Was he a Kurd?
Was he a Kurd?
he killed millions
The Medians were Kurds. His family has median ties. Yes, but Median and Persians were considered as the same people. This is why only Medians and Persians were allowed to join the immortal guards.
He was from Cyprus. The rest is eugenics
The idea that Medes = Kurds has been refuted multiple times already. Please KYS, you retard.
BTW, it's Medes not Medians, you stupid piece of shit.
He was aryan
He was a retard who made the mistake of sparing the Jews. He should have either forced conversion or massacred them. Instead, he let them build their Second Shitty Temple and write the filth called Talmud.
Ardeshir I and the pragmatic ruthlessness of Sassanian kings were superior to the naivete and impotence of the Achaemenids. You cannot rule an empire via giving space and respecting the differences of various tribes TOO much; sometimes you must impose your wars and force assimilation, otherwise you will suffer.
The Jews should not have been spared.
And what do Persians get in return? The Jews made up the lie of Purim and created fictional characters like Esther in order to self-victimize themselves for gibs. Aye, it would have been better to have ended the plight of Jews there and then and spare this world the misery which the Abrahamic myths have inflicted.
You can't be an empire and then destroy every nation you've already conquered. You'd revert to a kingdom.
No he was a Northern European according to Veeky Forums
We are all Kurds
It's all true you miserable fuck.
Cyrus was born in the region of Persia, while the Kurds live in northwestern Iran.
So nope.
No he wasn't subhuman
>It's all true
There is no historical basis to the story of Esther, retard.
The only reason people fixate on Koroush (Cyrus' name in Persian) is because of his relevance to Judeo-Christian BS. Ardeshir I was a far more capable and important king to Persian history.
There is no such thing as "Medians", you mean Medes, and the Medes and Persians were for all intents completely identical sans the fact the latter were somewhat semi-nomadic pastorals who settled in Southern Iran while the Medes were settled and urbanized in the Northern areas. Cyrus' maternal grandfather, his mother's father, was the last reigning Mede King.
Jews have never done any good for Iran, despite all the kindness Iranians have shown them. Truly the worst people.
t. Turk
Not that user but the claims that Kurds are descendants either directly or indirectly to the Medes has been repeatedly debunked by historians from Europe and Asia as well as anthropologists. Modern Persians have far better ties to claiming to be Medes than modern Kurds do.
They aren't Medes though. The term "Kurd" already existed in the late Arsacid (Parthian) / early Sassanian language and periods as a group of outcasts and pariahs in Middle Persian. And they were completely independent of the Medes still living in Media-Atropatene. Also the only scholar I know of who pushes this is some Kurdboo Russian academic whose arguments have never been accepted by Iranianologists.
>The term "Kurd" already existed in the late Arsacid (Parthian) / early Sassanian language and periods as a group of outcasts and pariahs in Middle Persian. And they were completely independent of the Medes still living in Media-Atropatene
Damn, link to this? So you are saying Kurdish identity is even MORE legitimised?
The Kurds back then weren't ethnically homogeneous back then.