Will lifting help me get hollow cheeks?


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Low bodyfat % will

Heroin will

How low?

10 - 15 % but its also genetic some people have lean faces without looking like a crackhead

My face is weird af. Im like at 16 percnet body fat, i have a defined jawline but my cheeks are kinda chubby. I have to cut more.

Could be genetics. Try fasting if you want to get really lean.

its probably genetics and low bodyfat percentage. you need a square or rectangle jaw and good protruding zygos/cheekbones for that hollow cheeks.

lookism is a shitty site but their theories are spot on lol

Pure genetics

t. Anorexic faggot with a baby face


he's sucking in his cheeks for the photo, you can't look like that with a neutral face

you wish

Improve your facial posture. Primarily masseter and buccinator tone.

What bodyfat % do you get hollow cheeks providing you have the bone structure?

Around 14 they'll probably start becoming visible, but the lower the better

You probably wont ever get cheeks that hollow, but they will become more hollow as you lose body fat.

correct your swallowing pattern and your buccinator ring will atrophy

It's probably that you genetically have thicker skin

How tho?

your hormone levels have to be fucked up to get cheeks that sunken, try losing a lot of weight really fast and itll happen


Just bite down, try to suck your cheeks between your teeth and get some good lighting
Worst case scenario you'll look like Ben stiller

this is correct, i used to have chubby cheeks despite low bodyfat % until i started swallowing by pushing the tongue against the roof of the mouth. months later my cheeks are noticeably leaner

>low bodyfat (get buccal fat pad reduction/removal if you can afford it)
>atrophied buccinators (watch Mike Mew's videos on correct swallowing and tongue posture)
>hypertrophied masseters (mastic gum and trenbolone are the 2 best things you can get for this)
>prominent zygomatic and mandibular bones (smash bone theory+vitamin k2+chocolate milk+mk-677 if you can't get surgery)
>forward projecting maxilla (MEW)

Chocolate milk?

What do the PH, SH, and L mean in the image?

puahate, sluthate and lookism

Are your teeth together or do you push the roof the mouth up and seperate the teeth?