Anyone else getting Veeky Forums to get into the armed forces? Royal Engineers for myself.
Joining up
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Yep. Joining Marine Corps after college.
I'm trading in my shitty liberal arts degree for an officer position.
Why don't you just go to school to be an engineer, get a contracting job get payed more and not get cuckd by a government that doesn't give a second thought to sending you to fight meaningless wars for globalism.
I'm happy I didn't bother going to Uni. I'm doing an Electrician course at the moment, and it's the best.
Because I didn't do that well in school, desu. Got a really bad form of dyslexia and never got support.
Well that if you went to the university dep for learning disabilities they're required to help you, as far as I know in America.
To be frank, if you like people telling you want to do for a living then go for it.
IMO it's not worth being treated like a number.
Not everyone wants to be an engineer. Fell for that meme since my parents pushed it so hard on me, realized I hated it and now I can't wait to get the hell out of college so I can join the military like I originally wanted to do.
>IMO it's not worth being treated like a number.
For a lot of people, it absolutely is. I find it really hard to care about myself but if others are counting on me, I consistently surprise myself with the amount of effort I give.
Joining the Royal Navy as a Communications Information System Specialist. Really only joining because I want to get out the house and stop feeling like a loser. 21 this year and I'm living like a 16 year old.
My issue is that I don't have the grades to get into a decent Uni. I'd have to go to some no name one, which is more of a stain on your CV than a positive. I'm currently doing an electrician course, anyway. And the Royal Marines have an electrician role.
German Police Force... Not Military, still need to be really fit
yep. joining australian infantry got enlistment date next month
Learn to love running so the pt test isn't a pain in the ass every year, got mine coming up and I'm not sure I can pass, been lifting but I haven't done much cardio
I know how you feel. I'm 18 and I still feel like I'm in Seniour school.
I know how you feel. For the RM you have to be able to run a mile and half in under 11 minutes.
Sorry, RE.
Yeah trying to become Police Officer in the Airforce
Active us army enlisted nurse, LPN. Love nursing, army is meh. Shouldve gotten a nursing degree and did ROTC.
As far as PT goes, they let us do it ok our own because lol shiftwork. Test is 2 mile run, but im getting into habit of running once or twice a week and between that and walking fucking miles on the ward every day im usually ok.
Lol don't do it bro, I heard quality of life sucks balls, go tacp or combat weather, the "police officers" are gate guards or they sit in their cars for 8-12 hours a day
I'm a mech in uasf
Yep. Got my ADF assessment day tomorrow. Still studying up.
Nah we have defence guards that do that and security guard roles that also do that. Police is more investigations.
good luck dude
what you going for
What job are you going for?
Oh you mean OSI bro, yeah I heard they're legit, basically they're NCIS for the af
Ausfag but this is job listing
Ah shit my b, I thought you were american
that idea that you're treated like a number.. it's easy to see that way or say that from the outside, but when you get in and make the bonds there, it changes everything. there are few relationships as strong as those of enlisted men.
I'm in Canada and would like to join but I am on steroids and have no plans of ever coming off.
I can't swim either because raised by single motherlol.
If I was American I would seriously consider joining the Marine Corps.
>Electrician course
Is it hard? Do you have to study? Thinking of doing this
Yes. Trying to get an option 40 and pass Ranger selection.
Physiotherapy officer. 3 year IMPS, and I'd like to do infantry training if they let me.
I feel like this entire generation is going officer. Wtf
Good on you mate. What kinda training you been doing? Remember the assessment at the ATC is BARB test, team tasks, medical (all piss), then the military style lesson, 2 RMTs (representative military tasks) and the 1.5 miler in under your units time. Remember on the run its best effort and you will have done a warm up lap of at least .75 miles and you start the run almost right aftet. Its all pretty easy, just try your hardest, respect the staff, dont act like billy big bollocks, and obviously have fun.
We all got bamboozled by the university meme
Got it before joining just to get swole and it made it a million times easier. I was actually having fun at basic, while people with little fitness experience cried every week.
Man thats sooo easy. Canadian Combat Engineer here, nobody will even look at you if youre sub 10 minute on the 2.4 k/ 1.5 mile run and good is 8:45 and under
How did you get to that? A combination of long slow runs, fast paced short distance and sprints, or just doing the 1.5 loads of times and improving gradually over time?
A mix of all those things. PT is huge in the canadian forces. I just got posted to regiment after doing my trades course this year and I got put in with the combat divers who are just fuuuuucked, their PT is insane
Why aren't you already doing PLC juniors?
I'm a Sophomore right now, debating whether to apply to do PLC my Junior summer or just wait to do OCC after graduation.
Why are these threads always filled with college kids who want to be officers?
My guess is a lack of understanding as to the lifestyle of your average officer (I can only speak for the US military in this sense)
First of all they don't just let anybody become an officer. At least in the marines, OCS is 100x harder than enlisted boot camp, and unlike boot camp you can DOR. Also in most branches you don't get to choose your job as an officer. Think just because you have a college degree they're gonna let you fly or become an infantry officer? Fuck no.
I used to fuck this one ROTC girl who wanted to go EOD officer. I asked her why and she said it was because she wanted to disarm bombs. Again, fuck no. Officers aren't disarming bombs, they're not kicking in doors and going house to house, they're not trigger pullers. That's what enlisted guys do. I'm not saying there aren't some badass officers out there, but understand that a lot of the time officers are involved in administrative work and planning rather than actually doing the job. I always explain it by saying officers are coaching the team, enlisted guys are the players.
On top of all this, being an officer is committing to a military career, and for officers promotion is extremely competitive. Field grade officers have pretty much never made a mistake in their career, general officers basically walk on water. One of your PFCs loses a radio? A Lance Corporal crashes a Humvee? That's your ass.
Any questions feel free to ask. I'm obviously not an officer but I'm currently in the military.
>OCS is 100x harder than enlisted boot camp
In what way?
Any Aus Army guys here? thinking of enlisiting
how the hell is something as divisive as wars promoting globalism
also I wanna b a sick cunt pararescueman
More physically and mentally demanding. Longer hikes with a heavier load, harder PT and generally more competitive. Also theres a lot more to learn for a basically trained marine officer than enlisted marine. The marine corps doesn't need officers like they need enlisted guys, which is why OCS has the DOR option. Pretty sure they can drop you if you suck unlike boot camp where they'll just keep rolling you back into the next class.
Again I'm not an officer so I can't give you specifics but you can look up a lot of this stuff on YouTube.
In Australia it's a different story. There's an ADF sponsorship deal where people have a return of service obligation to the army, if the army pays for their degree. Most often, the army chooses to sponsor technical degrees that can't be trained within the officer colleges or schools of infantry, and the people who get those degrees tend to get cycled right into officer positions.
Then there are the direct entry schemes to fill those same skill shortages. People enlisting to be nurses, doctors, psychologists, technical tradesmen and specialists all end up being officers.
I'm guessing your average fitizen is in uni for something, has an idea of what degree or master's they want to get, and those who are interested in the army or armed forces have an idea of what they want to do. I don't know how applicable this is for the Americans on here, but it's the case in Australia.
How fast did it go from deciding to sign up and actually going to basic?
I'm going in for the initial medical exam in a few days and I'm wondering how much longer I'll have to wait
What about OCC? Do the same caveats apply?
I joines before the drawdown so it was pretty quick for me, like 3 months, but now they got guys waiting almost a year depending on the job they want.
Don't know what OCC is
>now they got guys waiting almost a year depending on the job they want.
Yeah, like me.
I started the process last May
10% of enlisted marine boots quit ,40% of OCS selected candidates quit,it's a lot easier to quit in OCS you can literally leave whenever you want to unlike boot. That's why OCS is more difficult because the fact that you can pack your things and go home very fast makes quitting so easy. If you want to become an officer your doing this for life, they expect you to join as an officer and retire one 20 something years later. Also they can drop anyone that doesn't show improvement and effort. Some applicants at my pool function already got dropped because they haven't been improving and turning in their shit.
Yeah that's how it is now. It'll probably change as trump is planning on adding 12000 marines to the corps in the coming years.
You waiting on a specific job or something?
Not the guy you're responding to but from my perspective, they take out the opposition who is opposing "globalism" and put certain people in power that will help promote globalism. Correct me if I'm wrong though...
So once you complete OCS you go to TBS right? If you complete that, how long do you have to stay? Isn't it just 3 years?
5years is the minimum contract,but I'm telling you now if you want to be an officer for 5 years you won't make it mentally.
Yeah once your commissioned a second lieutenant you wait a month or a couple till you get orders to go to TBS
whats the process for getting in infantry in aus army
Thanks this is helpful. Just to clarify, you mean that staying for just 5 years would be mentally tough since you go through all the hard training but don't get to reap any of the rewards?
Just apply. You'll submit an application, sit a YOU assessment (not a meme, it's actually called that) then sit an assessment day. Then you'll do a very basic fitness assessment, and you'll be enlisted.
Following that, you'll complete three months' training at Kapooka, then you'll do your finishing courses at Singleton if you're a rifleman, Puckapunyal if you're in armoured cav, or you'll go to Duntroon if you want to spruce up as an officer.
No, I'm saying that you really have to want it as a life long career. Sure some get by and decide to stop after 5 years but , it will be much more difficult to go through OCS, TBS knowing that this isn't what you want to do for the rest of your life.
Cool, thanks again.
>Officers aren't disarming bombs, they're not kicking in doors and going house to house, they're not trigger pullers.
Maybe not for shit like MPs, but def for shit infantry/grunt shit. Here's one that's unique to the core: Ground Intelligence Officer. Sounds white bread, but it's high speed
>unique to the core
will look into it,cheers.Do you apply online or in office?
No it would be mentally tough because as a lieutenant half your job is going to be sucking the dick of senior officers so you can get promoted, which is necessary to ensure a bearable quality of life as a junior officer. If you're not planning to make a career out of that it's going to seem pointless.
Also where's the advantage in getting out as a lieutenant? Anybody who's been in the military knows lieutenants have a pretty easy job managing like 30 dudes who only listen to him because they have to. Getting out after five will make it seem like you were forced out because you couldn't hack it.
Awe fuck yeah OP, Sappers are the way to go, Brideing is basically a dead lift and shoulder press and who doesn't love blowing shit up.
Hope you can hold your 40 beers tho....
I applied in person back in 2010, and online last year in November. Same basic turnover, but if you want a quick response, do it ASAP. Also, word to the wise, you want to be as straight edge as you can be - I got drummed out of pilot selection because I made a joke about "going down" to a female officer.
Seven years later and I'm back, bb
The only time an infantry officer is going to pull triggers and go out on patrol is as a lieutenant and even then it's going to be more likely they are in the rear at the CP. They definitely won't be clearing any houses.
>ground intelligence officer
Don't fall for this trap either. My platoon commander (scout sniper platoon) is an 0203 and he would never be allowed to go outside the wire with is because he knows nothing about our job. He plays a very key role of course, but there's nothing high speed about what he does.
Counter intelligence, now that's some high speed shit.
what job?
enjoy having no friends. no one likes MPs
joining the commandos in the ADF
direct entry?
go infantry first. pretty much 0% chance of getting in through direct entry cos youre competing against guys already in the RAR
Already got friends m8
Have fun talking to retards the rest of your life. Also no career opportunities
Anyone here /para/
I feel you m80, we got this.
>mfw other countries constantly recruit people
>mfw mine only recruits once or twice a year
>mfw my 1.5mile time still sucks dick
Enjoy struggling to walk at 35 with them styrofoam knees mate
Going to boot camp in Pendleton in a month, is it true they starve you? I don't wanna become DYEL lads
Considering going into Air force (US), any tips/advice or shit I should expect?
my only reservation is
do people in the military get laid alot?
USAF security forces. Leaving September
Google Stew Smith. He's a former SEAL who now makes books/ebooks on how to ace military fitness tests/selection events. His workouts are pretty insane and will definitely get you in the shape you need to be in. He also puts out a ton of free stuff, like a 6 week 1.5-2 mile training plan.
If your leaving in a month son you should prob know where your going, yes? Your not going to Camp Pendleton, your headed to MCRD San Diego. If your fat, yup your gonna starve if your too thin their gonna bulk you. Have fun pup
im training so when our God Emperor Trump sends me to battle on a second round of crusades to retake the holy land ill be ready
Ooh sup future sapper, what trade you looking at? If I lived in a city with a reserves EOD unit I'd have joined up years ago.
Any Army Air Corps here? Being in the joining process since August 2016, Medical staff requested 2 tests on my ear because i had surgery a while ago.
Fucking NHS finally got my appointment though after months of nagging them, hoping it'll be smooth process after this.
Nigger, Marine boot camp on the west coast takes place at MCRD San Diego, you only go to camp Pendleton for rifle qual, which is like 1-2 weeks.
Ex Royal Engineer here. You made the right choice OP, all other regiments are full of faggots. Do you know what your trade is going to be yet?
It'll be difficult to get laid at your duty station if you're only redeeming quality is that you're in the military (if that can even be considered a redeeming quality). It's easy for me being stationed in Hawaii where there's a constant influx of tourists and college students.
When you go home it's super easy to get laid. Literally like fishing with dynamite
> all other regiments are full of faggots
Tell us where the mean paras touched you
My bother in law is in 3 para so might be that
he will earn more money than you ith less stress and bullshit coworkers, cubicle monkey
>living like a 16 year old
what does this look like?
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