What's the intel on this shit? I keep seeing normies all over facebook now talking about how easy it is making money off this who had no idea about crypto before
It brings fresh blood into bitcoin for sure.
this kid who said ponzi is a definite faggot.
bitconnect will never die kid. stay poor
regal coin is also doing great.
Do you actually know what a Ponzi Scheme is?
This is 100% a Ponzi Scheme. I has all of the flags. People are being paid through the newer money coming in. As soon as new people stop joining, the entire thing collapses and you lose everything
A scam that's going to collapse very soon. It's a flawed model built on lies and referral rewards. Will be a funny day when that happens and all the dumb faggots that lost everything come posting on biz.
It's actually a really clever ponzi scheme. When you "reinvest" your dividends, you are actually "loaning" back your bitconnect tokens to the "trading bot," which locks them up for a period of time, thereby limiting supply and controlling volatility of BCC, causing the price to continuously rise. The fact that there is a "trading bot" makes it less obvious to normies that it's a ponzi scheme, and their returns aren't actually guaranteed and the whole website could collapse at any moment.
One "End Times" scenario for crypto that I haven't seen discussed before is that bitconnect continues to grow until it's rivaling Ethereum, at which point it collapses, stealing lots of money from normies in the process and resulting in calls for draconian measures around the world against crypto in light of the bitconnect collapse. Maybe the founders will buy sanctuary in North Korea or something.
At any rate, if you want to invest, just buy the token on an exchange and put a stop loss, the token rises at about the same rate as "investing" with them would, and you can still dump in case of them closing their website.
if you read literally anything on how it worked, it would be immediately clear that it is a ponzi.
It is a straight up no holds bar ponzi complete with a fucking referral structure and "guaranteed gains".
>give them $10k
>look guys i get $100 a day
No not really. Your currently at a loss of $9900 you fucking retard