>be me
>read about swole left on Veeky Forums
>decide that I want to join them
>go to 24 hour gym that is empty
>listening to some metal music getting pumped up
>about to squat 1 plate and a 25 lb plate
>yell "FUCK TRUMP!" at the top of my lungs for the increase in test and adrenaline
>owner of gym is in the back
>he heard me and asks me to leave, cancels my membership
What do I do Veeky Forums? How do I find a gym that isn't owned by intolerant bigots?
Be me
Other urls found in this thread:
I use my gym as a place of peace where i don't need to think about anything outside that building.
Please dont bring politics into the only safe space i have
Eleni be mine ;_;
You can't be lefty and listen to metal, sorry
Das bait
Also, metal is trash
>slight turd protuberates from anus through leggings
>turd pushes against leggings, forming a slight but erotic tent
>turd pushes even further
>something has to give, it's either gonna be the turd or the leggings
-Omg user, I think I'm having a type 2 on the Bristol scale, it's lumpy and sausage like. I feel slightly constipated but I think I can push it out through my leggings.
*takes big breath*
>turd won't budge, the tensile strength of the leggings won't allow it to push any further
>turd refuses to go any further
>turd painfully retracts into anus
-Omg user, it went back in. I think I'm gonna need your help to get this one out. Can you spot me :^)
*winks and farts*
Don't know why she quit to be a hipster photographer
You kill yourself
In commie heaven there are the gyms you seek
that's not a word, guy
good post
Try not being a whiny little bitch?
*Deep grumbling and moaning while the most evil and disgusting spirits fester in the catacombs of her bowels, far down to the core of her soul where the most repulsive and pungent demons dwell, a portal opens very briefly and they escape into the outside world to punish and terrorize the nostrils of men*
>I'm having a type 2 on the Bristol scale, it's lumpy and sausage like.
>I should be allowed to break common sense rules and norms of basic civility, because muh politics
> I'm a butthurt millennial who thinks businesses are required by the First Amendment to let me say whatever I want on their premises.
> I should be allowed to yell "FUCK" at the top of my lungs for no reason in the middle of the gym
You're a fucking retard.