loves you

>Racism will limit your life
So will AIDS, thats why I keep my penor clear of jungle boons.
