
I am fucking SHAKING from how bad I want to watch porn, jack off, eat crap food, play vidya, smoke, drink coke, etc etc etc.

My new year promise was to stop all of those, I procrastinated for a month because I'm a lazy fuck and I went cold turkey on all of them three weeks ago (except fapping which I've only cut down).

I don't think I'll last. I want to give in so bad. Help me.

Just do it faget. Those are all normal things to do in moderation. Also this isn't fitness related at all.

If you cut all that shit out cold turkey of course you're going to miserable. Don't smoke, but all the others are fine in moderation

you need to focus on DOING other things rather than NOT DOING those things

Whenever I cut I always try to be doing something at all times, usually escapism shit. I played Stardew Valley for like 6 hours a day while I was on cut and was studying going to class the rest of my day and it helped, too focused on catching the legend to eat.

why did you want to stop all of them OP?
what was it for?

you shoul just fap and relieve yourself

you don't need to stress your mind like that bro, just fap and release your energy

then you will have a clear mind, have a cig or two after and think

Looks like your a NEET.

Just get a job or study and all those things will get reduced automaticly

I tried fapping only do porn on the weekends, doesn't last. Either need to do no porn but allow yourself to jerk off (boring) or just straight nofap imo.

Need hobbies to occupy your mind. I lift 6 days a week, for at least 1 hour and a half. Outside

Hardest thing I ever had to stop was my habit of stalking virtually everyone I know on social media.

I got a solution for you OP
Drink once in two weeks
eat crap food once a week
jack off once a week
but seriosuly, if not for cigarettes i would've been 30 pounds heavier

You're not supposed to do all of those things at once. Cut one thing out every 3 or 4 weeks and do the hardest one last. Would not recommend nofap for more than 2 weeks.

>not jacking off
wut, ejaculating is a natural process that happens whether you want to or not. the body gets rid of old sperm and replaces it with a fresh batch. you can crank one out, just don't watch porn because that does weird shit to your brain when you nut tricking it into thinking you're getting laid

You're overdoing it man. The occasional coke or a hamburger, or playing video games every now then is no problem at all and a healthy way to relax yourself. You'll still have achieved a massive improvement in your lifestyle, without suffering so much it becomes unbearable.

Eat crap food. Just don't go over your calorie limit.

this is how you win at dieting.

See, problem is you're trying to fix every single one of your problems at the same time, you fucking noob. That is simply not possible. Your willpower has a limit. You can train it, like discipline, but if you're an average beta male, you probably have close to no willpower.

Quit one of those things every 21 days. Develop habits. First start eating healthy, keep being a smoker and a gamer, but make eating good shit a habit, something you just do without thinking. Then you quit smoking, once you don't feel anxiety for a cig, quit vidya and start Veeky Forums, once you're used to reading instead of mentally handicapping yourself with /v/ start nofap, then start being more sociable etc etc

The order does not really matter tbqh famalamadingdong. Just don't be retarded, and be patient. Just focus on one of them at a time, and it'll be easier, but specially, it'll take less time than doing it all the same time and failing every couple of days, you dumbfuck.

>hurr durr it'll take me years then to be a better me!
>I want results NOW!!

Man the fuck up, this shit is hard, think in the long term faggot

Why are you doing this gay shit
Work out and also enjoy your life. Nothing wrong with being happy you fucking cuck

This board is so full of retards that are taking the fastest route to a midlife crisis. You retards need to chill out and smoke a blunt

This user knows what's up.

I really, really, really like this image

That's a shitload to cut out all at once dude

Maybe try ONE of those things at a time and work on it slowly


>fell for the no masturbation meme