Write 10 things you're grateful for. There's too much hate on this board. Time to boast about your accomplishments and things you're proud of.
>Solid Jaw line >Great dick >White >extrovert >No health problems >Learning jiujitsu >Have a girlfriend >Have a job >Have a car >Quit weed
Things I need to work on: >Moving out >Getting a better job >Starting my own business >Try acting/modeling >Compete in a Jiujitsu tournament >Walk the dog >spend more time with mom and dad
pic related
Jeremiah Brown
>I've beaten depression by starting to swim three times a week >I have a great older brother whom I love and who loves me >I have true friends, and I dare to think that they consider me a true friend as wel >I've never had to doubt my getting a university education >I'm intelligent (not a genius, but intelligent) >I'm getting more fit every week >I have beautiful eyes >I have stopped fapping to porn >As far as I know, I have no serious disease. >I have a spiritual life and though I don't know exactly how to worship God, I'm convinced of his existence and continue to seek him
Tyler Morris
Not even going to read your faggoted list.
Adrian Evans
>broad shoulders and joosy traps >constant compliments on gains >blind faith in the Big Picture >eating healthy >dress well >not getting played by ex >learning to love myself >cleaning my room and trying to improve my life >loving family >I was able to crawl out of my low points with hard work and friends
Aaron Murphy
this desu. if dubs, OP kills himself
Luis Barnes
Heh. Got you to reply tho
Robert Ward
>white >good skin, good face, green eyes, light freckles >hair is naturally dark blonde, no need for bleaching it to shit >have a boyfriend who wants to get married >thinking more and more about God everyday >killing it in the gym, hitting PRs, feels good
That's all I've got. Pic related, my doggo
William Barnes
Looks like a pretty damn good guy. DO you meditate/yoga?
Glad you were able to crawl out brother. >Cleaning my room I hear you on that one.
Justin Campbell
Except for a posture to relieve stomach pain, I've never done yoga. Going to try for the first time on Sunday. I sometimes meditate on beads I got from a Hare Krishna monk. I like to read sacred texts, though I'm by no means a model devotee of any God. My current spiritual goal is to cut out all meat eating, since most religions have some sort of ban on one form of meat or another.
How about you, do you meditate/yoga?
Brayden Powell
>My family is incredibly supportive always has my back >Have GF >Have car >Got a pretty ok gun collection >Making ok gains >I've finally gone back to school >People tell me I'm good looking >Not fat >Not using illegal drugs anymore >I can make people laugh very easily
Things I need to work on >Kicking the liquor >Kicking the cigarettes >Getting better grades >Making more money >Visit my dad more
Julian Myers
>I used to play WoW all the time in middle school and highschool >I beat clinical depression which I've been diagnosed with since I was 15 >I beat a drug addiction which I had from 18-20 >I beat multiple criminal charges for that destructive era of my life and was a responsible, honorable citizen for my 3 years of probation >I've completely charged my personality 180 degrees and it almost killed me, I look like a nerdy, buff NASA type >I'm white so that's good >Tall >Great dick and healthy sex drive >Developed yellow fever >Went to college as a Physics major with a focus in Optics at 22 (My family is wikked smaht d00d from Boston but I had serious emotional issues to work out) >Switched into EE Junior year because it's equal money and easier, also you don't really learn shit about the mysteries of the universe in Physics, that's like, PhD level/masters >My eyes are light green >By the grace of god my roommate was a beautiful Japanese woman, even though she's in her 30s >We got along very well, I am currently married to her after basically dating for 3 years >I am taking Japanese courses >I own property in Japan through her >My family owns a skiing condo in New Hampshire >I am sober >I have two lifelong friends who I talk to, they stuck with me through my hard times, I apologized and worked hard to earn their trust again >I have a good job with opportunity for advancement, I'm up for a promotion next year >By God, I should be dead from the two decades of terrible emotional pain but I chose life and rebuilt myself after I destroyed myself >Now I have a job, a nice apartment, a loving wife who I feel sooooo lucky for, and we're getting a doggo soon - probably a Boston terrier >I didn't die, I didn't die, I didn't die >I fucking made it, through all the pain I made it, simply by not quitting
Jace Johnson
Close. Try again, if dubs OP suffers from a long degenerative disease prior to taking his own wretched life.
Charles Adams
>Anglo-norman masterace >Everyone love and help eachother in the family >Not too ugly,big dick, scored few girls, now been two years in a relationship with the perfect girl >Know a lot about everything cause super curious >Childhood was GOAT >Have travelled a lot and lived one year in another country >Speak 3 languages, learning two more >Never had money trouble >No health problems whatsoever >I'm a lazy bastard but I'm still fit and strong even if I never been in a gym
Cameron Mitchell
> close to 225 OHP > decently attractive > genius IQ > average penis > not black those are enough.
Justin Thomas
>Fairly handsome >Tall >probably 99th percentile Veeky Forums >pretty smart and multi-talented >good family and friends around me >graduating and starting a good developer job in May >born as a white male American >athletic >Veeky Forums :3
Anthony Parker
I guess I'll post my immediate concerns as well:
>damage control for this NW2 receding hairline
Jason Johnson
>born as a white male American hope you didn't get circ'd
Nicholas Myers
I did, and it's a social positive in this country, but for what it's worth I have become vehemently anti-circumcision and let everyone know about it when it comes up
Easton Roberts
good mentality, i'm with you
Brody Price
1.solid genetics(not best but above average) 2.solid life setup(im 18 but on my way to make a relatively comfy living) 3.semi-wealthy parents 4.great gf 5.no major disability 6.own apartment 7.was Veeky Forums a year ago, slacked off and gotta rebuild myself, but its going gud 8.way less anxious around other people 9.no addictions(except coffee) 10.7x5
Ryan Gomez
thats a great doggo
Colton Hernandez
>Accomplishment >White Can you please explain this to me? I simply don't get it. Why are /pol/acks proud of things they haven't achieved by themselves?
John Watson
Just stealing from you bros. >Solid Jaw line >White >No health problems >Have a job >Have a car >I'm intelligent (not a genius, but intelligent) >I'm getting more fit every week >strong willed >finishing my bachelor's degree after floundering around with it
Andrew Ward
1. getting over my ex fairly rapidly and approaching a sense of peace and joy in my day to day life 2. shredded and healthy 3. almost done with my degree (december woot) 4. decided on a career plan post grad 5. both my cats are healthy and are good animals that i appreciate, even though i miss my dog 6. i have just enough income to stay afloat while i am at the place i am at in life 7. i have great friends that i reconnected with after my breakup and i am grateful and happy they are in my life again 8. i like my job and i dont hate myself for working it 9. i can finally claim playing piano as a hobby again 10. the girl im fucking right now is nice and maybe once i get over my ex i'll date her casually
Leo Torres
Why are niggers so eager to claim WE WUZ KANGS
Liam Harris
Not 10 for each but w/e
The good: Finished my MA last semester Just found out I got into my top pick for PhD in neuroscience Wife just got a job offer from a top local law firm Dog got attacked last year by an off-leash dog at a park, but she is getting better and is having successful socialization with other dogs Just closed on a house Wife shows me every day what a reverse gains goblin she is (spent a big chunk of her signing bonus on whey powder and new workout gear for me) Been making good gains
Need to work on: The house we bought was built in 1900 and will require a lot of work to make it good My wife's grandpa is in the hospital right now My gains have come at the cost of giving up to a degree on being a competitive runner Need to be better about reaching out to my friends Have almost quit Veeky Forums completely but still shitpost over lunch on a regular basis when I could be doing work
Overall happy with life desu.
Robert Turner
He looks like a Very Good Boy.
Parker Lopez
I don't know. But it's equally retarded to being proud of things you haven't achieved by yourself.
James Miller
This is harder than i thought it would be... >height >having a family that supports me >Have 2 best friends >Being able to go to the gym because of schedule >not being extremely ugly >have a car Can't think of anymore :(
Need to work on: >Opening up more to people >Need more female friends (actual friends) >Need to go out and explore. only been going to community college so i can transfer
Jack Moore
I don't think I really get the concept of "gratitude" but: >I'm white >I'm not retarded >I'm not disabled >I was raised by two parents >I have an education and a job That's it t. visitor from other boards
Asher Russell
>forcing myself to be extrovert because I hate being lonely more, actually find socializing fun >6'5 >somewhat good in learning new stuff >not addicted to substances >have a supportive family >have a loving gf >only one more semester of uni >happy I don't have those crushing, debilitating diseases, despite being a sickly kid all my life >know my English well, (Eurofag) >stopped playing WoW
This is fucking hard, even with the fillers like English and shit like that. I'm a sad person.
Levi James
>Handsome 8/10 >Intelligent >Funny >gf and easiness to pick up girls if it comes to that >job >car >no drugs, only alcohol on weekends and shit >good family and friends >two dogs
things I don't like: >still somewhat fat >not muscular enough >small dick(kill me) >back problems, cant deadlift, squat or anything that puts pressure o my back
Levi Allen
>strong teeth >strong bones >nice hair >full beard >my own place to live >not having to worry about income >goats >musical talent >my house has a garden >tfw gf
Lincoln Rogers
>Lost over a 100 lbs >Not in debt >Own 2 good cars >starting to build some muscle >Built my own PC >quit smoking >Have 2 jobs >not an addict >never been arrested >preparing to go back to school
I've come a long way from the fat useless thing I once was, but still a long way to go
Jacob Hernandez
>Not blindingly ugly >Reasonably intelligent >Healthy >Loving family >Like school and my major >Love my part time job >Trying my best to get better at Rugby >No longer sad all the time (still tired though) >Been seeing progress on the gym with strength and mass >White/Male
Need to work on >Social skills needs lots of work >Sleeping more, less Youtube/Gaming >Studying harder for difficult classes >Making it to Rugby practice more often, and conditioning >Be more aggressive with summer job applications
Does anyone have suggestions for practicing social skills? I function pretty normally, but its hard to practice good social skills when you spend most of your time with engineering students who are a bit weird as well.
Nolan Sanchez
>All these people calling themselves intelligent I always tought /pol/ is the dumbest board.
Cooper Torres
for my parents because >they blessed me with the greatest genetics possible. (6'4, blond, blue/green eyes, wide shoulders, small waist, nice insertions, 7" dick, no allergies, no diseases.) >my mother is really creative and talented in languages. My father is analytical and knows his way around maths and physics, I inherited both of those traits. 100% grateful for that. >they were always wasting time reading shit to me and stuff like that. They never sat me in front of the tv for a break. I think that's also part of the reason why I was always the smartest kid in class. >they made me play an instrument and try some different sports. I was never under pressure but I think I wouldn't have gotten Veeky Forums and chose to play the piano without their suggestions. >they also took me to many different countries in the holidays broadening my world view. >instead of giving me pocket money I had to deliver the newspaper and I gained a lot of experience about money from that as a kid. >My mother always made sure my diet was diverse. >My dad got me braces. I now have a smile as beautiful as Donald Trump 8/10
I'm basically grateful for my looks, talents and experiences which can all be traced back to my parents.
I love them.
Hudson Foster
>Good genetics/epigenetics roll on appearance: in proportion body/white skin/blonde hair/blue eyes/tall/clear skin/full multi colour facial hair coverage (blonde, brown and red)/dig bick/perfect teeth/easy gainer/fast metabolism >Bi/poly with loving gf and floozy bfs >Got three best friends who I would trust with my life >More Veeky Forums than average (The good kinds of basic) >Beat depression/rumination/aimless existence with therapy (early teen angst shit), introspection (for the real under the hood tinkering with values/beleifs) and 400+ books helping me create a DIY existential purpose >Quit using alcohol/vydia/relationships as forms of escapism >Well crafted and balanced diet/sleep/exercise/work habits (concistency, accountability and balance) >Moved out at 17 and travelled my homeland >Got into and dropped out of the top university in my country (Both for good reasons) >I can run 20k nonstop
Things I need to work on: >Not being a skinnyfat lanklet (bodyweight and cardio) >Social anxiety/small talk (habituation is the cure for me) >Some kind of martial art (Something with sparing) >Get a fucking passport and travel outside my homeland >Spend more time with family and old friends >More consistent meditation >Get a minimum of undergrad understanding in important areas (reading textbooks/pilfering lecture recordings/slides) >Learning Mandarin and Arabic >Get back into singing >Learning more marketable skills for the field I want to work in >Not basing identity in intelligence, but work ethic >Not basing identity in sex appeal/likeability, but care/compassion for others as ends, not means
Things I've accepted: >Receding hairline/widow's peak/thin hair >Jaw is ok >Probably going to die from neurodegenerative disorders at ~60
Eli Bell
Another thing I need to work on: Consistency with capitalisation at the start of brackets.
Gavin Sanchez
>finally starting to lift regularly >getting better sleep >growing relationship with our lord and savior jesus christ :) >tfw not ugly >drawing more often >managed to quit some of my vices >have a cute doggy >getting over muh depression >dont smell bad >can find things to be thankful for
things i need to work on >no gf
Jayden Reyes
you sound like a fag
Grayson Collins
I don't see it
David Fisher
Everything you listed pretty much.
Juan Morales
>By God, I should be dead from the two decades of terrible emotional pain but I chose life and rebuilt myself after I destroyed myself
total faggotry, please never wax poetic like this in real life
nobody cares about your ebin hardship filled life story and how damaged you are special snowflake
Ryder Cooper
That's a pretty common theme for people, suffering can bring personal growth.
Getting assblasted because user wrote out of your style comfort zone is pretty funny though.
Henry Roberts
>great mental health >excelling in my major >don't drink or smoke that much anymore >people like me and tell me they do often >extremely attractive face >good proportions
need to work on: >eating right and working out >studying >romantic and intimate understanding
Kayden Myers
> Big fucking thick dick. Goes a long way in sampling all the flavors > That I was breast fed. I almost never get sick, and when I do it's a day thing. > My cooking. Shit gets me up in the morning, and I like experimenting with dinner > My daughter. Just turned 2. Single father bc wife died in accident soon after. > that I'm not in jail for murder. Emptied 2 handguns & an assault rifle into a group that tried to break into my house. Not drug related, but the whole thing is a really long story. > that I sleep easy every night, even after the above.
Everything else is gravy
Ayden Miller
>Metabolism of a shrew >White >Have a car >Have a job >Dead inside >I'll never go bald >Strong sense of frugality and self restraint (thank you, Dad) >Intelligent enough to do pretty much anything, if I apply myself >Nepotism >Not dependent on any substances, don't smoke anything, only drink alcohol on Christmas and family celebrations
Things I need to work on:
>Stop being so damned lazy
Landon Bennett
10 things grateful for >6'5 height >wide shoulders >autistic dedication to getting Veeky Forums again (lost 100lbs so far, 60 more to go) >having learned martial arts while fit >quit smoking and alcohol NYE, not as hard as I thought it would be >steadily storming up the job ladder going to get to career ladder soon >that life changing talk to friend's aspergers grandpa currently earning and spending my "fuck you" money yearly >that accidental triple dose of acid, all fast food taste like chemicals now >being a natural auburn ginger (women love it) >growing up in some rough neighborhoods, taught me value of a dollar, when to stand up for yourself and wen to let shit fly by, and many other unteachable lessons
Work on >being less autistic >last 60 lbs >figuring out who I want to be >figuring out what I want to do for living (suffer from jack of all trades syndrome) >getting my mental health sorted out >getting off Veeky Forums I'll make it some day, brehs
Jaxson Howard
I'm alive I have a God who loves me I have freinds who care about me I have a roof over my head I have a family People say I have a nice smile Nice eyes too idk been told Have a car I can drive I havent lost hope entirely I haven't killed myself
Liam Cook
>muh doggo >white >canadian >nature >petty smart >nice house >own a car >muh beer >4chin >pretty good looking
Easton Gonzalez
>canadian >pretty smart pick one
Camden Murphy
>blonde >genetically big arms, chest, shoulders with low bf >jawline >decently read >long dong >great friends >great family >active >make friends easy >social
Things to work on: >spirituality >quit fapping >cut back on tobacco >figure out what I want to do for the rest of my life after military >leave humanity behind
Jack Gutierrez
Anglo-Norman pride right here
Austin Morris
Dude I am literally you that's a whole foot shorter kek
Jaxson Rodriguez
the sun air ability to breathe a home loved ones meditation books quit drugs sex death
Nathaniel Turner
> great place to live > awesome job > gf > decent genetics > good relationship with family > good relationships at work > can afford to eat really clean > dont do drugs or drink anymore > have a car > graduated grad school
Liam Sanchez
>Great eyes >Good jaw line >My family >Good university >QTs everywhere mirin >Finally motivated myself to go to the gym seriously >7" dick >A roof under my head >Food on my plate >You bros :)
Luke Butler
> Having a supportive family > Getting treated for my mental disorder > Not having to work atm > Having a good roommate > Not being a minority > The opportunity to go to college > Understanding programming well > Living in a time where unlimited internet resources exist > Having good beard genetics > My humongous inheritance
Things I need to work on > Losing the last 8% body fat to go ottermode > Incorporating cardio into my routines > Keeping track of my responsibilities > Procrastination > Social anxiety