Injecting Chinese bathtub chemicals general

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Anyone take mk7 for jaw gains or with test just fine

what would be a good first cycle for someone in the military that wont affect my cardio?

ree how hard is it to just copy paste a real op that says no source talk and to read r/steroids/wiki before posting any question
dude what

it wasn't in the last thread and I was too lazy to do anything about it

actually started laughing at the 2 first questions lol, just what I predicted

>jaw gains
Megadosing HGH possibly could.

Easier, more aesthetic, and possible cheaper route would be finding a skilled plastic surgeon.

At a younger age playing with my cousin I bumped my nose and ended up with a deviated septum.

Became more apparent as I aged. 3-4 years ago had it 'fixed' by a plastic surgeon and it has definitely improved my facial profile.

Along with blasting and cruising for past 3 years I am putting money aside for 3 cosmetic procedures that I would like to have done in my life time.

- Improve my recessed lower jaw, possibly jaw implant or re-alignment.

- Straighter teeth, whitened, possibly veneers.

- Removal of my moderate pubertal gynecomastia.

- Lazer full body hair removal would be the finishing touch.


Why is every steroid forum full of low IQ cunts that parrot the same shit information and are as incapable of thinking for themselves as your average college student?

With that said, what do people here know about the synergy between different orals (where you're obviously running a lower dosage per drug then you would be if running them solo)?

Dianabol 25mg +Anadrol 75mg
(dBol going 1-6 Wks / Drol 1-4wks)

Superdrol 10mg + Anadrol 50mg
(4 weeks)

Would the benefits of one drug minimize the negatives of the other?

How do I into Bitcoin? Local Bitcoin or coinbase? Is my bank account attached to this shit secure? How do I not get v&?

I go get something for a bit and you faggots let it die reeeee

Mirin dedication. Post before/after when finished.

>and are as incapable of thinking for themselves as your average college student?
Because steroid users are average college students

somebody gotta make the (((meathead))) roider clichés that plague the fitness world kek

Using orals without a test base is fuxking stupid. Orals are not good. They destroy your cholesterol and still shut down the HPTA

dont speak to me or my absurd amounts of tbol ever again

I always imagine your average steroid form user as some 40 year old ex-jock who learned how to use the internet just a few years ago. They write like overly aggressive morons.

>Mirin dedication. Post before/after when finished.

Camera shy desu. Especially posting face.

This is a longer term plan.

Pubertal gyno is going to be the first to go in 1-2 years.

Eventually after I've graduated and have a decent annual income I will move towards improving facial aesthetics.

In the mean time, blast and cruise, eat vegetarian and some days completely vegan.

Make intellectual gains along with acquiring muscle mass.

Ignore chasing after girls but still practice some low tier social skills so I don't go complete autismo.

Thanks though, all the best to you in life as well /f/itizen!

Jesus christ. This is what I'm talking about. I am m running a Test base - does this even need to be said? Why can't people just assume that the individual is running a test base if they're asking a question that beginner wouldn't.

I have similar plans, essentially cocoon mode light and only one major surgery, but godspeed m8. We may indeed all gonna make it lol

what did you mean by this?

>bro just run 500mg for 12 weeks and kickstart with an oral
>just shave it off, it is just hair
>periodization, what the hell is that? just lift weights bro, don't make it complicated

they're honestly mostly broscience gym rats who never did any research into what they're doing and just go by anecdotal experience. they're usually big but retarded.

otoh, you have r/steroids and this place which are very knowledgeable (...some people at least) but is generally full of small people

Doers vs dreamers. That's the way of the world.

It's ironic that I'm in STEM but would rather believe anecdotal first hand experience than hard science when it comes to roids.

Well not always but still.

Im the exact opposite with everything else.


>inb4 hurr /threading a general you know what i mean

I think the way to go along with anabolics is a mix of science and anecdotal. It seems your average 260+lb mass monsters tend to go for the former, while your smaller sub 215lbs are for the latter.

That goes for most things relating to strength sports/bb.

Most of common irl (or subpar forum) roid gymrats are high test chads wanting to get bigger faster.

Most serious online communities are low test nerds and geeks turning their life around.

>smaller sub 215lbs
what did he mean by this

I hate the term as I'm 235lb 6'2" 10% BF and would probably be considered a meathead, but there some real dumb fucks injecting themselves who've somehow figured out how to sign up for a gym membership. It's probably someone who only lives for lifting and fitness and has no expertise or knowledge on unrelated topics.

Isn't "((()))" something you put to show that something is Jewish? That is why I was confused

>235lb 6'2" 10% BF

but yes thats the common definition. normal chad crossed with comic villain bodyguard. lol

fukin meathed lmao i bet u have a small penis from all the roids

Sdrol is overrated

We ticked all the same boxes except I've never fucked anyone married, wtf I thought I had accrued rare life experiences

Lastly, was fucking around with my e2 and tried no AI. Now I got some acne but I jumped on my usual asin dosing. Will this acne just disappear or should I run some accutane?

>want to counterflame this
>remember I am a webdev with natty levels in the low 200s
you win this time, user

Yeah, because the (((merchant))) overlords want to demonize masculinity, so there are no men that can lead a potential resistance when shit hits the fan. They want all us all to be restrained to salary men status.

That's dope though; you've got the good career going and if you at least have the height and drugs, then you're good to go and on your way to becoming the post high school Chad.

Anything is jewish to an extent because they control everything, re: so yes, it can be put around any word that carries a certain connotation to it that differs from how it really is. Steroids are testosterone and dihydrotestosterone plus derivates with different anabolic and androgenic ratings as well as different physical and mental changes over time, (((steroids))) are magic creatine pills that make you 300lbs Johnny Bravo on PCP overnight.

Nah. Trenbolone is overrated. I get less sides and better results with 4 weeks of 30mg Superdrol than I do with 12 weeks of 600mg Tren-E. Tudca helps even out the costs, but even then Superdrol is still significantly cheaper too. (Just buy bulk raw powder)

But that's my opinion man.

>got some acne
>run some accutane?

For face I use either prescription cream epiduo, once per day before bed time.


Benzac cream, 5% benzoyl peroxide face wash once per day in shower for 30secs-1min and then washed off.

Shoulder, back (body) I use salicyclic acid cream, prescribed by DOC and made by my local pharmacist every other day sometimes only 2 days a week if my e2 isn't causing too much skin problems.

I get the same sides, I'm on a hefty dose of test and deca with aromasin and no pimples or oily skin - currently at my sweet spot.

I would avoid accutane desu, could be more trouble than its worth.

If I did use it I would go onto a cruise dose, have blood done before, during and after accutane. Try to do it through dermatologist - high dose over a few months for more permanent effect.

shit face, okay frame, shit height, okay mussles and bf%. also career is stalling. but yeah it was wayyyy worse before.

Accutane is the devil. Can vouch for benzac, rest is news to me. Learn something new everyday.

this brought a manly tear to my eye

I just never got that amazing blast of dry strength people get from sdrol, maybe I just don't respond to it well. Tren works wonders on my body though, leans me out like crazy and strength climbs steadily. I like the adrol/dbol combo though. Starting it again today.

It's on chest and back, nothing crazy just a couple big ones. I've been using salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide and not seeing any results. I've run accutane before and it wasn't too bad, low dose the sides are very manageable.

Also forgot to add shower twice.

Cetphil oily face cleanser once per day.

If in the morning/evening I use benzac in the shower the 2nd shower will be just cetaphil oily face cleanser.

Too much benzac can cause excessive redness, dryness and your skin will look as just bad.

Yeah found that out the hard way once when I had just started using it lol. But thanks for the informative post.

Fug I want to do an oral this summer but can't justify losing my alcohol just for some shredz.

There is absolutely nothing like laying around the beach or the river drinking some brews with bros and hot chicks in bikinis.

>not having a debilitating heroin problem that precludes you from drinking
Kek get on my level fggt

I get drug tested, booze is all I get ;_;

GHB? No calories and toxicity to organs. Better high than alcohol too.

Started frauding 8 months ago. This is my girl now. Thanks guys.

I've got a few more pics if you guys want them. No nudes or anything.

Never tried it or know of any local source

Could've done shrooms the other week but my last trip was terrible so decided not to

First time on shrooms was top 5 best times of my life
Third time one o,f if not THE worst.

Well, I've got an okay face, perfect height, muscles and bf%, but I'm a loser NEET who spends his days just lifting and reading books on economics, geopolitics and history. I tried spending 6 months getting into Web Dev and I was able to put together a few apps, but then I got bored. I should have applied for a job then.

My hobbies have caused me to fall down too many rabbit holes and now I just want to live a hedonistic life near a beach in Thailand with access to pharma, easy women and good food.

Congrats bro. Tell Lauren I said hi

Day 5 of npp mast p and test prop. Today at work bigger chicks started looking good to me. Is this normal?

I have too many mental problems (anxiety, childhood trauma) for psychedelics. Each time I've tried shrooms, I end up getting away from the group and just cuddling up in a corner by myself hoping for it to be over.

I wish I could enjoy them ;_;

Good one. Not named Lauren


Also thanks

beach chad cocoon mode. my mind is full of wat. gj though



not implying you have it yet kek

Damn, that woulda been funny.

One of the reasons I hated the last trip was because I thought it would never end. I thought that's how my life would be from then on and that I was trapped forever. Also my gf at the time locked herself in the bathroom and just kept screaming and crying thinking she was dying. Not fun

reminds me of bimbos ex. not cause of looks, but this one too looks different in every pic, and 7/10 in some, repulsive in others at that

I'm about to start a Tren (200mg Test / 600mg Tren). I'm planning on continuing my .25mg E3D Arimidex routine (I never have estro problems) with prami on hand if needed, but I hear some people say that you should run prami from day 1, instead of just using it when you notice gyno.
Anyone have input on this?

Yeah, I'll stick to weed, GHB and Alcohol for my recreational choices of drugs. I don't care what the wannabe hippies say.

>GHB? No calories
main selling point for me t b h

I did dbol+adrol once... had 0 appetite, was taking 500mg tudca, looked pretty sweet and joocy after a week and then 2 weeks later I peed away my muscle. I don't like orals.

The initial weight gain is just cosmetic. If you stop after 2 weeks, then it will go away. That's why you run the Dbol longer after stopping the Drol at the 4-6 week mark. It was the norm back in the day to run lower doses of Dbol year round.

e p i c

had to buy a fucking scart cable for 20 euros

I don't understand how you can do hard street drugs long term without getting caught?


>TFW your source is illiterate and refuses to fix the issue of selling bunk test

so im on my second blast, 1/3 of it. I'm only on test, have not used anything else. I'm thinking of doing tren for a month to try it. I was afraid of it because of the hair loss, but will it do much harm for a month?
also, should i do it in the end of thee cycle for a month or in the middle?

>>TFW your source is illiterate and refuses to fix the issue of selling bunk test

I need to become a source. I have several hundred grams of Test-E, Mast, D-bol, Anadrol and Superdrol + A.I's, etc. I like to keep enough shit on hand for at least a decade and a half for personal use , but I think I could become a better vendor than 99% of the cunts selling.

Exactly as it was written senpai

I feel the same way.

It's not fair that literal inbred idiots are making $1000's of dollars a week selling Chinese raws for 1000% margins

I've never been jammed up for narcotics but I have been for the violent crime that comes with it. Also a slew of health problems. I've slipped a few times since flatlining in August but I've been straight and narrow 100% for almost 3 months now.

>tfw giant unaesthetic track marks

Please be canada

Damn, at least those reminders will help keep you clean.

I have been intrigued by the police and law enforcement in western countries recently. I have done a lot of reading.

The tipping point that convinced me to start using steroids was realizing the absolutely low risk of ever getting legally punished for it.
I learned that most crimes the police will not pursue even if they know about it going on. For example, unless you are an idiot the police won't bust your door down to confiscate half a gram of weed and throw you in jail. They don't have the time, the money, or the people to do that.

so this all raises an interesting question I have been pondering recently:

If police only pursue "important" crimes, where is the cut-off point? How can you determine what the police will or will not pursue?

My take: I have noticed that any crime called in by a civilian is usually pursued, no matter how small the crime. If someone complains about your behavior then it obligates police to follow-up.

Anyone want to discuss interesting law shit with me?

>10 mins later
>holds a "sale" on reddit
>"omfg this many people"
>runs out of stock
>ghosts everyone
>becomes next exit scammer

yeah /pol/

also spicy new meme

Brewed another batch, and got back on the blast.

Gonna be my second blast now, running 250mg e3d, for 4 months.

Should I up my dosage? Even though it's only my second blast, I've been on since May last year.

How bored are the local PD? Are you on a college campus and dealling with campus PD?

Campus cops only bust people for petty bullshit; they are not equiped to handle major crimes. As far as anyone else, if it's for personal use you'll probably get a warning unless it's in conjunction with another crime.

a guy on my floor just got busted for selling weed. everyone already knew he did it and didnt care but it got to the point where he literally had 5 fucking people outside his door buying weed at once

I just want my deca and EQ, why did every source in Canada suddenly shit the bed?

So? It's just weed. People think selling drugs is easy the fact he got five people at a time is impressive. Id understand if he sold meth and meth heads were at his door but fuck. Probably a white person that called it in

Damn bruh.

I had a cyst near that same vein from shooting up morphine as a retard teen. Took 4-5 years before it fully went away. Still a really mild blue mark there.

Also helpful for finding the good veins when I relapse

Shooting those new morphine pills is such a bitch. Gotta heat it and scrape off that film that bubbles up. I could never get it right my roommate always did it for me.

They had a strange coating, like a thickass M&M, as opposed to the chalky Oxys.

End of the day when you buy a M80 I always said you're basically paying more for the privilege of saying youre not doing heroin.

>never done coke off a woman's ass
>but ive pinned chinese bathtub chemicals into my ass

brain lesions

look it up and taper off

>degenerate heroin users
You guys look like such nice young men though. Where did it all go wrong?

Its a long story I dont feel like telling here. But basically I had really bad depression that hit like a train around 13. I did light drugs to fit in, and then got kicked out of my HS freshman year for 110 days for some bullshit.

I had been really well liked in the community and got good grades, and basically overniht in our suburb my family was shuned and I wanted to kill myself. I even planned the date out. I originally got a syringe so I could kill myself on Jan 23 2006. I did lots of pills during suspension to numb myself, figured I may as well just start shooting up while I waited to die.

Obviously I pussed out.

I went out of state to rehab for 14 months from 15-16. Never touched a needle again (except for now with my butt jooice)

Pyschedlics as a teen to try and feel normal again. Coke and pill binges in college cause I was in a fraternity and its what we did. Still got two degrees. Been sober since I graduated and even quit weed a few weeks ago for the first time in 11 years. Dont really drink either.

Where Im from in greater Cleveland is absolutely wracked with Heroin ODs. 6 people I know have died the past two years. Havent associated with anyone from the area since I was 18. Im 25.

Lack of strong father figure

OK I was half trolling when I posted but fug this hit me hard. Sorry to hear that. I really do think my life would have been much different (for the worse) if I had not had a father figure, and would have been much different (for the better) if he had been an active parent beyond just shuttling me to and from school before 16 and paying the bills (which I'm super grateful for, don't get me wrong). Crazy how underrated a father's role in bringing up children is now days :(

Didn't sign up for these feels m8

Jeez man, I can't even imagine what it would be like to have your whole family shunned by a community. I'm really glad you pussed out - sounds like you were in a dark place.

Interesting that you turned to psychedelics as a way to self-medicate. Did it work/help?

Meh I got an interview tomorrow morning so Im pretty wired rn. Shit happened and it sucked but it made me a stronger, successful man.

I think psychedelics when done effectively are incredibly beneficial to people with trauma. Or just normies. Theres some decent science behind it too.

Only 'spiritual' experiences Ive had were with combos of shrooms/LSD/DMT. DMT gave me ego death. Literally cured my depression for a solid year. Only time I ever cried from joy was on shrooms and LSD. Really puts your life into perspective. One minute the worlds overwhelming, couple hours later you realize you take everything for granted, nothing matters, and life is what you make it. You get out of it what you put in.

Do you think you could profitably use (i.e., benefit from the use of) psychedelics at your current age? I have heard of people saying they cure depression but also hear that it is temporary, which makes me think that it's just a chemical thing as opposed to the "way you think" thing. Or am I wrong? How is it that the lessons you learned from psychedelics haven't "permanently" fixed depression and depressive thoughts?

damn this cut is going slow.

this is agony waiting until june for my first cycle

I know my father now and he's a drug addicted alcoholic. I preferred not knowing him. On the other hand I have a wonderful mother for whom I'm grateful.