Is this low enough fit?

Is this low enough fit?

3 more inches and you're golden

Doesn't look like you're even hitting parallel m8

Unless you're using a Dragon Dildo then no.

Remember most butt plugs are 3-8 inches in height and you aren't nearly at that depth.


>that was motivational

Nigga at least go below parallel


I was, the phones on the floor so you cant see but I hit depth

No you didn't.

Also, why ask if you're just going to argue with the answers you get?

P high desu senpai. Learn to externally rotate

>these are the Veeky Forums posters saying they hit 3pl8 in 6 months

Not even parallel

Because you didn't answer my question, I asked if I was low enough, you said I'm not hitting parallel (I think I am) but a lot of people would argue parallel is low enough


Doesn't look like you went parallel, the crease where you bend your hip should go below your knee I believe and it looks well above.

Utter shit. Take your pants off and try again.

Not that user, but you are not hitting parallel desu.
Draw a line in the middle your leg and you will see that it is going downwards, not straight.

obviously not
this post is bait

You are one ego lifting mother fucker.

It's hilarious cause you are gonna have to drop a lot of weight to get A2G when you could be at 3.5plate A2G right now if you had focussed on form instead of putting weight on the bar.

you're not hitting depth

the top of your thigh needs to be parallel to the ground, not the bottom of your thigh

Absolutely disgusting form.

>Pic filename related

>ego lifting
this wasn't ego lifting, I could throw on 365 and hit a triple quarter squatting if I really wanted to trick myself into thinking I was stronger than I really am.

Pls shave

The famous "I was squatting 3pl8s on my first day" depth

>Trying to prove your e-stats online
>Not ego lifting

Choose one.

>that upside down hitler stache

the famous "i can't believe i let Veeky Forums troll me into squatting/pulling" with an MRI of a herniated disc in the OP-type form

no you didn't you're not even close to parallel this has nothing to do with the phone position

he did answer your question

This. You are:

1. Nowhere near parallel
2. Therefore nowhere near low enough

OK since you are being a fuckwit, here goes a reality check: You are skinnyfat. You are lifting with poor form and most likely have shit flexibility. You look young so you don't have enough experience to know shit.

Stop trying to fill your insecurities by pretending and listen to people who know more and actually hit A2G and get swole, or get a herniated disk and fuck off to wherever hole you came from.

And here we have some proof that you are a retard

Go lower faggot

Can I get a form check? 150 lbs squat 2nd month of lifting. Sorry for shit quality.

>skinny fat
wrong, and at 185 pounds I have an ok amount of muscle
>poor form
except the fact I'm not going low enough my form is fine, my back is solid, and I'm not leaning
>stop trying to fill your insecurities by pretending
fuck off edge lord, youre projection is so blatant its pretty pathetic

>that image
Hahahahaha why would you ever post that


Not low enough.

Get lower you slut

That's the cringiest selfie I've seen in a long ass time. Sending it your other twink bf m80?

>talking shit over the internet

Dude seriously? You should feel embarrassed of yourself. I wouldn't get caught dead posting that pic.

You are skinny fat.
Your form WILL break once you go A2G because you don't train it because you are full of your own shit.
My projection? I'm not the one e-stating. Nice Ad Hominem tho.

2/10 bait, made me respond.


>Doing 1/2 squats for reps

do you want to know how i know that you're DYEL?

>posting a weak ass selfie and shit squat and expecting internet hugs

Hello all you haters above me, can anyone give me a few pointers?

drink bleach

>skinny fat
epic troll
>ad hominem you called me a fuckwit first bub

Pretty cute for a gym twink, would fugg for sure

Let's start with a gif that loops, or even better, a webm that's not so small that i have to magnify my browser content 300% to see what's actually happening.

How many proteins per liter is that?

My video converter won't delete the audio in my webm so I can't properly upload this shit.

just asked for advice on my squat and ive taken it, if you really think I care about your opinion on my body I would've made a thread and asked for it.

Then cut the video to 15 seconds or less and upload it it gfycat if you have a hard time converting to a proper format.

>skinny fat
yeah okay
>ad hominem
you called me a fuckwit first retard

>if you really think I care about your opinion on my body I would've made a thread and asked for it
m8, that's exactly what you just did by posting selfies

>validate me lol

Error: Our system thinks your post is spam. Please reformat and try again.

GOD DAMN IT how fucking hard can this be

That's fat tho

I posted a selfie because he called me skinny fat, which I'm confident I'm not with visible abs, the thread was about my squat which I now know is bad, not about my body.

Sorry i forgot how gay Veeky Forums can be when posting links to anything but personal tumblrs

Hard to see, it looks mostly OK.

This is plain fat, not skinny fat.

See, so you do totally care about his opinion, which is a far cry from

>if you really think I care about your opinion on my body I would've made a thread and asked for it

Just go to and after the slash type this: VastLightBluefish

That's the link to the vid.

Ok cheers

how do you like anastasia fitness?

Nice ass

It's a little hard to tell if you're going low enough due to your dark clothing and lighting, but your back is straight and you seem to be pushing with the hips, so i'd say it's good. If you can hit parallel with that form you're on your way m8.


I love it, I cant wait for the summer to come around so I can start working out by the pool again and get a tan

That's nice to hear. I literally have no clue how my form is except for taping it so I was a bit worried. I'm pretty sure I'm always hitting parallel though so I guess my form is ok now. Thanks for the feedback.

That's not what it means. It simply means that you are average weight, maybe even a bit less than average, but you don't have muscles, just fat. This guy is just fat

mate are YOU fucking retarded? No he doesn't hit parallel but that's not how perspective works either, look at the safety bar for a hint

That's what your mom told me last night too



Faggot op

>except the fact I'm not going low enough my form is fine, my back is solid, and I'm not leaning
Actually your form isn't fine at all, you're doing the classic mistake of hyperextending your back in fear of rounding it. You also look forward instead of keeping your neck aligned with your spine, and your grip on the bar is plain bad (once you go heavy your wrists will literally die with a grip like that)

On top of that a picture won't show us the actual squat, which is a pretty huge part of the form. Where you break, how you come up etc

>80% of the people on Veeky Forums that say they squat >3 plate have form like this douche
