Is nofap legit or pure placebo?

Is nofap legit or pure placebo?

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with an ass like that, I doubt any of us will find out


You can tell on the 2nd or 3rd day that you have an increased sex drive. An increased sex drive makes you want to get more shit done, the entire universe runs on sexual energy.

Look up Noah BE Church. He gives a testimony on how quitting porn cured his erectile dysfunction, made him more emotionally able, and a bunch of other great shit. The science goes along the lines of retraining your brain. On porn you're "hyper-stimulated" by unrealistically hot girls, with all the camera tricks and editing to boot. On porn you're not enjoying another person, but a phantom on a screen. No pheromones, no touch, no smell, just a phantom on a screen. The science is to retrain your brain to be stimulated by another living person, not the computer screen.

I'm on week 3. I feel great. I love having a healthy sex drive that makes me want to get shit done. I am less depressed and more motivated. Fin.

So placebo. Got it.

i stopped using porn for a week and jerked it to imagination only, started to see less than 10's sexy as fuck after.

Thanks user, this makes me want to go on with my no fap.
I'm aiming for 90 days of no fapping or porn until I'll do it with a gril again.

No, placebo would imply that you've been told it will work so your brain thinks it does without actually doing anything. This has actual science behind it. Look up neuroplasticity, its the principle of retraining nerve pathways in the brain.

this r9k meme isnt funny in the slightest, and it says a lot about how retarded you are.

>brain influences the body to behave a certain way
Yep that's placebo.

If you get laid every now and then, nofap is amazing

I'm decent at flirting, so I can pick up 7/10s at bars and fuck them whenever
Nofap makes me enjoy the company of women much more
Sometimes, I'll invite my hot ex over to just talk
She shows up in her tight yoga pants with her perfume on, I don't even need to fuck her, I just enjoy the feminine energy

Porn hurts your brain because you need more and more, eventually regular women aren't even attractive anymore

Try nofap and noporn for a month, tell me you don't feel a difference
I dare you

>not liking attractive girl farts
At least I don't have erectile dysfunction and depression and whatever other problems you faggots blame on masturbation.

you forgot to add that you also have a higher chance of testicular cancer


Checked. Stay mad.

This is the correct answer. If you find yourself with ED issues, or unrealistically high standards, or even with energy/motivation issues, stop using and watching porn.

However, do NOT stop masturbating. It has been proven to reduce stress as well as the chance for prostate cancer in men. If you need to, limit yourself to once or twice a week.

Pic unrelated

Or go out and actually get laid


With some minimal effort, you will never have to touch your own penis to get off again

Legit question Veeky Forums it is often said that when you're about to make an important life decision the best thing you can do is rub one out to get a clearer mind.

How the hell do you stay focused when you're always suppressing your sexual feelings most of the time?

If you feel benefits from nofap you have post ograsmic illness syndrome (POIS). Its cureable, or at least manageable. Do your research, it could change your life.

Enjoy your herpes. Remember that shits for life.

I'd like to add tho that Veeky Forums is a terrible place to be if you're weak willed and don't want to watch porn. Between high test threads and the occasional posting of literal porn on the site it's very easy to falter.

Especially because thats how the habit initially formed for most people here. Browse for a bit, see that perfect image/gif/webm then go porn hunting and jerk it. Dangerous cycle on this site if you're not strong mentally

Yeah I just don't believe that's a thing.

I'm just fearing that I will be way too agressive if I quit masturbating for a long time...

Is that a legit concern?

but i have nofriends to go to bar with

>lifting is placebo
>cardio is placebo

Then go alone?

Nobody really gives a shit, just pretend you're drunk and talk to people

Ya it is. You just gotta learn to tame it. But you need the drive to be there in the first place. If you don't have the drive you'll never even try to approach a girl. I feel dirty, almost perverted when I fap 2-3 times a day. That might just be me. But when I'm nofap I'm way more cool calm collected and confident. Most importantly is I'm interested enough to take the risk.

I honestly see fapping as a different vice to sex.

Yeah, you almost know what you're talking about. Placebo means something close to but entirely different.

Placebo = the brain tricks you into thinking its working
Neuroplasticity = the brain learns and grows to adapt and is actually working.

No that's specific adaptation. Your skeletal muscles respond to stimulus whether you want them to or not.

Listen to me faggots, just do weekly nofaps, wait until the weekend and shoot big cums

>This has actual science behind it
no there isnt, it has been debunked at least 100 times and the reason not more because most people dont even take this shitty cult seriously
if you dont wanna jerk off then its your thing but dont make a virtual chastity wearing cult around it and claim what you do is healthy
hint: its not.

Since OP didn't specify what he's trying to "cure" with nofap, I feel confident in my statement. If you stay home and masturbate as an alternative to finding a job/mate/gym/friends, then yes of course it's beneficial to stop jerking off ten times a day and go outside.

I went on a two week vacation earlier this month and I couldn't find any time to fap. I felt pretty emotionally balanced and good at flirting with grills. By the 10th day a couple of girls that I used to fuck started texting me out of the blue, ended up fucking one of them.

Since then I've started fapping again and I've kind of lost my spark with women and feel irritable.

See, this kind of anecdote doesn't help the idiots who think if they stop jerking off girls will be beating down the door to their moms basement.

Who is this semen demon?

who else /nofap2017/ here?
am i the only one left?

No Fap is placebo.

No Porn is something real that's worth researching about.

If you're a basement dwelling wizard you've already resisted women's spells enough to achieve enlightenment. No fap won't help.

It's a hoax
No Porn should be legit

yanet garcia brah

This. Porn is a vice that's blighted my life for 15 years. I managed one month without it last year and felt pretty great. Unfortunately I suffered a bereavement the following month which sent me back on a downward spiral.

Depends. Do you amsturbate 5 times a day to scat and furry porn, while struggling to even get your dick hard? If you do, you will very likely benefit from no-fap.

Do you masturbate once or twice a week to the power of your imagination? If so, no-fap will probably not offer any substantial benefits, although it still wouldn't be a bad idea to try it.

From a naturalist point of view, we find that the energies in this universe have application. We can understand on the surface the purpose of most emotions, instincts, energies and behaviors. I'm trying to get back in tune with nature, with the universe, and with my spirituality. I find it hard to believe that fucking yourself has any benefit or place in this quest for enlightenment. Meme's aside.

probably the best idea for most people especially those that don't believe in nofap

>These fucking retards that think nofap is placebo in this thread
Either brainlets or shills

Nofap is real
Noorgasm - google androgen receptors, the testosterone in your body is almost useless if you are fapping frequently, it basically never reaches your blood
Noporn - google dopamine, it's basically an addiction like any other. The problem with addictions is not only the fact that it makes you repeat it over and over again, but that it brainwashes you into being an emotionless low activity pig that can't even be motivated to do things

Why do you think they are mutually exclusive user?

Try it and see what happens. It generally take less than a week to see results, after that it's kind of useless and you start to have wet dreams.

Actually it usually takes slightly more than a week

During a war with Palestine Israel hijacked the Arab tv stations and made all the channels broadcast PORN 24/7, this is not a joke, yes, this actually happened, they certainly knew something
Also the porn industry as we know is ~100% jewish, this goes without saying
Actually it usually takes slightly more than a week

tried it a few years ago. totally killed my sex drive for half a year, was extremely worried.
just do no porn, no fap is not legit. the only thing it is good for is getting anxiety-prone ugly guys to hit on revolting fat pieces of shit. Once you bust into some lardass, you will hate yourself

90 day without an orgasm
>blue balls
>prostate cancer
>irritated as fuck

good idea user, go for it

>Anecdotal experience
>Probably also made up

>resisted women's spells enough to achieve enlightenment.

then why does my autistic friend keep with the "waifus" and the "anemay girl pillows"

>it has been debunked at least 100 times
care to explain?
>claim what you do is healthy, hint: its not.
and you would know it's not healthy because..?

I remember hearing that pieve of info about israel. They must have known it demoralizes.

I think i saw that in a video where clips from Mr Rogers were played over a spring break party/degeneracy fest, and girls twerking. It was very eerie to say the least

Yup. Wake up sheeps

Summary for retards:


Blue balls and irritation are just fucking movie cliches
You also don't get prostate cancer, you just get a higher chance to get one if you have prerequisites for it. If you maintain a healthy diet and you're not genetically aimed towards it the prostate cancer will not get you anyway and you won't need the weekly troubleshoot in form of fap for the preventive measure
I also remember when CNN recently broadcasted half an hour of trans porn instead of normal programming, they said it was a "coincidence" and that they "didn't notice"
However this one was probably for tranny normalisation and not just porn

at first i hated this meme, but i now truly see its purpose

at a party last night i thought this girl was super hot and started talking to her in a pretty beta manner, she went off and i didnt see her for a bit, i went to take a piss and she just comes out of the toilet, this fucking swamp arse stench, fart or shart i dont know, following her and she high tails it out of there. it was disgusting, and the whole picture i had built up in my head of this sexy, sophisticated creature was shattered, instantly making me feel superior (even if that is the wrong attitude to have, couldn't help it, even with all my milk and peanut butter protein shakes i don't drop bombs like that)

its quite a liberating feeling

Summary for retards:
Don't samefag to not look like a retard

Who cares, what matters is that you're sticking your dick in a vagina instead of masturbating to Japanese porn comics on a monitor
When you have a reason to go out and breed (no quick access to blowing your load) you'd be surprised how easy it becomes to meet women.

100% legit. I stopped fapping for two weeks and felt great but more than that when I relapsed I started realizing the resurgence of my sleep distrubances and moodiness that I had been dealing with for a year+ previously. It was the masturbating that was fucking up my circadian rhythm and mental health.

Actually many nofappers abstain from sex because sex counts as a relapse
Then again it depends on your motivation, health benefits: avoid all ejaculations. Finding grills: well, avoid only porn and orgasms outside of girls

holy fuck you are retarded

Placebo is a real and measurable difference/effect.

So even if nofap is just placebo it actually does something. I find my sex drive is increased if I abstain from fapping for 1-3 days. i don't bother going past that tho

what about her makes me want to put babies in her so much?

If you've been wanking it hardcore for months you'll fix ED/arousal problems in like 5 days.

There's no point in continuing afterwards since you're just gonna be having wet dreams every 2 days and waking up covered in jizz.

There's no magical potential to be unlocked after sticking to nofap, I did it without noticing it during a time where I had to work like 12 hours a day and after like 22 days I didn't notice a difference at all.

>Porn hurts your brain because you need more and more

No user...just no

blond hair blue eyes

Not in quantity, but in perversion
You start with softcore and regular porn, then go with group sex, anal, double penetration e.t.c. and in the very end of the rabbit hole you end up jerking off to unthinkable vomit inducing fetishes (or god forbid, hentai) after which regular porn and real women can't even give you a boner

It doesn't matter, porn is objectively disgusting and degenerate. Quitting it is the imperitive of any self-improving man of integrity.
I would recommend transitioning from fapping the porn to static images, from that the fully clothed if not revealing static images, then to girls on facebook, then to your imagination all while you spread the faps out more and more and finally stop fapping
recommend doing this over a 6-12 month period, nice and easy. sexual energy is something that doesn't like to be flippantly switched on and off, gradual, slow
you'll get more turned on with real girls, you'll feel like a normal male, you'll feel empowered to fight the jews

also: stop browsing fit, porn in ubiquitous here
you shouldn't be subjected to other people's filth

>tranny normalisation
what is it with the 'no homo' trend? is the trap/tranny acceptance just part of this new fucked up generation?

Life is a placebo man

it's communist subversion in our media and schools.

they moved too quick in the Wiemar republic and got btfo, now they're trying again slower and more deliberate.

i was born in the soviet union and i do remember the first time i got my little child hands on hc porn. it felt like my brain melted but i was maybe 12. these days kids grow up with the sickest weirdest shit right at their disposal. it must leave some impact on them i'm sure but why traps...?

>it basically never reaches your blood

How retarded can you be holy shit

>but why traps...?
to further push that sex is for pleasure and not meant to be a thing for breeding or to make a special connection with one person

this is to destroy the nuclear family.

What about hentai? The jews can't be behind hentai.

>people saying that nofap is a placebo like that debunks the purpose of the exercise

Look, for many guys, doing no-fap elevates sex drives, increases concentration, and generally leads to more confidence. Continually saying >muhanecdote doesn't change the fact that it has a positive effect on most people who go no fap. I haven't seen anyone say "did no fap for 2 weeks, hated it." For the most part though it's an exercise in willpower and discipline, two things which every male should be looking to repeatedly test in new and interesting ways.

no, jews are behind the muh waifu pillows with accessory rubber vagina attachment

Completed NoFap2016. Two months in NoFap2017. Go fuck women. Learn The Game.

while standard porn has some relation to real life i see hentai as being about escaping reality completely. it is just like any other addiction.

>doing no-fap elevates sex drives, increases concentration

I honestly don't see how those 2 can even happen at the same time.

have been celibate for 3 years (31 now) and I appreciate a guy and a body of a guy in a whole new way. Feels really nice although I think my health is starting to deteriorate because of this.

>this is to destroy the nuclear family.

why would they care about that?

dude chill bro

You become more focused on chasing and getting tail. No better feeling than when you have one on the hook and you know where it's going and just enjoying the process.

Pure meme tier bullshit. Its more hipster bullshit

> pheromones

Aaaaaaanndd its psuedoscience again

fuck it dawg today is the day let's fuckin do this

I thought it was concentration for studying or at work or something like that

> become a whore!

her being really pretty and knowing she can handle your large schlong

to destabilize the country and make communism seem like less of a bad option.

if a man has a family and a religion to hold himself too he can't surrender himself completely to the god of government.

This, there's not a single piece of evidence that says that humans have any organs that can detect pheromones. Every time you see that word it means bullshit.