>Eduard Bloch, a Jewish doctor, given special protection by Hitler for treating his mother when Hitler was a kid
>Emil Maurice, a Jewish founding member of the SS, not only protected but given a "honorary Aryan" status by Hitler himself
>Ernst Hess, Hitler's commanding officer in WW1, once again a Jew protected on Hitler's orders, even had Jewishness erased from his identification documents
Was Hitler ever actually serious about this Jew thing? It seems every Jew that Hitler knew personally received special privileges.
Eduard Bloch, a Jewish doctor, given special protection by Hitler for treating his mother when Hitler was a kid
Other urls found in this thread:
big brain: the nazis did literally whatever they felt like doing
One of them was said to have gone "I decide who is a Jew". They were serious about it but they were also human beans who had natural sympathies and interpersonal biases.
"I am now referring to the evacuation of the Jews, the extermination of the Jewish people. It's one of those things that is easily said: 'The Jewish people are being exterminated', says every party member, 'this is very obvious, it's in our program, elimination of the Jews, extermination, we're doing it, hah, a small matter.' And then they turn up, the upstanding 80 million Germans, and each one has his decent Jew. They say the others are all swines, but this particular one is a splendid Jew. But none has observed it, endured it. Most of you here know what it means when 100 corpses lie next to each other, when there are 500 or when there are 1,000. To have endured this and at the same time to have remained a decent person — with exceptions due to human weaknesses — has made us tough, and is a glorious chapter that has not and will not be spoken of. Because we know how difficult it would be for us if we still had Jews as secret saboteurs, agitators and rabble-rousers in every city, what with the bombings, with the burden and with the hardships of the war. If the Jews were still part of the German nation, we would most likely arrive now at the state we were at in 1916 and 17."
-Heinrich Himmler
>One of them was said to have gone "I decide who is a Jew".
Goring said that
>Sure he had millions of jews murdered, but he also made an exception for two jews and didn't murder them
user, I...
Hitler actually signed a lot of exemption letters to Mischling (half and quarter Jews) trying to enlist in the Wehrmacht.
Samefag. Also
>holocaust happened
He may not have killed every jew he personally met but he still treated most of them badly. Wolfgang Fürstner for example was demoted from the commanding of the olympic village of 1936 olympics and ended offing himself because he was going to be expelled of every post related to the army because of his Jewish ancestry.
What did the other deleted post say? Not samefag by the way, my only post was the one about how Hitler making two exceptions doesn't really make him not anti-jew.
Jews are as bad as Germans.
>even nazis were hypocrites
is there no escape from such moral decadence
>Literally let go a rothschild after paying a ransom
You tell me
>developing a pesticide makes you evil
>developing pesticide isn't evil
>but using pesticide on parasitical organisms is evil
Ur mums a parasitical organism
Well yeah she's a female.
>developing pesticide isn't evil
>but using pesticide on parasitical organisms is evil
Are you dense? That's like calling Nobel evil for inventing dynamite, it's even worse than that.
>Hurr Durr I better not create this pesticide for it may be used against my fellow brethren...
Westerners don't hate jews, they hate the idea of jews.
You and the most of the people on this board are brought up in Western culture, which is based on the Roman empire, a completely decadent force that had holidays based around sodomy, destroyed countless morally and culturally superior civilizations for short term resources, and killed the God they would later worship hundreds of years later. Jews revolted against the Romans and became their enemy and filled the niche as scapegoat after they became disapora. If you are a westerner, you are likely brought up with the value that Jews killed Jesus (even though Romans did it) and that Jews are responsible for the bad shit in the West even though the West bases itself on decadent Rome. As such, when you think of "jew", the average Westerner doesn't think of another human being who happens to be of a different faith, they think of a scapegoat to unleash all of their personal vises on an and embellish like a cartoon character. I've seen /pol/ threads where they seriously talk about Jews they've met, and they either have never met them or turn out to be decent people just like every other human being.
Nah. It's like this man.
If your in a college dorm and every roommate you've had was an asshole, they weren't assholes. You are.
Europeans (mostly western Europeans) and more recently muslims are the only ones who have continual negative relations with Jews. Good job also responding to what I said with facts
They are also the only populations that actually lived with jews.
Think about what I said. It will help you get along with people better throughout your life.
>Europeans (mostly western Europeans)
The fuck? Western Europeans were the ones sucking Jewish cock for centuries. We were the ones killing the fuckers.
t. Eastern Euro
maybe britain, but eh
caucas, north america, and persia iirc didn't have any problems with them, central asia in general seems to have populations scattered about there that don't have any conflict.
>Think about what I said. It will help you get along with people better throughout your life.
I like jews more than christians on a religious level because they don't give millions of dollars to bling, vain, catholic churches or people like Peter Popoff or that guy who bought a $37 million dollar jet instead of to charity or to the local community. Judaism also doesn't streamline itself except for when its needed compared to Christianity which alienates its older followers in an attempt to gain as much wide appeal as possible. Just look at how more liberal churches are pushing lgbt, they've done this forever. Judaism as a religion is more healthy to its followers than Christianity is. Christianity leaves its followers with false promises, I think. God should not be anthromorphized
making the first few chapters of kershaw mandatory to post would reduce hitler threads between 14 and 88%
Is this proof that Hitler wasn't a maniac?
Shut the fuck up. Eastern Europeans are worthless
>I like jews more than christians on a religious level
That's nice cupcake
I really don't give a shit about either.
Whatcha up to there, rabbi?
>Fritz Haber: Jewish developer of the Haber Method which is what allowed for artificial fertilizer to be produced in mass quantities, which then allowed for billions of people to not starve
He's trying to be clever and to say Jews are parasitical organisms
Get cucked, bob.
What book are you referring to?
Hop back to the oven.
/pol/ when will you learn that Veeky Forums is the favorite slut of the Jew. You can leave now, I have some cocksucking to do.
bigger brain: the nazis did everything their Jewish masters told them to do.
Ernst Hess only got to enjoy it for a while, between 1941 and 1945 it was revoked and he spent the rest of the war in a labor camp
>big brain: the nazis did literally whatever they felt like doing
In all instances of society.
Most likely only upto the point it could get him into power via populism and keeping himself there.
Nothing surprising about double standards in Nazis.
>just imagine if some /pol/ NEET ran your life and decided if you listened to music that wasn't "Tannhauzer, Burzum and the Evangelion OST" you would be shot in the back of the head.
> 40,000 Jews served in the SS
Wait does this mean we could've had an Anne Frank Waffen SS division?
Jesus Christ that's taking censorship to absurd levels
>le polish death camps
why has this meme become so popular recently
good coming out johhny, we always knew you were gay for your nazi comrades
In every race no matter how bad they are you are always going to get a handful of decent ones.
number of jews who died>number of jews on earth
Actually it dates back to Karl Lueger, I'm not sure if Göring is confirmed saying the same
German-Jewish narrative to blame Nazis on Poles, so the Germans can become good guys again and Jews have someone else to milk for dem sweet Holakost moniez.
William D. Montalbano, “The Jews in Hitler’s Military,” Los Angeles Times, Dec. 24, 1996.
Tom Tugend, “Grad student uncovers Jews who fought for Adolf Hitler,” Jewish Telegraph Agency, Dec. 26, 1996.
Lenni Brenner, Zionism in the Age of the Dictators.
His best friend was a Jew too. History sure knows how to be ironic.
Polish paranoia and persecution complex, a defining part of their national character.
>getting blamed for German Death Camps
>getting blamed for German Death Camps
Yep, that's the paranoia part.
that some revisionist shit
A nazi concept.
>be Boland
>get shot
I knew it...
Because many poles were (and still are) anti-Semitic and took part in Pogroms against Jews it means they're literally as bad as the Nazis despite thousands of Poles risking their lives to save the Jews during WWII
>It's another state-sanctioned anti-German thread
Biggest brain: The nazis ARE the jews
Maybe it was a case of "All jews are bad unless proven otherwise." Which would explain the writs of pardon for half and quarter Jewish soldiers in the wehrmacht. This would also explain Hitler pardoning the doctor who saved his mother's life and his old commanding officer who fought for Germany along side him.
normal people don't need any sanctioning to hate g*rmans
He doesn't blame Poles for death camps though
But why can't Poles speak about Jews that genocided Poles? Only Jews are allowed to whine about Polacks.
>im racist but i like the _____ i actually know
Funny how that works