Hook Grips

You guys ever use these? i was thinking of either getting these or a set of straps cause i lose my grip sometimes. anyone familiar with them?

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Oh god


deadlift grip straps instead

and even then you shouldn't be using those until you're a serious powerlifter

Never use these or straos. They'll compensate for your grip but only hurt you in the long run.
Always do double overhand till your grip fails. Then learn how to do hookgrip.
Your thumb will hurt, but it's supposed to only be for 1-2 reps you can't finish in a set. Then back to double overhand the next set till failure.

You'll train your grip this way and be able to finish. If you're a really big bitch, do mixed grip.

I would go with straps, seem easier and more durable in the long-run.

You want straps.
Straps are way cheaper and can be used for twice as many kinds of lifts.

Don't listen to fat virgin neckbeards that tell you to never use straps. These are the same faggots that never work their calves. Use them only when your grip starts to weaken or the weight is too much, but feel free to use them.

Your back is stronger than your forearms and it always will be. If you don't want to use any kind of grip support then the size and strength of your back will always be limited by your weaker forearms. Your forearms get plenty of work from every exercise that requires you to hold onto a weight with your hands, so don't worry about getting too little work on your forearms.

He shouldn't use or need straps till at least 4pl8. Even then I'm nearing 5pl8 double overhand. I can probably do it mixed but fuck 1repmax.
Guaranteed he does sub 3pl8.

Your advice is contradictory.

Lifting with straps will destroy your forearm gains.

There is zero reason you can't deadlift to at least 3pl8 with double overhand grip.

tfw deadlift is at 3 plate

tfw can go higher but I literally can't do more than 1 rep because I lose my grip

tfw have to fully let go and pick it up again from scratch until I get my 5 reps

There is nothing wrong with that. Just make sure your form is good and work to 2 full reps. Then 3. Then 3 DOH and 2 hook grip. And keep going.

what if i do static holds and farmers walks?
using straps and not fucking up my thumbs is the better option in my opinion

My grip strength it pathetically week. it can barely hold two plates for a full set

Well Jesus Christ.
Since we have to make everything so complicated around here then I'll change my suggestion.

Don't use straps.
If you are unable to hold onto something because your grip gives out before your back does then set it on the ground and stare at it.

If you try to pick it up and you still can't hold onto it then stare at it longer. If you insist on using straps and continuing your workout instead of staring at the too heavy weight then you are a pussy because real men stare at heavy weight instead of using equipment to help them lift it.

most i've done is 285, i lose my grip really quick when i try to push myself, i just hate my grip being a limiting factor.

Have a 4.5 plate deadlift. Have NEVER used straps even for light 20 rep deadlift touch and go sets or my one rep max where I managed to hold my max for freaking 20 seconds. How? LEARN TO FUCKING HOOK GRIP.

is the best advice. There is no fucking secret exercise or movement other than just doing it. You expect some "do THIS movement so YOU can hold on to heavy stuff or you are basically stupid" but there is none.

Do overhand. When it becomes too heavy, do mixed. If that fails, convert to hook grip. Only then should MAYBE consider straps cause when you have the pain tolerance for hook grip, shit is so powerful you'll be surprised what you can hold on to.

No reason to use anything other than chalk on your level

>There is zero reason you can't deadlift to at least 3pl8 with double overhand grip.

I've been a climber for 5 years, a climbing session is basically an hour of forearm isolations, I'd like to think I have high grip strength, and too much further after 4pl8 it's nearly impossible to double overhand for reps without slipping everwhere. A quick google puts the record double overhand at 290kg.

You need straps. I can't see someone without prior grip strength training getting much further than 3pl8

I like to use these. Not for the gym, but for pretending to be a pirate. I also put on an eyepatch and chase my cat around the house, shouting that he's a swashbuckling son of a wench.

what are you, a fag?

where do people get off posting this type of uninformed garbage?

straps are an excellent training tool, mixed grip is perfectly fine, and you are only short changing yourself if you don't use straps at some point (you could be doing more VOLUME with them)

anyone who has runs something like Sheiko knows how much doing 15 sets of deadlifts tears your hands up

never give advice on here again

it's less about absolute weight and more about volume

when I was doing one working set of deadlifts in the mid 400s a week, I didn't need straps

when I started doing higher volume programming where i potentially had 8 sets of deadlifts, and then bench, and then another few sets of a deadlift variant - straps become essential, your grip does not have that type of endurance


here's what you do

do your main, conventional deadlift sets with mixed grip and chalk (do every rep, from warmup to working sets with mixed grip)


then for secondary pulling work like high volume romanian deadlifts, or rack pulls, or heavy DB rows, or something like that, you can strap up

if you deadlift multiple times a week, it's probably smart to lean on the straps more on that second day (hands get beat up otherwise)

They don't hurt you in the long run at all because you're still lifting the weight. What hurts you is squat shoes that don't give you any good form at all

you should instead buy fatgripz to make your grip strength even better

Did you try a mixed grip? If yes, let me laugh at your puny forearms

Straps have their use in specific exercises (eg: snatch grip DL), but I agree that on regular lifts you should do without

What is DOH ?

Double overhand

>He shouldn't use or need straps till at least 4pl8.
>he shouldn't need

What the fuck did you mean by this? My grip fails after 2.5 plates. What kind of function does "shouldn't" opinion of some retarded user on chinese message board mean?

i would rather kill myself than use mixed grip

They look catty.

Are you comfortable with mixed grip? Get straps to do mixed grip with straps.
Do you want them to keep lifting double overhand? maybe get pic related.

>My grip fails after 2.5 plates.
Then you should work on that. Do you seriously use straps for sub 3pl8?
My working weight right now is 3pl8 and I don't need hook grip till my last set. Don't even think about mixed grip or using straps.

But I do farmers walks, static holds, and hex holds so my grip can keep up with my overall strength.

ITT ego lifters give advice based on ego rather than function.

Equipment is equipment. Why use an incline bench when you could just develop the necessary back flexibility and core and posterior chain strength to simply stand and lean back when doing incline bench? You want to be a real man, don't you?


Are you retarded? Deadlift helps train grip. In fact I'd say it does that better than any other part of your body.
Removing that removes a huge part of the lift.

With incline, the point isn't to train your core. You do other lifts for that.

>mixed grip with straps

I was doing heavy volume deadlifts. 2 times a day three times a week. 30 reps per session.

Granted, I had a background in rock climbing.

I bet that in a month you could acquire the requisite endurance.

Not utilising straps or mixed grip because you're not getting the maximum overload you could be, but if that was what I was interested in I'd be doing rack pulls instead.