Had a good run, goodnight sweet prince

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Literally just wait until staking details come out. My only goal changed from trading to acquire bitcoin, to trading to acquire OMG.

This is going to cause the biggest pink wojack wave in 2018 when suddenly the switch is flipped, and all of their transactions from Omise switch to the OmiseGO blockchain.

20+billion worth of transactions being verified by their tokens. Some anons may jump on the rocket in time, but most will be left in the dust.

This. Is staking in Q4 when the wallet is released?

OMG gonna have a huge run

yeah, yeah. nice fairytale bro. but it's all just smoke and mirrors.

I feel like the devs don't even know what they're doing

>My only goal changed from trading to acquire bitcoin, to trading to acquire OMG.

me too, user
i'm glad i'm not the only one who is hedging majority in OMG
Just under 5k OMG, hopefully I can get 5k before the wallet release

They dont have a blockchain. They dont even have any devs. They created an erc20 token which anyone can do.

omg will do good but ARK is my ticket

good luck to us both

Source? They have over 60 devs what are you even smoking.

Also do you actually think that a company that already handles hundreds of millions of payments separate from their blockchain project is going to fucking default on it? That would be like Vitalik suddenly cashing out all of his Eth and giving everyone the middle finger.

You're treating this coin as if it's the same as ARK, just a few guys in a basement.

How? Have you actually seen their whitepaper, countless blog posts talking in detail about the token, along with their pre-existing company that continues to onboard more and more partnerships each week?

What causes you to feel like the devs don't know what they're doing?