Wait. So you're telling me the Ottomans (im talking about the dynasty here, obviously) were Nordic too?
The Aryan man truly somehow always finds a way to control the greatest empires.
Wait. So you're telling me the Ottomans (im talking about the dynasty here, obviously) were Nordic too?
Other urls found in this thread:
Yes. They were R1a warriors.
1453 was a year of the Nordic revenge on m*dshit pseudo-romans for destroying Vandal and Ostrogothic kingdoms. Or actually a secong revenge after the Fourth Crusade.
No they weren't.
R1a doesn't equal white and definitely not nordic, Afghans are R1a, yet they are not considered white.
The title even says Indo-Iranian
R1a was brought to Afghanistan by Nordics, and some of them are actually Nordic to this day...
As above.
when i say afghan i mean pashtun, this guy is nuristani
They are sometimes Nordic too.
> yet they are not considered white.
did your mum put you in charge of colours again lad?
He's right though.
Race is more than just skin color
but the average pashtun is not, but they are still all R1a, that's my point
You have to make a choice:
a) Stop saying that Ottomans were white because of R1a
b) extend your definition of white to pashtuns, pakistanis, indians
Tell anyone that afghans, pakis and indians are white and wait for the reaction
You are missing one thing - R1a elites =/= R1a mongrelized low casts.
Ottomans were elite dynasty, this is why they were more Nordic :)
Also yes, Pashtuns do have Nordic ancestors, but nowadays they are mongrelized though.
>Ottomans were elite dynasty, this is why they were more Nordic
Interesting kind of logic, are you perhaps a scientist?
Those are not Ottomans but half British (Father side) and half Ottomutt (father)
>are you perhaps a scientist
Perhaps yes.
That would be settled then :)
They started to look white because Ottoman Emperors had European concubines
Most wives of several Ottoman Sultans were ethnic Caucasians converted to Islam.
Many of the Caucasian women in the Ottoman harem were described as having "green eyes and long, dark blond hair, pale skin of translucent white colour, thin waist, slender body structure, and very good-looking hands and feet."
It is also understood from the memoirs of Princess Emily Ruete that Circassian women, who were captured in Constantinople and brought to Africa for the harem of Zanzibari Said bin Sultan, Sultan of Muscat and Oman, were envied by their rivals who considered Circassians to be of the "hateful race of blue-eyed cats."
In Henry Lindlahr's words in the early 20th century, "Blue-eyed Caucasian regiments today form the cream of the Sultan's army.“
According to the feminist Harriet Martineau, Circassians were the only saving virtue of the Egyptian harem where these Circassian mothers produced the finest children and if they were to be excluded from the harem, the upper class in Egypt would be doomed.
A consequence of the Russian conquest of the Caucasus was an excess of beautiful Circassian women on the Turkish slave market, and that this was causing prices of slaves in general to plummet. Black slaves were being killed to make room for Caucasian slaves.
People in OP's pic are not Ottomans you retarded inbred fucks
Also c*Rcassians are not wh*Te anymore. We BLACKED them.
who gives a shit about average roach?
what matters is that your elite was made off european people who ruled your slave ass
>1453 was a year of the Nordic revenge on m*dshit pseudo-romans for destroying Vandal and Ostrogothic kingdoms
>greatest empires
Nordics rule sw*rthoids drool deal with it
According to 4chin, every great civilization or empire was Aryan and Nordic.
Well ofcourse.
Only a european can rule such a vast territory as Ottoman empire did.
t*rkroached can't even maintain their own constitution, and you try to convice me these subhumans can maintain an empire? how amusingly ridiculous.
Entire History of Ottoman empire is secret Byzantine psy-ops movement to take revenge on western europeans for 1204. Byzantines larped as turkish muslims and reconquered all of stolen venetian island making venice irelevant while trying to destroy habsburg >holy >roman >empire who themselves tried to steal Byzantine Roman heritage.
But to secretly maintain their european blood and power, they had to use european balkan children to create Janissary armies which would be able to even compete with other european states, while high class was still "converted" greeks, bulgarians, serbs and albanians, the stupid t*kroach goat farmers were working in anatolian hills.
Pic related is when Kayser-i Rûm sold Osmans empire to Byzantine Conspiracy and became a byzantine himself.
There was nothing t*rkish about Ottoman empire other than self-inflicted propaganda and retarted anatolian goat farmers.
The only reason why Napoleon didn't attack Ottoman empire, was because he knew this and himself was part of the movement.
>Byzantine Roman heritage
imagine being a subhuman byzaboo lmao
let me tell you kid
now fuck off from here before i beat the living shit out of you.
>t*rkroach subhuman tries to cope this hard
Byzantines might have not been Roman but you're not even human, you fucking unibrowed ape.
Nobody cares what you triggered w*toids think. The TÜRK man will rule with the blessings of KAGA BOGA and his BBC
>Ottoman Empire was actually a front for the real Byzantine Empire
>Byzantine Empire were the actual turks
how can I achieve this level of woke
OP's picture is of the children of the TÜRK Ayşe Gülnev Osmanoğlu
this is Naz Osmanoğlu youtube.com
Are you unironically and directly stating that you believe they are black (negro) TÜRKs?
>a fucking stand-up comedian
The absolute state of the Ottoman dynasty
I've unironically had non-Turks tell me that the Ottomans were a direct continuation of the Byzantines. Can someone explain to me if there's any sort of credence to this idea?
You're such a meme, my retarded Polish friend.