Most alpha movement ever ?
Most alpha movement ever ?
Other urls found in this thread:
Taking yo gurl
C+J. no question
taking huge weight from the floor to overhead is top alpha.
drinking your one cum by the glass to boost test
Dragon flag
Snatch bruh. C+J but with a step missing, making it harder
Just got a rem 870
Hear window break and dog going ape shit
Grab gun and go downstairs
Happened to get behind the guy
Racked the slide
Guy turns around and says you wont shoot.
Live in a cuck state my ass is on the line as much as his legally.
I dont say anything and drop the gun and square up.
Guy looks at the gun, the me, finally just drops everything and runs.
Stayed up till the sun came up was so wired from the rush.
hands down
Women are literally the niggers of the human species. Good for nothing.
>Most alpha movement ever ?
Pelvic thrusting, over a period of 30 minutes, or more.
Fuck yeah its deadlift day today
this, theyre badass
Kek beta virgin spotted. Who hurt you I could never relate to guys like you what happened?
When I posted in an alpha thread on Veeky Forums.
Human flag, nothing else comes close.
>Human flag
globalist scum
I've never done wide stance squat before.
What are the difference with a regular squat?
Should I start doing it?
Clean & Press
>this video
fucking roasties
It's not alpha to make fake posts, user
maybe not incredible on its own, but the fact that Karelin was able to do it to guys that were 300 pounds consistently was truly spectacular