How did he do it Veeky Forums

how did he do it Veeky Forums

indirect opener
false time constraint
magic tricks
NLP anchors
eliciting values
pump the buying temperature, etc

>how did he do it Veeky Forums
someone photoshoped it... for satans sake, look at the Pixels...

are you making fun of it... shit does work if you look good.

I look good and understand it logically, read The Game like 4 times over the last 15 years, but it doesn't work because I have aspergers

Not wearing a pimp suit made for Santa Claus was probably a good start.

Who else am I gonna wear my pimp suit for?

It is short term solutions for underlying problems.

get read of aspergers first dude, shit is no good for you...

>get rid*

>short term solution
well i would say... if you train enough, you will look good and be strong.
Same with pick up, if you go out side and approach enough, you will be good and will have a ready tongue to attract grills.
Everything is just Training and commitment.

>plastic surgery

I find that interaction is way too unpredictable. A lot of girls can tell if you're not actually as confident as you put forth. I find I'm happier actually being more confident and accepting of myself than memorizing lines and feeling bad when I would get turned down.

No the interaction is not unpredictable... from that i can tell that you are not talking with alot of Girls...
Humans are way to predictable. I can only repeat myself.
if you go out side and approach enough, you will be good at it and will have a ready tongue to attract grills.
You dont Need to memorize something, just go outside and Approach. Fucking Train!
If you see it like Training, you will not fell bad if you get turned down. Dont anticipate something for the interaction but be ready for everything!
Dont ever accept the lesser Version of yourself! but be confident and work to be the best you can be. On the way you will be always happy and fuck alot of grills.

>you will not feel bad*

>from the interaction*

Pick up artists are all autists. They're "actors" who weasel and mislead random women into giving them their numbers, and if anything comes of it, the charade is bound to collapse, leaving the poor, insecure bastard vulnerable. If you associate yourself with "Pick up", you're socially retarded. Just be a regular human being and approach a women you're interested in. Being some fake person with a rehearsed act is borderline serial killer territory.

Stop making typos and correcting them you cunt. Either proof read your long ass posts that nobody cares about, or just fucking leave it.

Dang, was about to knock out. I'll be as clear as I can. I totally agree with the practice. Yes, practice and just keep asking girls out. But there are people on this board that are ripped and handsome and whathaveyou that still have no actual confidence. It's being comfortable with yourself that lets you actually be charming without being on the lookout for anything she might say. That's been my experience. I'm happier with still working on myself and seeing myself improve but also carrying myself in a confident matter because I fully accept that I'm a good person.

I spoke completely anecdotally, but I simply wasn't happy with other ways. I understand what you mean though, I misinterpreted. Have a good night, dude.

maybe its just me but im attracted to being the dude all alone even though nobies ever gonna sit next to me

you know someone is mentally ill when they understand their flaws enough to try and cover them up, but not so much that they put any effort into fixing them.

no and no
just deal with it.

Value! you are talking about value.
You are right, if you put yourself under the Girl, you are not going to make it, NEVER!
Yeah i saw handsome ripped guys that put thereselfs underneath the HB (hot babe) and i saw normal guys, or even Kind of chubby ones that put there value above the HBs and they are lying!
Practice to have a ready tongue, innergame to be confident with you but always work to be xour better Version.

>a tripfag being an annoying cunt
What else would one expect?

forgive me, i just want to help and feel useful.
Everybody have his cunt moments, its early in the morning here and im hungry.
I want us to be friends user. Take this flowers as sign of friendship.


didn't this nigga get laid like 13 times a year and brag about it
i know people for whom that is a slow month or two

>shit does work if you look good

Everything works if you're attractive. PUA is for ugly people who want to be attractive, but can't.

fuck yourself

Tsuuuuuuuuuuuu inbetween sets. Ronaldo is my hero.