>The buying of indulgences isn't a legitimately sacrificial act which should absolve sins
>Selling indulgences is wrong.
The buying of indulgences isn't a legitimately sacrificial act which should absolve sins
Even if you can find some convoluted theoretical reason of why paying money should count as penance, the whole practice completely contradicts the Christian ethos. There's a reason that the concept of Simony exists.
>jews do human sacrifices
>pay the priest 40 dinars so I can burn children on a cross
they were all slaves. All those christian dogs.
Simony is the buying and selling of Church office you mong
>paying money should count as penance
Have you never heard the allegory of the widowed woman who gave in her meagerness ?
That was an expression of charity, not penance.
Giving charity (in her case the temple, in later cases the Church) is penance. It's a sacrifice of wealth.
>Protestants still can't theologically justify opposition to indulgences.
They had 500 years to formulate an argument kek.
Not all charity is penance.
I think u mean MEGA KEK lel! :D
Protestants resigned
if the intention is sacrifice it is.
>Demanding money for salvation is perfectly fine
>Jesus has no problem with people using the church to gain wealth
>1200 years later and Catholics are still the only Christians who think a material object can be exchanged for time off of a stay in limbo, the concept of which exists nowhere in the Bible
>selling passes to heaven
>we’re not the ones who ruined Christiandom! The Prots did!
>teveangelist buys private jet with donations
>we’re not who ruined Jesus’s message, Catholics are.
The only thing I’m being convinced is that is that churches are a scam and you are a fool to go to one instead of stay at home, read a bible, and pray.
Catholics have ran this board to the ground
Buying Indulgences like popcorn isn't charity
This. Organized religion (particularly non-denominational and hypertolerant sects) killed Christianity
>selling free pases to heaven
Jesus would have whipped you papists for that
Indulgences were "demanded." they were an alternative form of penance you could utilize if you desired
Why wouldn't a sacrifice of your own material goods for the help of others count towards spiritual advancement? Also the it's purgatory, not limbo.
>thee concept of which exists nowhere in the Bible
See .
It's not selling passes to heaven. It's a form of penance which involves charity.
Why wouldn't it be? also nice strawman
Jesus himself used pennies as an allegory for time spent in purgatory. Nothing indicates material sacrifice of wealth shouldn't aid you in your journey to Heaven, on the contrary the women who gave in her meagerness makes it clear that such sacrifices have value.
*weren't demanded
It is reaching to say that penance is charity in this case. The Church wasn’t using the money to help people. It was using it to get filthy rich. And the widow wasn’t giving for penance. The lesson of mark 21:41-44 is to talk about the spirit of giving and the faith it took to give all she had rather than only some like the rich and despite her own need.
I can’t believe I’m arguing with someone over the morality of free passes to heaven. I really hope this is just bad b8.
>The Church wasn’t using the money to help people. It was using it to get filthy rich.
That's a lie. The Church was using it for any number of reasons, from helping the poor to maintaining it's infrastructure to providing for the clergy.
>The lady wasn't giving up her money as a sacrifice for the Temple. She was giving it because of muh faith, with no concept that what she was doing had spiritual implications
solafide fags need to be shot 2bh. That logic doesn't even make sense. Why would giving to the temple be exclusively an act of faith (you don't need to do physical things to have faith) but not an act of sacrifice?
>papist are still angry
Just embarrassed for you.
>That's a lie. The Church was using it for any number of reasons, from helping the poor to maintaining it's infrastructure to providing for the clergy.
Please tell me how the Pope paid for all this gold then?
>why would she do something out of faith alone? She had to have sinned, even though it never said anywhere in scripture that she did!
>not believing enough in the word of Jesus that you want to be righteous and charitable on your own to serve god.
Catholics everyone, making shit up to justify fleecing believers since they can’t fathom just being good.
Forgot pic
>literally admitting that donating to the Temple/Church is a good act
>I think I still have a point that indulgences are wrong
what did you mean by this?
? Picture should be the other way around.
Papist tore Europe apart because of their autism
I never said it was good. I was arguing that it was done in faith and not penance.
Also Saying you get into heaven if you donate takes away the innocence of the act you kike. That’s called selling something. It’s like “donating” to EA and getting a game in return.
>also not answering the gold throne question
Are papists literally kikes?
Papists are a really funny bunch.
>Some literally who criticizes your powerful institution
>Gets assblasted over someone rightly calling your corrupt asses and tries to have him beheaded
>Guy escapes and goes full radical and rips the christian world a new one
>Giving luthie boy a Roman name
Absolutely lost on you.
>A fat ex monk with constant diarrhea who only broke away from the Church because he wanted to screw a nun and on his death bed died with a rosary in his hand while regretting everything is smug
>I was arguing that it was done in faith and not penance.
And you retarded for doing so.
>Also Saying you get into heaven if you donate takes away the innocence of the act
It wasn't about being "Innocent." you pseud. it was that she sacrificed a lot for the good of others.
>also not answering the gold throne question
Didn't God order a Golden Cherubim? The Gold throne is because the Church is God's diplomat on Earth.
>Protashit calling someone else a kike
Not even gonna dignify that with a response.
>broke away from the Church
The Church excommunicated him you repulsive papist pharisee. Trust a papist to know the history of his own diseased corrupt pedophile institution.
Remember what Our Lord did to the moneychangers? Get out you pharisee, and never return.
Only sincere repentance, and a desire for Gods forgiveness gets you
Into heaven
>The Church accepting monetary donations (which Jesus himself commended) is money-changing.
study nominalist theology faggot
>it was in penance instead of faith
>ok why?
>because I said so REEEEEE
literally not an arguement. Quit making shit up and tell me where in that part of scripture it says it was for penance or go back to kiddie fiddling you papist kike.
>The Gold throne is because the Church is God's diplomat on Earth.
>more posturing and still no scripture to back arguments up.
The absolute state of catholic Cucks.
> the concept of which exists nowhere in the Bible
who cares? the very idea of the catholic church is that it is the source of a legitimate tradition outside the bible because of its alleged geneology tracing back to the first "pope" saint peter, who was allegedly given control of the church by jesus.
It was a sacrifice with spiritual intentions. In this case, helping the temple. Sacrifice with spiritual intentions is by definition a form of penance.
>obsession with scripture
Catholics have ran this website into the ground
one of them tried defending pedophilia on a post about Larry Nassar on /sp/ the other day
>Yes, it was Jesus plan to manipulate poor illiterate farmers into giving us money to pay for our extravagant lifestyles and whores
Disgusting. Perverting the Word of God is truly a terrible sin.
>Sacrifice with spiritual intentions is by definition a form of penance.
Says literally who? That just seems like a justification to selling free passes to heaven. Prove it isn’t.
>can’t back arguments up with scripture, only muh feels.
8/10, I’m replying.
it was to build saint peter's cathedral's dome you fucking heretic
>More lies
Most of that wealth went into maintaining society, of which the Roman Catholic Church was the pillar for countless community functions from the lowest to the highest levels.
So you are saying Jesus was manipulating poor farmers when he commended the woman who gave in her meagerness to the temple?
You realize scripture was compiled and put together by Constantine at the Council of Nicaea in 325, correct? Scripture was chosen based upon the recommendations of bishops, theologians and holy people who rigorously debated what should go in and why. The formation of Biblical canon was in the hands of men of the Church in partnership with the Emperor of Rome.
On the evening of the last day of October, 1501, Cesare Borgia arranged a banquet in his chambers in the Vatican with "fifty honest prostitutes",[2] called courtesans, who danced after dinner with the attendants and others who were present, at first in their garments, then naked.[3] After dinner the candelabra with the burning candles were taken from the tables and placed on the floor, and chestnuts were strewn around, which the naked courtesans picked up, creeping on hands and knees between the chandeliers, while the Pope, Cesare, and his sister Lucretia looked on. Finally, prizes were announced for those who could perform the act most often with the courtesans, such as tunics of silk, shoes, barrets, and other things.
Depraved animals, living off the stolen gold of the poor faithful and killing those who disagreed with this perversion of The Church.
>the Council of Nicaea somehow means that some fat fuck cardinals from the 1500s are allowed to do whatever they want
>Still can’t prove his point beyond “I say so”.
The book is still considered to be divinely inspired even if put together by man you heretic.
Also I want to add what he said
it wasn't only poor people idiot. anyone can buy an indulgence. and they were offered at good prices and a rolling scale. on top of that, they were extremely popular in late medieval christianity
>The Catholic Church was divinely inspired but then stopped being inspired when we didn't like it
>good prices
Literally selling free passes to heaven, oy vey! Get yours now!
More like Was divinely inspired. It was corrupted. See
nobody said it was free brainlet. it gave you potentially less time in purgatory. god assigns value to the spiritual tokens granted to us by the church. he ultimately determines how much these credits can be exchanged in purgatory for less time.
>The Catholic Church was arbitrarily corrupted at this exact moment
Wow. And just in time for Northern Europe to receive the "right" Christianity. What a coincidence.
And let me guess. The pope told you this from his castle, on his golden throne, with a hooker on his lap?
>putting words in my mouth,
Nice try papist. The Churches corruption goes on much longer. Luther was only the tipping point.
>What a coincidence.
Or just maybe the rise of secularism and corruption in the church and the widespread Protestant backlash against said secularism was somehow connected? Whoah...
>thread is full of pepes and brainlet wojaks
jesus christ
> The pope
I don't deign to understand his holiness, nor do i fall for the polemic of judaizing propagandists.
If Protestantism is closer to the Church why did splinter into a hundred thousand different sects? Which is the "correct" Protestantism?